Anyone knife throw?


Green Belt
I would like to learn about knife throwing. I honestly always thought of this as a pretty useless thing to know. But I have always wanted to hike the Appalachian trail and thought that knowing how to throw a knife could come in handy. Anyone got any suggestions about where to learn knife throwing or buy a good throwing knife. (Can you learn from a book, with practice of course? And I know that you can never learn from a book like you can with a real instructor.) Oh and it will be a few years before I ever get a chance to hike that trail.
Never read a book on it but I started throwing knives at about the age of 10 or 12. My father did not really appreciate my efforts when he found all the holes in the garage door.
If you have the space I would suggest just obtaining a few good throwing knives and a few other knives that you do not mind messing up, then start throwing and see if you can figure some of it out.
Basically all knives will rotate a half turn every “X” number of feet. Learning what that distance is for each knife and learning that super hard throws will vary the distance by a certain amount will give you a good start. Then you will need to work on the various holds and throwing techniques ( overhand, underhand, etc.).
Best of luck. It is fun to do
While I personally feel that knife throwing is an absolutely worthless pursuit when it comes to self-defense, it is fun.

As tshadowchaser touched on, each knife will perform slightly differently based on the overall weight of the knife, its balance point, how hard you throw it, etc. The easiest way is just to start experimenting. Start at about 6 paces, throw the knife, and try to see how it hits. At first, try for consistency in how hard you throw it...this will make it easier to diagnose what you're doing. Move forward or back as necessary to find the correct distance.

you might take a look at Mike Janich's "Making it Stick." It's fairly cheap and might give you some good advice.
I agree with Kenpotex I to feel it is worthless in a S.D. type stituation but it is fum.
i practice japanese shurikenjutsu with an emphasis on the boshuriken.

i also practice throwing knives, screwdrivers, files,,whatever..

i would focus on the halfturn for knife throwing . also practice throwing against the floor for basics...

also, i can explain the no-spin throw quite ok, i think, so if you're interested ill try to share.

you know you can no-spin throw from super long distances,?? many people can't imagine that it works, but it does. i can post links to youtube links for example


I did experiment with throwing quite a few years ago, basically I did what Tshadowchaser and Kenpotex describe. Go for consistency, figure out how the knives spin and rotate, work with different grips and stuff and just play and have fun.
I have some pretty cool (and sharp) throwing knives that a student gave me and I have started to dabble with them but haven't had a lot of experience with them yet.
My wife and I have a good target set up in our back yard. I bought her some Gil Hibbens knives a few years ago to throw. I have a tomahawk and a Viking hand axe that we throw as well. Lately I've gotten into throwing the axe I use to split wood with. The larger the weapon the better I quess it would be for SD... if you wanted to club them with it from a distance. It is a lot of fun on a lazy afternoon to kill some time, though.
I spend a little bit of my martial time on knife throwing. It is a specialty skill that requires time spent. However we humans have been throwing things or shooting things at each other for a long time so it does have some merit. Most of the experienced knife throwers who study it for self defense though will tell you never throw without another one in hand. It is though in the end a minor self defense skill set.
also, i can explain the no-spin throw quite ok, i think, so if you're interested ill try to share.

you know you can no-spin throw from super long distances,?? many people can't imagine that it works, but it does. i can post links to youtube links for example
I would like to know more about how to hold the knife when you throw it, and what kind of knifes can you use. Where would I get a cheap one to start with?

I understand that this would not be for SD, I was thinking of more like killing a rabbit.
In all seriousness, if you're looking to take down small game you're better off getting really good at throwing rocks than knives. Sticking a rabbit with a knife will be something like hitting a deer with an arrow. The chance of a non-fatal strike are higher than a fatal strike and you run the chance of losing your knife.

Here's the knives my wife and I throw for fun.
I would like to know more about how to hold the knife when you throw it, and what kind of knifes can you use. Where would I get a cheap one to start with?

I understand that this would not be for SD, I was thinking of more like killing a rabbit.

For throwing knives, I'd probably start with a set of the Gil Hibben throwers or maybe a Cold Steel "True flight" thrower.

For methods of holding the knife, here are the three ways I've used: handle grip, blade grip, underhand grip (think of throwing a softball)


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Thanks for your info. This has defiantly given me somethings to think about. As you can well tell I knew nothing about knife throwing, and now, I have a very small glimpse of it. Like anything else you learn best by experience.
The question was asked what knives do you throw.
I started throwing an old bayonet that was one of my first knives. Heavy and awkward but reliable as hell as I never broke it. Now I throw just about any knife I get my hands on if I feel the construction is strong enough to with stand a miss
you just never know wha you might need to use
maybe, I know the Spetsnaz used to...doesn't change anything. The proper application of a knife in interpersonal combat is to use it to shank the BG...not to throw it at him.
The Spetznaz also used to carry a spring loaded knife which would shoot the blade over a distance. If I'm gonna throw my knife at the bad guy it's gonna be as a distraction with one knife so I can close the distance and skewer him with the one still in my hand. ;)

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