Awsome Key In speed 6 sec. Knockout punch by Master Karan Narang

Before anyone takes my comment the wrong way. Keep in mind that my comment is more about the person who was punched than the person who was doing the punching.

Not feeling this one..It was good ground coverage but the person getting hit has really bad reaction time and was easily distracted. This is something we are currently working on in my school. Here are the 2 main things I tell students to keep in mind.
1. Moving to the side is better than moving backwards. People may punch with the anticipation that you'll move back so they make sure they cover enough ground to account for the opponent moving backwards.

2. You can only retreat as far as you rear foot. The closer your feet the shorter distance you have to retreat. Even when he steps back with his foot he's still in range.

The other thing is punch recognition and punch commitment recognition. In this case the hands are moving to distract the person and to hide the real commitment to the punch. In this case the punch commitment is not in the punch but the lead leg. Punch recognition is understanding which punch is coming. At distances like this it's common that the lead hand is the hand that is going to strike because it's the closest. It is also clear that the body will need to either close the gap slowly by moving forward bit by bit or to close the gap quickly.

I think it would have been more impressive if he tried to punch someone that was able to recognize punches and movement better.
It's a jab punch. Is there supposed to be point to this thread?
Off-hand, I'd say it looks more like a JKD-style straight lead.

Key In - instead of spamming the forum with a bunch of clips of your instructor, why don't you post a thread in the Meet & Greet section introducing yourself and talking a bit about your training.
It's a straight jab. Nothing special. The target never moved or countered. Anybody could pull that off like that.
It's a straight jab. Nothing special. The target never moved or countered. Anybody could pull that off like that.
Maybe I should put the video of Claudia punching me 3 times in almost the same time it took for him to throw 1. lol.
Maybe. You were trying to resist. But that's how it is with Claudia. No slight on you. She treated everybody that way & there wasn't much you could about it except close & envelop her.
Maybe. You were trying to resist. But that's how it is with Claudia. No slight on you. She treated everybody that way & there wasn't much you could about it except close & envelop her.
Non-taken. I was proud to be able to show it, because it was a good combo. For me a good combo is a good combo even if I'm not the one throwing it. I actually use that video as a training tool for the other students so they don't make the same mistake that I did. I learned from it and that's what counts.
left hand not defending and not a KO. video should be: "how to hit a guy standing completely still for you to hit him".
Maybe I should put the video of Claudia punching me 3 times in almost the same time it took for him to throw 1. lol.

Maybe Sir before writing its better you see the punches one again on the clip
Its not 1 punch ...but 2 ..maybe too fast for you too see it ...?)

I was there ..and i can confirm that the guy not had absolutly time to move up

Last thing ..

Means that the speed created comes from the practice of Zhan zhuang and Static position

Different way of training just that
Goodbye to all

By the way ..before pointing the finger in wrong direction ...its better first too look a video a couple of time
How many older folks remember ACAMAC?

Sounds strangely familiar to me!
How many older folks remember ACAMAC?

Sounds strangely familiar to me!

ACAMAC!!!! I couldn't remember the exact name, but I kept hearing barely comprehensible jabbering & "Mars Attacks" all at the same time!
How many older folks remember ACAMAC?

Sounds strangely familiar to me!


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