Arkansas couple celebrates birth of 18th child... yes 18th


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
Water down the soup and slice the bread thinner.
Arkansas family welcomes 18th child, a girl
Thu Dec 18, 8:46 pm ETROGERS, Ark. – An Arkansas woman has given birth to her 18th child. Michelle Duggar delivered the baby girl by Caesarean section Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Rogers. The baby, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 20 inches long.
"The ultimate Christmas gift from God," said Jim Bob Duggar, the father of the 18 children. "She's just absolutely beautiful, like her mom and her sisters."
The Duggars now have 10 sons and eight daughters.
Jim Bob Duggar said Michelle started having contractions Wednesday night. She needed the C-section, her third, because the baby was lying sideways. Jim Bob said both baby and mother were doing well Thursday night.
"We both would love to have more," he said.
More? Oh geez.
I love children and all that but 18!!?? Whew. Can't imagine the line for the bathroom(s) in the morning. :lol:
Dinners must be quite an affair as well as the holidays.
A lot of love in that house to be sure. A lot of love.

Like to see Ty and the team of Extreme Home Makeover handle THIS family! :lol:
Do they know what's causing it lol?

I think that may well be their last because the doctors don't recommend more than three c sections.

Must admit I'd have liked a big family but not sure about that many! Big families tend to receive bad press here as more often than not the families is on social security and we are paying for them. There's one I've heard of that aren't though and they seem very happy and healthy.
Do they know what's causing it lol?

I think that may well be their last because the doctors don't recommend more than three c sections.

I wouldn't count on it, you underestimate the powers of the American Evangelical movement. They are believers in this: and won't accept any form of birth control.
Well at least they're wanted and considered a blessing! I assume tax payers aren't paying for them?
Good thing for Mom: She's already buying diapers in bulk. Her stress incontinence will just disappear into the family budget.

The only opening that many people should come out of is the door on a clown car.

Not my cup of tea, but I don't have any issue with it.
Well at least they're wanted and considered a blessing! I assume tax payers aren't paying for them?

No they aren't. The Duggars have been very up-front about how they do not receive any kind of public assistance.
attention mrs. duggar: your vagina is not a clown car.

that is all.

Only one word comes to mind, "Why?"

[FONT=trebuchet ms,arial,helvetica]"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

Genesis 1:28[/FONT]
They can pay for them, they can support them, and they love them, so why not?

Personally 18 children will never come out of my vagina, 4 would be pushing it for me.... but if it works for them then so be it.
I've know at least 1 woman who subscribed to this idea. She also wanted a large family, and adopted 2 additional kids. Last I knew she had around 7.
They can pay for them, they can support them, and they love them, so why not?

Personally 18 children will never come out of my vagina, 4 would be pushing it for me.... but if it works for them then so be it.

I think thats the main point really, I've been pregnant five times but sadly only have two children, it's hard sometimes to see people who can push out kids like shelling peas! The main thing is that they are wanted, with so many children being born now that are 'accidents' it's nice to have children who are welcomed to the world. I have doubts about their religious thinking but as long as it doesn't involve me it's fine.
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