Any Help Appreciated



Hey there is this ad in the yellow pages for TKD that says the instuctor is former Republic of Korean Army Demo Team Instuctor
7th degree BB. He teaches Taekwondo and Hapkido
His name is Jae Kim. any info?
He's no one special in the TKD world. To tell you the truth, some of TKD masters tend to embelish a bit in their credentials. Anyone can be leader of a demo team, whether is Korean Republic or not. Unless he was leader of a sparring team, or Korean fight team.... then I would only take the words at face value. :asian: :asian:
You also might want to inquire about his credentials. Find out who certified him, and follow up on it. Also, if you can, try to find out the school's reputation. Also, how old is he? If he's under 30, I would highly doubt he's a legitimate 6th dan.
All I can say is that he does not appear in the list of official ITF masters (baring in mind that list might not be quite up-to-date).
As you can see in the following list, the number of masters for the whole world is not that big. Believe me, all people in there I have had the privilege to meet or train with worth their title...

General Choi Hong Hi Canada
Grand Master Park Joong Soo Canada
Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha Scotland - UK
Grand Master Charles Sereff USA
Grand Master Hwang Kwang Sung USA
Master Ricardo P Desimone Argentina
Master Nicolas Giuliani Argentina
Master Armando Grispino Argentina
Master John Lenti Argentina
Master Manuel P Luque Argentina
Master Hector Marano Argentina
Master Miquel A Luque Argentina
Master Eduardo Palmisano Argentina
Master Guillermo Ramisch Argentina
Master Osvaldo Rios Olivero Argentina
Master Robert Saenz Argentina
Master Raul Eduardo Sosa Argentina
Master Dante Tizzano Argentina
Master Pablo Trajtenberg Argentina
Master Adolfo Villanueva Argentina
Master Miguel Nasini Argentina
Master Mario Troiano Argentina
Master Jorge Condomi Argentina
Master Daniel Rossei Argentina
Master Roberto Sanz Argentina
Master Adrian Desiderio Argentina
Master Pedro Osuna Argentina
Master Alberto Katz Argentina
Master Leong Wai Meng Australia
Master Low Ming Tuck Australia
Master Robert Lai Australia
Master Michael Dahar Australia
Master Thomas T MacCallum Austria
Master Tran Trieu Quan Canada
Master Phap Lu Canada
Master Toni Nobilo Croatia
Master Hwang Ho Yong Czech Republic
Master Paul Cutler England - UK
Master Arthur De Silva England - UK
Master Orello Ellis England - UK
Master Donato Nardizzi England - UK
Master Wayne Brown England - UK
Master Ung Kim Lan Germany
Master Rolf Becking Germany
Master Stefan Schmitz Germany
Master Paul Weiler Germany
Master Georgios Stylianides Greece
Master Raul Bonilla Honduras
Master Laszio Harmat Hungary
Master Tony Phelan Ireland
Master Robert Howard Ireland
Master Liam Dandy Ireland
Master Francis Barrett Ireland
Master Brendan O'Toole Ireland
Master Wim Bos Italy
Master Hwang Jin Japan
Master Paek Myong Choi Korea
Master Kim Ung Choi Korea
Master Chon Dae Yong Korea
Master Hong Choi Sung Korea
Master Kim Yong Bom Korea
Master Ri Myong Son Korea
Master Pae Ho Myong Korea
Master Kim Se In Korea
Master Pak Hyok Choi Korea
Master Choi Myong Jin Korea
Master Bang Choi Nam Korea
Master Kim Yong Ho Korea
Master Son Nam Ung Korea
Master Kim Yong Nam Korea
Master Kim Sam Dok Korea
Master Choi Han Korea
Master Sok Min Choi Korea
Master Pak Choi Min Korea
Master Li Yong Sok Korea
Master Kim Zong Su Korea
Master Kim Young Hun Korea
Master Sin Zae Sop Korea
Master Won Se Chang Korea
Master Low Koon Lin Malaysia
Master Tan Jing Choon Malaysia
Master Alley Teoh Malaysia
Master Yeow Cheng Watt Malaysia
Master Tan Chek Si Malaysia
Master Chan Kum Lau Malaysia
Master Mohd Azwan Khoo Malaysia
Master Cheah Gaik Wooi Malaysia
Master Tan Eng Kiat Malaysia
Master Javier Dacak Paraguay
Master Myong Choi Ri Poland
Master Benny Rivera Puerto Rico
Master Lesie Hutchison Scotland - UK
Master Peter Harkess Scotland - UK
Master Sheena Sutherland Scotland - UK
Master John Williamson Scotland - UK
Master Fikret Guler Sweden
Master Yeo Chin Huat Sweden
Master Dang Duc Huy USA
Master Bob Chaney USA
Master Bob Wall USA
Master Paul De Baca USA
Master Renee Sereff USA
Master Mike Winegar USA
Master Robert M Neidig USA
Master Robert M Tobin USA
Master Van Binh Nguyen USA
Master Kresimir Brusar USA
Master Louis Reyes USA
Master J.Ronald Maestas USA
Master Gary Meek USA
Master Michael Prewett Wales
Master John Taylor Wales
Master Ian Lawes Wales
is says on the ad he has 30yrs teaching experience, but i'll go check the place out and ask questions. Anything i should look for while i'm there?
That list is shorter than I expected!

