Anyone Else on the Atkin's Diet???????



TigerWoman said:
I hadn't heard anything about that. Can you post a reference to that factoid? (My brain cells are intact) My diet is not no carb but better carbs and sufficient carbs. TW
I spent a couple hours today wading through a thick pool of propaganda sites to find some that were arguing both sides of atkin's, the only things I found usefull were these:
I hope those views will help anyone considering atkin's. As far as what I said before, I saw that on a special on some news network and was unable to find anything to back it up. Personally I don't believe the memory loss thing but as far as reaction time goes i can say in my opinion it is true. From what I remember from a class I took on nutrition, lack of carbs causes a lack of glycolits/glycogen which is necessary for muscle movement (such as punching kicking etc.) substituting protein for carbs would not replace your glycolit levels so essential your muscle reactions would become slower. i will see if I can't find any more information on it in the future.

Gary Crawford

My wife is probably the best example of succsesful dieting.She started by getting into an excersize routine,then she started her food journal and wrote down everything she ate and the pounds just fell of.She did try the Adkins diet,but it only worked for a little while.What she does eat is low calorie and low fat.A lot of her sucsess is due to a good Teakwando workout three times a week.When she started all this,she was 290 lbs,two years later 145 lbs!Literally half the woman she used to be.Everyone is different.If I need to loose weight,her way doesn't work for me.I have to just stop eating altogether every other day.That doesn't always work because sometimes when I am on my eating day,I go overboard.The one that works for me everytime is the asian diet-all the rice I can eat with one chopstick.


Senior Master
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Hamilton, New Zealand
I tried the diet for just over a month, lost about 4kgs and a lot of fluid. I stopped because I don’t eat red meat and I don't like much fat so the diet was quite boring. Also I love fruit and veggies so it was hard to stay away from them in the beginning of the diet.

I did suffer from low energy and headaches for the first week, I think it was due to sugar/caffeine withdrawals.

I think you can balance your diet by eating Good Carbs and Good Protein, just have to find what works for you.



Sarah said:

I think you can balance your diet by eating Good Carbs and Good Protein, just have to find what works for you.
That makes a good point. You see a lot of people on this diet going out and spending their 'carb points' on the new Pepsi Edge or Coke C2, when they don't understand that it was those things that got them in trouble in the first place. The diet probably works quite well if you eat complex carbohydrates but a good deal of people still don't understand that that means eating fruits and veggies not low carb candy-bars.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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Dieting like that isn't healthy or safe. It will slow down your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight in the future. Please see a doctor or nutritionist for help with your weight loss program.

Tae Kwon Doughboy

My doctor recommended Sugar Busters! as a guideline for my cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is not a no carb diet it is a low glycemic index diet. I lost 27 lbs. in six weeks. That's all I needed to lose for my size. My cholesterol and blood pressure stayed the same for a year. I can't take statins.

After reading more a few books about managing cholesterol and blood pressure with diet and exersize I have modified the diet slightly. Now I try to make sure each meal has 2/3 plant life. With my doctors approval I started taking supplements. My doctor also put me on Welchol, a bial sequestrant.

My BP went from 135/90 range to 125/70 range and now I'm off the BP meds. My total cholesterol went from 226 to 173, HDL 36 to 44, LDL 176 to 110 and ratio 6.3 to 3.9 within two months too.

I never missed anything! I haven't gained any weight back in a year and a half either.