Atrocities Like This Make You Wonder ...


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
Remind me again why we are still spending the lives of our soldiers and a lot of money we cannot afford in this country?

Maybe we should partition the place, with all the women moved to somewhere safe from their menfolk?

It's not often that I am left bereft of sensible comment but this story took the wind out of me :(. It's the sort of emotional reaction that sets off a voice in the back of your mind that says, "Move the innocents out and nuke the place flat".

Touch Of Death

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May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Remind me again why we are still spending the lives of our soldiers and a lot of money we cannot afford in this country?

Maybe we should partition the place, with all the women moved to somewhere safe from their menfolk?

It's not often that I am left bereft of sensible comment but this story took the wind out of me :(. It's the sort of emotional reaction that sets off a voice in the back of your mind that says, "Move the innocents out and nuke the place flat".
You know if guys weren't stabbiing their girlfriends all the time in the West, I might tend to agree.:rolleyes: Crazy things happen all the time due to requited love all over the world. I am just saying.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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You know if guys weren't stabbiing their girlfriends all the time in the West, I might tend to agree.:rolleyes: Crazy things happen all the time due to requited love all over the world. I am just saying.

Really? You do know that women are objects to be owned out there not objects of love? The girl belonged to her father who decides who she marries, her husband will be the one who can pay the most for her. Killing her was done to deprive him of his possession not to get at her. It's not a 'Muslim' thing either rather a cultrual one of the region, India, Pakistan and surrounding countries are the same regardless of religion.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Violence against women in Afghanistan is endemic. A nationwide survey of 4,700 women, published in 2008, found that 87.2 percent had experienced at least one form of physical, sexual, or psychological violence or forced marriage in their lifetimes.
* * *
Fifty-seven percent of all marriages that take place in Afghanistan are classified as child marriages by UNIFEM (under the legal age of 16), and 70 to 80 percent as forced marriages.

Read the links in this article before you decide this is a lover's tiff gone wrong.


Green Belt
Nov 15, 2012
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Can't be right can it?
They seem to be about where we were a couple of hundred years ago in terms of equality.
Violence is everywhere though, not to condone this sort of thing but it's not just the moslems.


Jul 31, 2003
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So obviously these countries dont REALLY have a problem with this..I mean "violence" is everywhere...people stab their girlfriends...nothing unusual here.



Green Belt
Nov 15, 2012
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Well we'll not change them that's for sure.
No recidivism following capital punishment, single round comes in a lot cheaper than social worker or probation officer salaries.
More effective too.
Chinese send the ammo bill to the relatives.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Can't be right can it?
They seem to be about where we were a couple of hundred years ago in terms of equality.
Violence is everywhere though, not to condone this sort of thing but it's not just the moslems.

I would say we've never actually had the same mindset even a couple of hundred years ago. Women have never been treated with such violence here as in many Asian countries. Women here may not have been free but were seen at least as valuable, in Afghan as well as surrounding areas women are actually valueless and are murdered, rapes and brutalised with monotonous regularity. School girls have aid thrown in their faces or as in Pakistan they are shot in the head because they dare to want better. Again in Pakistan there's the parent who covered their daughter in acid and left her to die because they say she dishonoured looking at a boy. In the UK we've just had the case of parents who killed their daughter for much the same thing.
This is beyond men killing their girlfriends, this is the wholesale genocide of women. This is hating women so much they are used worse than domestic animals. Yes we have domestic violence in the west but it's specific men who are actually pursued by the law, there it's just about every male in a culture that accepts this is how things are. the problem many have in the west with this is that they , being PC, announce that we can't interfere with someones culture and politicians discourage any effort made by women outside these countries to help those in them. It's clear a culture change is needed to save these women and girls but too many think we shouldn't say anything.
Dismissing what goes in in Afghanistan as merely being unfortunate and such things happen here, well they don't actually, a guy slapping his girlfriend around is different from men killing a young underage girl because her father refused to let her marry one of them. The father I imagine was looking for a better price for his daughter so they deprived him of her, no thought for the girl and how she must have suffered, she wouldn't have gone to her death a virgin that's certain, if they hadn't killed her she would have gone to prison for being raped.
It's probably hard to many to understand here what lifes like for females in these countries, it's more than just random violence it's the horror of everyday violent slavery.