Those are just the ones recognized by the ITF. I'll bet there's alot more like the one Harvest is asking about.

Grand Master Charles Sereff USA - My TKD instructor
Master Paul De Baca USA - never got workout with him but a nice guy
Master Renee Sereff USA - Was in most of her classes
Master Robert M Neidig USA - Funny guy, good side kick
Master J.Ronald Maestas USA - ISKA referee too
Master Robert M Tobin USA - A punching bag with eyeballs, easy to knockout.

Indeed, that list contains only currently recognized ITF masters.
It doesn't contain, for instance, masters who have left ITF to establish their own organisation.
But those masters at least, are not greedy self proclaimed masters using an undeserved title to make money...
"Master Robert M Tobin USA - A punching bag with eyeballs, easy to knockout."

HA! omg I'll remember that one too funny

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
He is, when he was a 1st or 2nd dan my buddy was sparring him for a spot on the US ITF Team to go to Greece. He knocked him out with a sweet round kick to the face. The funny thing is he barely hit em:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Klondike93

He is, when he was a 1st or 2nd dan my buddy was sparring him for a spot on the US ITF Team to go to Greece. He knocked him out with a sweet round kick to the face. The funny thing is he barely hit em:rolleyes:


Tobin must have a glass chin. Better yet, they might've taken a page from the 2nd Clay/Liston fight. The hit that was never seen!:eek:
Klondike93 said:
He is, when he was a 1st or 2nd dan my buddy was sparring him for a spot on the US ITF Team to go to Greece. He knocked him out with a sweet round kick to the face. The funny thing is he barely hit em:rolleyes:


What you say sounds funny...

but unfortunately you have all your facts wrong.
You may want to talk to your friend to find out who/what you are talking about.
Douglas Arnold
gaille said:
Indeed, that list contains only currently recognized ITF masters.
It doesn't contain, for instance, masters who have left ITF to establish their own organisation.
But those masters at least, are not greedy self proclaimed masters using an undeserved title to make money...

We can't forget about the WTF-Kukkiwon masters which didn't make your list of recognized masters... :asian:
Hello my name is chris i am 20 yrs old and i am currently liveing in union missouri i have been trying to find a full on 24/7 teacher in tai kwon do it has been my life long goal to try and master this art and possibly particapate in the olympics but it has been really hard to find a fulll time teacher. the main prob is that i dont have much money but i am willing to pay for lessons through work. i am also willing to travel great distance in order to gain the training that i seek this post is no joke and any help would be greatly appericated. you may send me e-mails for replies the address is [email protected] and once again thank anyone who responds
Welcom to the boards. YOu should post this in the TKD section. Good Luck


gohan4202 said:
Hello my name is chris i am 20 yrs old and i am currently liveing in union missouri i have been trying to find a full on 24/7 teacher in tai kwon do it has been my life long goal to try and master this art and possibly particapate in the olympics but it has been really hard to find a fulll time teacher. the main prob is that i dont have much money but i am willing to pay for lessons through work. i am also willing to travel great distance in order to gain the training that i seek this post is no joke and any help would be greatly appericated. you may send me e-mails for replies the address is [email protected] and once again thank anyone who responds
I would help you out but I'm in Arlington Texas and that would be a commute. I;ll do some checking for you and see.