Archery Anyone?

I enjoy archery! I don't have a recurve bow, mine is a compound. I do want to purchase a nice recurve, though. I enjoy archery both on the range and while hunting. However, there are not a lot of options here with regards to ranges. The only range I know of us an indoor range at a local pawn shop (not exactly where I would like to go shoot).
I would love to get into it how much does startup equipment cost?
I loved archery as a kid and had several bows. Haven't practiced the art in many years, though. I would love to get back into it. I prefer recurves to compounds. :)
Jonathan Randall said:
I loved archery as a kid

Same here..Shot very 3 times a week at the YMCA..There was a set a standards established by the Camp Archery Association..We all shot to see if we could make the coveted rank of American Archer..What great memories...
Been shooting for a while and have fired both recourve and compound bow. I prefer teh compound bow as it is easier on the arm and allows you to shoot longer. From what I understand, firing the japanese long bow is quite strenuous. There is a place in connecticut that I have heard does it but I have never actually talked to any of them. Does anyone have an experience with any other archery disciplines from either South, east Asia, China, or the Middle East? What about our friends in the western martial arts associations English Long bow anyone?

White Fox said:
I would love to get into it how much does startup equipment cost?

That really depends. A high end, hand-made recurve could cost over $1000, while a starter compound could cost $150. Good quality aluminum arrows might run about $140 for a dozen, while high-end graphite competition arrows might run $40 each. There is a whole range of prices for different types of bows and arrows.

Visit a bow shop, or a sporting goods store that has a good archery dept. and talk to them to get what you need. Make sure you are talking to someone who is knowledgeable. Not everything is the same quality, even if it looks the same on the surface.

wherebouts are you located?
beau_safken said:
Hmm had no idea there was a archery range at the park...damn there is a lot of stuff in this city.....

Oh yeah. I don't get out there very often, but on occasion it's fun. It is out near the beach, at about 46th avenue, right next to the golf course, on the north side of the park. There is a road entering the park that goes right past the range.
beau_safken said:
Weird...who would have figured. Kyudo stuff or just plain old archery?

Most people are just plain archery, a lot of compound bows but also recurves and straights. On occasion I have seen some people doing kyudo.

There is a small archery shop up on Balboa st., at about 40th avenue or so, just a little corner shop, but a nice guy who works there, always tries to be helpful. He rents out equipment to beginners, and will take them to the range to help them learn the technique.
I love archery! :ultracool

Been shooting for 3-ish years recurve target archery and I've just got back into it after a hand injury.

Also recently I got my hands on an English longbow and have had great fun (and cuts :( - need glove) getting to grips with it.

Archery Rules!