Armed robbery for a pack of cigarettes

I don't think you can necessarily discount that in this case. Look at it from their perspective, you have the reward (the smokes), what is the risk? Three guys, one of whom is armed, against a lone individual...probably not much risk from their perspective.
There's also the chance that this could have been more of a hierarchical thing where they felt the need to impose their will because he refused their demand (the whole "respect" thing).
I strongly believe you're correct on the hierarchical respect point.......look at any hierarchical gathering of young males who are prone to violence......from high school to prison.......taking something relatively insignificant away from someone else, like their cigarettes or their chocolate pudding or their lunch an act of social dominance, it's a way of asserting dominance and control over another's done in front of others, and the male the item is taken from either submits, and loses status, while the person doing the taking gains status......or he has to fight to keep whatever he takes. And since they pick their marks carefully, they know the likelihood of their target fighting back is low.

It's also why, in some settings, one can't simply write it off as 'Oh well, i'm not fighting someone over a pudding pop' there's far more at stake than a pudding prison one has to be willing to KILL to keep their 'pudding pop', or any such small transgression of male dominance......because once the label of 'MARK' is attached to you, life has just gotten INFINITELY WORSE!
"Isidro Banuelos Rodriguez was arrested on first-degree robbery charges, probation violation and being a felon in possession of a weapon."

Yea he had a record. And why in the dickens was he out of jail? Well this time, they can hold him till trial as he was on probation and was an ex-felon in posession.

Yes, very good question. With the records these people most likely had, they should all be locked up for many, many years. Amazing how the guys like this seem to end up back on the streets. *shakes head*
Yes, very good question. With the records these people most likely had, they should all be locked up for many, many years. Amazing how the guys like this seem to end up back on the streets. *shakes head*

Budget cuts my boy. Jail is expensive! Just today California is saying they may release a bunch of inmates from prison because of the budget shortfall in the state. The same California that has so many gun laws that only good people obey. Those laws, especially banning assault weapons, are aimed at gangs. But it will be lots of gang members that will be released from prision. Ironic, no?

With some in the criminal class simply committing these kinds of acts is reward alone.....they get Bravado points for the audaciousness of robbing someone for something so improves their reputation as one willing to use violence and the threat of violence to get what he wants.

This is true. There are 'thrill killers' and 'wildings'. Some are just full of hate and, well you just happen to be a handy one to lay it on. Not all robbers are killers, but we don't know the motivation of those who rob or assault us!

Budget cuts my boy. Jail is expensive! Just today California is saying they may release a bunch of inmates from prison because of the budget shortfall in the state. The same California that has so many gun laws that only good people obey. Those laws, especially banning assault weapons, are aimed at gangs. But it will be lots of gang members that will be released from prision. Ironic, no?

Instead of spending, or should I say wasting all that money on rehab, that doesn't work, put that cash to the budget.
I know there's always some form of moral objection whenever I bring this up, but when I think of the potential victims now at risk over a budget excuse I can't help but continue to ask when was the last time a criminal was released from a cemetery.
I know there's always some form of moral objection whenever I bring this up, but when I think of the potential victims now at risk over a budget excuse I can't help but continue to ask when was the last time a criminal was released from a cemetery.

Ah yes, the prison of no parole! That does tend to put a damper on their activities.

Now about budget cuts. SCOTUS has many times ruled on inhuman treatment and such as cruel and unusual punishment. And that is why they will release convicted criminals to run around on the streets and do their crimes all over again (we are not talking suspects but convicted criminals.)

There IS no cash in the budget. The states (except Texas and a few others) have piddled all their money away on all kinds of welfare projects. The idea of a balanced budget only applies to taxpayers (and even then, alot of them are in debt to their nose!)

We have become such a 'gimme' nation that want's it all RIGHT NOW that the idea of saving is, well for those who are behind the times. So maybe what is happening now is really what we deserve. Chickens have come home to roost.

I do strongly suggest those here practice their martial art with the emphasis on martial for now. And when you go to plink with the guns, spend more effort on practicing combat techniques such as snap shooting, moving, using cover, multiple targets.

Sorry, but that's the times we live in. As Obama starts seeing this trillion buck debt is gonna strangle everything, well expect more budget cuts, higher taxes, and more convicts let out (starting with Gitmo inmates.) The pain will definatly be spread around (with the exception of alot of rich liberals.)

I do strongly suggest those here practice their martial art with the emphasis on martial for now. And when you go to plink with the guns, spend more effort on practicing combat techniques such as snap shooting, moving, using cover, multiple targets.

But, Deaf... Violence is wrong. Guns Kill children, and if we just dial 911 when we are being robbed we will all be ok.

