Any Ed Gruberman fans out there?

Touch Of Death

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I just heard that skit again after about twenty years. Who does it? It sounds like Cheech Marin, but I know it isn't. I too wish to boot some head.
The ways of Tae Kwon Leap require patience. Ed Grubberman could not defeat the master alone and neither can you. You must remember to get in the first punch!:rofl:
Originally posted by theletch1
The ways of Tae Kwon Leap require patience. Ed Grubberman could not defeat the master alone and neither can you. You must remember to get in the first punch!:rofl:
And make sure you don't miss. Otherwise, you too will will receive the gift of Tae Kwon Leap. :rofl:

Lookin' ta trash some bozos- got the pajammas! ;)
I read up on this a while ago. The guys who did it were a comedy troupe that isn't very well known. Alas, I have forgotten their name.
Originally posted by OULobo
I read up on this a while ago. The guys who did it were a comedy troupe that isn't very well known. Alas, I have forgotten their name.
They're called The Frantics. They also did a skit called Last Will and Temperment which features some Boot to the Head. :D
Originally posted by Randy Strausbaugh
They're called The Frantics. They also did a skit called Last Will and Temperment which features some Boot to the Head. :D
If I remember correctly, there were quite a few boots handed down as inheiretance.
The link to the last will and temperment is posted in the same post that I attached the link to TKL in..... enjoy:D
I have Tae Kwan Leap on a Dr. Demento collection. I think it's the 30 year anniversary and includes Pencil Neck Geeks, Boot to the Head, Fish Heads, and others.