Back from the 'Raq

Indeed, welcome back!

And, if I may put on a recruiter hat: Please consider joining a veteran's organization such as the VFW ( The larger the membership of such Veteran's advocacy organizations the more likely our elected officials will pay attention to veteran's concerns.

Thank you.
Welcome home, SD!

Glad you made it out of the sandbox OK!

My neice just got married a few months ago... and her husband is an E-5 with the Rangers... and Joe just rotated in-country last month...

It's gonna be a long year of waiting an praying!

Not sure if any of the dinosaurs I served with are even still around... as the group kind of faded away from eachother... so I have no idea if any of my old buddies are playing this time around or not...

When George Sr. had his turn in the sand... I at least got a call from my old CO... :)

One thing is for sure... MANY, MANY Brothers (and Sisters) in arms ARE still in harms way... so, keep your head on a swivel, your stance low, and watch out for your team-mates, Gang!

Best Regards,


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