Didn't you get that memo?
It all comes down to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just yesterday I was getting gas and some idiots tried to rob the station. Some of us called the cops and that was it.

Outside pumping gas, see bad guys cause trouble, call cops. It is easy, I was a manager at a store and the joint got robbed. I wasn't there but the guy who was just said "Look pal, here's all the money. If you want the stuff in the store too well then cool."

The burgular took the money and that was it.

A lot of people drop hypotheticals of "I would do this or that in a given situation." I ask the following: How do you know if you had never been in that given situation?
Very true ... all three of you. These punks do want respect that they're not giving to others, as if their status in life deserves them because they ain't like the rich who don't have to struggle (now understand their definition of "rich"... middle class, own homes in nice clean quiet neighborhoods, nice late model car, nice furnishings, good jobs/careers et al. that's "rich" to them not the Bill Gates variety), don't have to struggle like dey do to survive day to day out on dem meen streets in da hood. I's survived here so I's erned da respect dats doo too me.
If these guys stayed in school and really paid attention during spelling classes they might get a bit more respect but not much more. :rolleyes:
It's their mindset it's how THEY see things... screw how ya'll see it, you need to live on THEIR side of the tracks for a while before you go dissin' them or disrespectin them.

So if they "ask" for something give it up but if you ain't got it then be nice about it and let them know. I've turned guys (in those type neighborhoods) down bumming smokes from me many a time, telling them an outright lie "ain't got none" (because they aren't in plain sight like a shirt pocket) or saying, dude I only got one or two left (when I might have 10-15 actually in the pack) and they nod and leave me alone. Guess it's HOW you turn them down. However; I do go by instinct and if the hairs on my neck are up then I'll give it to them like it's no problem and a privaledge to help them out.
I may be dumb but I ain't stoopid.

Maybe I've been lucky or blessed or whatever, or maybe I have enough streets in me to let them know I know "what time it is" and I ain't one to mess with. I dunno. Don't wanna know. But staying calm, rational and (yes ironically) respectful will get you out of that "killing zone" of theirs when they approach you.
As with all predators... they can smell fear.

Here's a good one for you Caver. Even if they see me buy a brand new pack most people will ask you this I've noticed. "Hey, man you got an extra cigarette?" and I usually reply with, " Nope, they only come twenty to a pack, they start making em' with 21 I'll have an extra.", and just keep on walking. Usually by the time they've actually figured out what I just told them, I'm a good 40-50 ft. away. I usually here, " Well, you ain't gotta' a be a d**k about man." Eh, who cares. They can't afford cigarettes they shouldn't smoke. Hey, come to think of it I can and I shouldn't either. LOL! Just helping a brother out with his nicotine addiction.

Shouldn't surprise us that criminals are stupid. I've always said, "Why? would you rob a circle K for $75 Bucks? Spend the time do the research and hit a place that is going to pay you millions so you have a chance of getting away with it." At least then when you do get caught, you can say, "Yeah, I had to try, it was $75 million dollars man." Your gonna' get the same amount of time whether it's $75 dollars or $75 million dollars. If your gonna' be a crook, be an overachiever. LOL!
But, Deaf... Violence is wrong. Guns Kill children, and if we just dial 911 when we are being robbed we will all be ok.

Didn't you get that memo?

Yea I got that memo. Along with the "What if They Gave a War And Nobody Came" one.

Of course, one should ask themselves, "What if They Gave a War And Only ONE SIDE SHOWED UP?"

Sure hate to be the side that didn't show up.

I look at it this way, "Do it for the children" applies to defending them to.

I was sent this by a friend in my old home town.

Notice the cop has the bad guys gun. Looks like a Mossburg bolt action 12 guage that had liberaly been sawed off! Way below the 18 inch limit. See you don't need a pistol or 'assault' rifle. Just a shotgun and a hack saw.

Yea I got that memo. Along with the "What if They Gave a War And Nobody Came" one.

Of course, one should ask themselves, "What if They Gave a War And Only ONE SIDE SHOWED UP?"

Sure hate to be the side that didn't show up.

I look at it this way, "Do it for the children" applies to defending them to.

I was sent this by a friend in my old home town.

Notice the cop has the bad guys gun. Looks like a Mossburg bolt action 12 guage that had liberaly been sawed off! Way below the 18 inch limit. See you don't need a pistol or 'assault' rifle. Just a shotgun and a hack saw.

They throw a war, and your side doesn't show up......the other side will deliver the war to your door step!
They throw a war, and your side doesn't show up......the other side will deliver the war to your door step!

We did that for may years with Carter and Clinton. We let terrorist attack us and we didn't show up! Thus we got 9/11.