Green Belt
Nov 15, 2012
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I'm not defending anyone here, it's wrong and they should be shot.
If someone is looked at as nothing but property to be done with as the owner chooses........


Senior Master
Aug 7, 2010
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Kansas City MO
Tez, my heart goes out to anyone who suffers through such madness and I can sypathize with your outrage. However, what can we do about it?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Well seeing as you've asked.... first of all understand the problem, 'whatever' doesn't cut it I'm afraid, any man that can 'whatever' to a child being killed, and the girl in the OP is a child, needs to understand a lot more about what is happening.

secondly there are organisations that work to reduce violence in your own country, help them but moreover there needs to be a change in attitudes among some countries. It's not good saying well it's there culture. South Africa and it's policy of apartheid were pressured into changing by economic sanctions and world opinion. We need to put pressure on these countries governments and really I don't care nor should we care about whether their 'right's as a country are been hurt. We are looking as the genocide of a gender, women are dying therefore we have a duty to help stop this. Find organisations that lobby your government to put this pressure on the countries involved. Public and world opinion has done a lot already, the Pakistan government has taken note and when Malala the schoolgirl was shot by the Taliban in Pakistan for going to school they've pledged to help both her and school girls, it's a start.

For those that say it's nothing to do with them, look at your wives, mothers, sisters, nieces and think there but for the grace of G-d ..........

for me, these women are my sisters under the skin. They are owed more than this miserable short brutish life, can you really turn your back on them so easily? If we each do one small thing, if we can help one life, samll things matter, they snowball into big things. this is beyond borders, beyond party politicians, this is something that everyone should be concerned about.

sponsor a girl

help an organisation

Lobby your policitians

Jewish proverb....Save a life, save the world.

We said after the Holocaust, Never Again! that doesn't just mean Jews it means anyone and everyone. What is happening to these women is no different to the Holocaust, the women have no rights, no political clout, no voice, they are being killed, tortured and enslaved, we mustn't turn our backs on them, for our sake as much as theirs. What sort of society are we, what sort of humans are we if we don't do even just a little bit to help and what happens when it's our turn who will help then?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
So obviously these countries dont REALLY have a problem with this..I mean "violence" is everywhere...people stab their girlfriends...nothing unusual here.

The point isn't that it isn't worse there--the point is that there is a continuum more than a sharp difference.

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
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May 6, 2003
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Spokane Valley WA
Well seeing as you've asked.... first of all understand the problem, 'whatever' doesn't cut it I'm afraid, any man that can 'whatever' to a child being killed, and the girl in the OP is a child, needs to understand a lot more about what is happening.

secondly there are organisations that work to reduce violence in your own country, help them but moreover there needs to be a change in attitudes among some countries. It's not good saying well it's there culture. South Africa and it's policy of apartheid were pressured into changing by economic sanctions and world opinion. We need to put pressure on these countries governments and really I don't care nor should we care about whether their 'right's as a country are been hurt. We are looking as the genocide of a gender, women are dying therefore we have a duty to help stop this. Find organisations that lobby your government to put this pressure on the countries involved. Public and world opinion has done a lot already, the Pakistan government has taken note and when Malala the schoolgirl was shot by the Taliban in Pakistan for going to school they've pledged to help both her and school girls, it's a start.

For those that say it's nothing to do with them, look at your wives, mothers, sisters, nieces and think there but for the grace of G-d ..........

for me, these women are my sisters under the skin. They are owed more than this miserable short brutish life, can you really turn your back on them so easily? If we each do one small thing, if we can help one life, samll things matter, they snowball into big things. this is beyond borders, beyond party politicians, this is something that everyone should be concerned about.

sponsor a girl

help an organisation

Lobby your policitians

Jewish proverb....Save a life, save the world.

