Avoiding the overzealous student...

This is only my yellow belt test. My instructor is really big on getting the yellow/orange belt techniques down since he says it lays the framework for kenpo. I think now that he knows how enthusiastic I am about advancing that he'll probably see me through orange a bit more quickly than it took me for yellow belt.
Hey Scott,

I see that you have already asked your instructor if you qualify for a grade advancement so my advice is post event. Still my advice has an explanation for why it works out.

like you did, if i felt that I was advancing I would ask my teacher if I could advance, and be eager to be advanced. He will then most likely go over what you have been taught and either move you along or tell yo what you need to work on.

This does one thing. It puts you in the instructors mind as someone that wants to advance. Also, sometimes instructors treat everyone the same even though some people learn differently. By asking the instructor, it remains in his unconcious mind that you should be treated differently, that he should pay attention to you. (this happens because most students don't ask.)

Yes, it's rude to ask like some are suggesting above, however, it spurrs the instructor to act and not just apply the same time period foradvancing to everyone in the class. This is why you ask only once or twice. And then don't again, because asking after that you become that annoying student and not the student that wants to advance.

I'm telling you all this because you say you'vebeen practincing everyday. Now if you haven't been practicing a whole lot and suck at your art then... Asking will only bring you trouble.

my two cents.
I know it can be rude to ask for a rank increase so I made sure I worded it correctly to my instructor. The way we (instructor and I) went about it was to evaluate my techniques to see if I can move on to other skill sets. We had a good talk about what I need to work on in order to advance my skills in kenpo. Thanks.
I know it can be rude to ask for a rank increase so I made sure I worded it correctly to my instructor. The way we (instructor and I) went about it was to evaluate my techniques to see if I can move on to other skill sets. We had a good talk about what I need to work on in order to advance my skills in kenpo. Thanks.

Sounds like you had a productive conversation. Good luck!