Anybody here into martial arts tricks?

I am. I can only do a few though. I'm gonna get my friends into it, so it'll be more worthwhile.
Tricks were popular at my first school. Everyone, at least, tried a trick or two. I can't do many (I'm still working on the 540 gggrrrrr), but it's fun to do.

My new school doesn't do them. But I got a few people to try. I work on tricks sometimes in open class, and they ask me what I was doing, and they wanna try now :D
Yeah, well.....I *wish*....;)

I am jokingly called "post" by one of the higher Black Belts at our school. I can move, I just can't move as well as I would like.

Acrobatics? Tricks? Eeeeesh. Yeah, right. Not for me. I like 'em, and am jealous of those that can do 'em, but me? I'm an old man..;P

Besides, my feet stay on the *ground*. I'll kick, but ya won't know when or where.....sometimes, that head kick is a great surprise....cuz it is RARE when it comes out...

The only tricks I use are dirty tricks, like telling someone that their gi is coming untied, and tapping 'em when they look down...<eg>.....

"Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill"


I can do a kipup, but I discovered that by accident...never 'tried' to do it. Eventually, I found that I could do one with no hands...just my cement head.

That's about it. Don't have the time/space/inclination to do any other type of 'trick'. To me, getting through 8-count sinawalli without screwing up is a big enough trick.

I like the tricks, they're fun to try and all, but I don't like it at tournaments. Forms at tournaments now look like a gymnastics meet, floor routines that's all they look like now. You start in the middle, go to upper left corner of ring, then lower right, then lower left, upper right and finish going right in front of the judges.
The tricks are cool but forms have gotten boring now, to me anyways.

I've been doing tricks for the past 3 years. In TKD we dont have musical forms at our tournaments so I never get to show it off in front of hundreds of people or anything but I usually go to the gymnastics club to train them once a week. It has absolutely nothing to do with fighting or self defence but damn it's fun. I guess I do it because when I'm watching a MA movie and someone twists and flips through the air I think" daaaaamn! if he can do that then so can I!" and after a year of trying I can.

I have been messing around with power tumbling for years so it wasn't too hard to throw in tricks to my training. I will watch a trick from a movie over and over in slow motion....rewind....slow motion....rewind...anyway you get the point. Once its memorised in my head I go to the gymnastics club were it's nice and safe to practice it and just do it thousands of times.

One of the most fun things I do is learn new moves that I thought were impossible. Martial arts taught me that if you really want to learn something you can, it just takes major effort and commitment.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Damian, why don't you put a musical form together and go to a open tournament and see how you do?

As Robin Williams once said, "you never know you might fly".

Actually.... I've been considering going to a karate tournament for point sparring matches. But I have never gone to a karate tournament to compete before. I've gone to watch and was kinda horrified (this is not a knock on karate but rather the karate schools in my area) there was absolutely no discipline, people were screaming and yelling profanities, getting into fights and rolling around on the ground, almost attacking the people watching if they said the wrong thing!! I wanted to go down on the floor and start kicking everyone *** because it seemed not a person on the floor understood what martial arts were about. (But that would make me as bad as they were wouldn't it?) Things are pretty bad in my area for Karate...I'm positive it is NOT like that everywere else.

In TKD the tournaments (at least for ITF) are very strict. Theres no messing around or your in major trouble, and your instructor too. I think that is what a large organisation gets you....organised tournaments with rules...the karate ones are open tournaments and no one listens to no one.

Anyway! totally off topic! haha but to answer your question.... I'd love to go try that but what exactly are they doing in musical forms? Are they making up a choreographed set of moves to music all by themsleves or is that an actual pattern all karateka know and they spice it up for the competition?

If I plan for it I could learn to not follow up after scoring a point or not to take a hit to score a point so I could compete point sparring and then try the musical forms too! Something I've thought about before.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Actually.... I've been considering going to a karate tournament for point sparring matches. But I have never gone to a karate tournament to compete before. I've gone to watch and was kinda horrified (this is not a knock on karate but rather the karate schools in my area) there was absolutely no discipline, people were screaming and yelling profanities, getting into fights and rolling around on the ground, almost attacking the people watching if they said the wrong thing!! I wanted to go down on the floor and start kicking everyone *** because it seemed not a person on the floor understood what martial arts were about. (But that would make me as bad as they were wouldn't it?) Things are pretty bad in my area for Karate...I'm positive it is NOT like that everywere else.

In TKD the tournaments (at least for ITF) are very strict. Theres no messing around or your in major trouble, and your instructor too. I think that is what a large organisation gets you....organised tournaments with rules...the karate ones are open tournaments and no one listens to no one.

Anyway! totally off topic! haha but to answer your question.... I'd love to go try that but what exactly are they doing in musical forms? Are they making up a choreographed set of moves to music all by themsleves or is that an actual pattern all karateka know and they spice it up for the competition?

If I plan for it I could learn to not follow up after scoring a point or not to take a hit to score a point so I could compete point sparring and then try the musical forms too! Something I've thought about before.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Well that sounds like a pretty standard day at any tournament I've ever been to.

Some take forms they know and add the music, add some tricks and that's their form.

Others make up their own, but choice of music is also important as well. Use something the crowd knows but is fast and loud.
Go to the web site listed in the first thread here and check out the Jon Valera videos, this guy kicks butt. Lots of tricks, cool music and he dosen't make it look like a gymnastics meet broke out. Have fun.

My leg springs seem to be rusted... Oil can anyone? We have a student who excels at leaps and unearthly bounds.. we call him a cartoon.. he lands mostly on his feet.. but once in awhile he flotbots and stubs his nose.. I, then as the dojo artist.. Redraw him back to his quasi normalcy.. It's fun for the kids and the able.. But Nah.. Keep my feet on the ground.. I balk at double chicken kicks.. in reality if I'm fighting someone, I'm aiming low and lethal..
*chuckles maniacally...
Hiya Tess.

Me too. In a real fight, I'd be REALLY stupid to try a "trick" and I wouldn't. But as an adult, the kids "snickered" at me when I said I wanted to do tricks. That just made me wanna do it more. So, I did the easy ones first (double front kick, split kick, 360, ect). Now I'm doing the 540 (well, sort of hehehehe). And I get suprised looks from the kiddies. :D It's like a "pay back" or saying "told ya so" without saying anything, and it feels damn good :D I keep the tricks in the dojang, though.
<huffy voice>Well, I think them thar tricks are useless and wouldn't be practiced by serious martial artists</huffy voice>

Translation = I'm an old bastich and can't do 'em.

Pretty much answers the question for me ;)

Originally posted by Klondike93

Well like Robin Williams once said, " go ahead dude, give it a try you never know you might fly".


Hey, that's my line...that I stole from Robin Williams!

Originally posted by karatekid1975

Hiya Tess.

Me too. In a real fight, I'd be REALLY stupid to try a "trick" and I wouldn't. But as an adult, the kids "snickered" at me when I said I wanted to do tricks. That just made me wanna do it more. So, I did the easy ones first (double front kick, split kick, 360, ect). Now I'm doing the 540 (well, sort of hehehehe). And I get suprised looks from the kiddies.

Laurie hey there ;) well this 'cartoon' brownbelt we have is a pretty good technician, the kind that can see something once , imitate it and let her fly.. *note I didn't say he was a good martial artist* I caught him doing Jet-Li moves the other day. .and when we were sparring he tried one on me.. Hahahaa I had him flat against the wall ..sliding down in a puddle.. ~!! Waaaay too funny.. Reality works ~!... and as Seig says.. Gravity works~!!

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