We said after the Holocaust, Never Again! that doesn't just mean Jews it means anyone and everyone. What is happening to these women is no different to the Holocaust, the women have no rights, no political clout, no voice, they are being killed, tortured and enslaved, we mustn't turn our backs on them, for our sake as much as theirs. What sort of society are we, what sort of humans are we if we don't do even just a little bit to help and what happens when it's our turn who will help then?
So we bomb them into Western values?


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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So we bomb them into Western values?

What an odd mind you have. Who said anything about bombing them? Did anything I say to lead anyone to think I want them bombed? No one is saying they should adopt Western values, if bombing people is your idea of Western values perhaps we'd all be better without them. We are talking human rights, the right of women and girls not to be beaten, raped and forcably married off. To be able to go to school without being shot or having acid thrown over them, the right not to have to be pregenat at 13, the right to make choices.

If you have to troll do you think you could either be cleverer at it or do it somewhere else?


Green Belt
Nov 15, 2012
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Rights are odd slippery things.
The rights we take for granted weren't always such.
Women voting, taking degrees, being able to make financial and physical choices for themselves all had to be fought for, legislated over, resisted then replicated into acceptance.
We will not and cannot effect changes on another culture by imposition of our values, try as we might.
What we can do as has been usefully suggested here is support those brave people working for change within and from the cultures in need of positive change.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Bill Mattocks

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Feb 8, 2009
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It is difficult, in situations like these, to maintain perspective, but logic has to continue to play a role in even the worst of times, or we fall into error, which begets unfortunate consequences.

'Post hoc ergo propter hoc' is the name of the logical fallacy which we seem to be flirting with in this thread. The variant in this case is known as 'correlation not causation'.

In other words, Sukerkin notes that this problem is endemic in many nations such as Afghanistan, where we are currently fighting and suffering the loss of our own troops. Others have noted that this is true, and have seen the 'correlation' with the fact that Afghanistan is nearly 100% Muslim. The flawed logic of 'post hoc' leads one to believe that being Muslim causes people to behead their daughters. Big Don alluded to it when he replied "Damn those Methodists," a clear back-handed attack on Muslims, implying that Christians do not cut the heads off their daughters, while Muslims do.

'Post hoc ergo propter hoc' does not mean that there is no connection, but it does mean that the assumption is false. One would have to prove that it is a Muslim trait to perform the atrocities described in this thread.

However, there are many other possible explanations for this kind of horrific behavior, none of which are as easy to rail against (and therefore perhaps not as much fun to be indignant about, eh Don?). Afghanistan is also, in addition to being mostly Muslim, an intensely poor nation. Incredibly uneducated. Tribal in nature. In very nearly all ways, Afghanistan is a nation that has a primitive culture. Is that a Muslim trait? Well, it is seen in a lot of Muslim nations, but certainly not all of them. Turkey is largely Muslim, but it's not primitive. The UK and the USA have large Muslim populations, also not primitive. So perhaps it is more true to say that this sort of thing happens in countries which are primitive, rather than countries which are Muslim. If one wishes to imply that this is caused by being Islamic rather than by being tribal, destitute, and primitive, one would have to go some ways towards proving that.

Similar atrocities against women seem to take place in many locations around the world. Many of them are in Africa, in areas of countries which are not Muslim, but Animist, people who are members of local religions or cults rather than one of the 'Big Three' religions. Women are circumsized, killed as witches, and so on. Yet we do not rise up and blame their Animist religions; we do not rise up at all, in fact.

This reported beheading is a tragedy, and it's one of many. There is no denying that it happens in countries like Afghanistan, where there is a Muslim population, quite often. The question is whether or not being Islamic has anything to do with it. I do not think that proof has been made, nor even seriously raised. I would caution against jumping to that conclusion. As I said, drawing conclusions from logical fallacies leads to unfortunate consequences. Don't just reach for the explanation with offers the most comfort that one's own culture or religion are 'good' and therefore safe from such atrocities, while the culture or religion of the 'other' is bad and therefore the cause of such atrocities. Things are not that simple, I fear.

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