Archery Anyone?

A group of people I train with also has an archery day on the first sunday of the month. Fun stuff.

Despair Bear
What kind of bows did you people shoot? I use wooden longbows in the English style and the Cherokee Native American flatbow style.

Jeremy Bays
Mongolian/Korean composite bow

But I don't really shoot that many arrows anymore. I did a lot of it in the past for fun, but I find little practical use. I still try to shoot some arrows here and there, but don't have the luxury of doing something like that.
I have been VERY seriously talking about it for about a year. Wanted to start with making my own osage bow, but that ended up being a daunting I am looking at a Martin Stick for a good starter bow. I am not far from you...would love to get some pointers. We have a good group of traditionalists here, but I haven't been able to join them for any shoots yet.:(
Originally posted by Samurai
I love period archery. Nothing beats getting a nice bow in your hand and playing Robin Hood :D Anyone else into this great sport?

Jeremy Bays

I grew up shooting bows. My dad was an avid bow hunter and I got my first bow (a 25 lb. Bear compound) when I was 6 or 7. I continued shooting pretty regularly until I was in my late teens. It was mostly compounds, though I've done a little shooting with long bows and a little more with recurves. I never hunted with a bow. Did a little squirrel hunting but hunting was never really my thing. I always enjoyed archery though and will probably pick it up again in the not-too-distant future.

I used to shoot a little. I started out with a light
fiberglass-sandwich-construction recurve, then i got a heavier compound from a cousin, but it's not so big in my town and i don't have a lot of people to shoot with and my parents got sick of me shooting in the back yard. Something about the neighbour's dog maybe. They might have been afraid of stray arrows...
How big of an area is usually recommended for safe practice?

Depends on how good your aim is ! If you are really good, all you need is a 2 inch bulleye. :D

Seriously, I practice at 5 paces....then 10 paces....then 20 paces...finally 50 paces. You need quite a bit of room around the target in case you miss.

I recently heard a story of a man watching his infant son while the mother was tending to something. He placed the child in a car seat and then moved the car seat a little bit away from the archery target. He draw his bow shoot. Missed the target completely and hit the infant in the car seat. Luckly, the car seat saved the baby's life but the child did need emergency surgery.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL. As your mother said, "You can put an eye out with those things".

--Jeremy Bays
Just took a look at your bows....quite nice (especially the prices!)
I assume that since there are no rests that you are shooting off your hand, correct? Do you use a glove of any kind? Are you using wood arrows? Feather fletching, no doubt...unless you are made of steel. Just thinking out loud, so forgive me if my questions are too obvious or stupid. I will tell you that your bows just jumped to the top of my list of considerations, however.

Originally posted by Samurai
Depends on how good your aim is ! If you are really good, all you need is a 2 inch bulleye. :D

Seriously, I practice at 5 paces....then 10 paces....then 20 paces...finally 50 paces. You need quite a bit of room around the target in case you miss.

I recently heard a story of a man watching his infant son while the mother was tending to something. He placed the child in a car seat and then moved the car seat a little bit away from the archery target. He draw his bow shoot. Missed the target completely and hit the infant in the car seat. Luckly, the car seat saved the baby's life but the child did need emergency surgery.

PLEASE BE CAREFUL. As your mother said, "You can put an eye out with those things".

--Jeremy Bays

Darwinism's sad side effects (sometimes stupid people kill their offspring instead of themselves). If my dad had ever done that, my mom would have used him as a target. To my knowledge, she never shot a bow in her life, but I bet she wouldn't have missed.


The bows are shot from the hand using feathered wooden arrows. I also shoot "cheap-o" wal-mart fiberglass arrows with plastic fletching as well. You do not even feel it on your hand.

I do have one bow with a rest. It is the American Target bow.

jeremy bays
Originally posted by Samurai

The bows are shot from the hand using feathered wooden arrows. I also shoot "cheap-o" wal-mart fiberglass arrows with plastic fletching as well. You do not even feel it on your hand.

I do have one bow with a rest. It is the American Target bow.

jeremy bays

Wow, Jer. Nice bows. Especially like the Galadrim Bow ... I'm big on functionality, but if something is both functional and looks nice, it's got my full attention :)

I may have to get one of those and find a place around here to shoot (it'll be a while before I have the "fun money" to afford it).

Looks like its been a while since anyone posted on this thread. You guys still out there?

I have been shooting just for fun since I was a kid. I still have the old fiberglass straight bow that my father had when he was a kid. 54# draw, and it must be 40 years old. Still works nicely!

I recently upgraded to a very nice composite recurve made by Saxon Archery, 74# draw weight, Hawk model.
The website is here:

He makes the bows all by hand, and I have been extremely happy with mine. It is a beautiful bow, but I don't have the time to shoot as often as I would like.

I shoot at the public archery range in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. There is a group of archers that is often there on weekends, and they bring out a whole pile of bows and arrows and spend the whole day there. They are a really friendly group, always willing to let you shoot one of their bows and willing to give tips and advice.
