Another reason to listen to your instincts


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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A story that I think has had national news coverage has been that of the man the Boston Police have dubbed the "Craig's List Killer".

A young, handsome, 25 year old med student is up on charges of many brutal crimes - including murder - against prostitutes that he met via Craig's List. The crimes were allegedly spawned by a need to fulfill a gambling habit.

Not every person that acts like a jerk is going to be a person arraigned on murder charges, but this sure is one helluva good example of why its important to listen to your gut, and be careful picking your friends.
Of course not offering "erotic massage" over the internet is probably a good idea too. ;)
i don't know Carol, he said that he did not do it, but you never know, i think that they found some items that belonged to the woman,and thats why i don't do CL,or any other crap that's out there,(other than MT/KT)
also i wanted to say Hi to you,take care:)
The problem with this is that after the fact, you can almost always find someone who'll look at an incident that they may not have thought very much about at the time in a different light. Admittedly, the encounter with the girl, if it happened as she said, shows a certain pattern of poor behavior.​

Acquintances saying he gave off a creepy vibe after he's been charged with this heinous a crime doesn't mean very much to me; how many people actually recognized what their instincts were saying about him and changed their behavior or limited their contact because of it?

It's kind of like when the news talks to neighbors of a mass murderer who generally say something inane like "he seemed nice" or "quiet"... which of course really means "I didn't know him".

Almost all victims of serious crimes like this (assaults, rape, kidnapping, attempted murder, etc), afterwards, can say they had a bad feeling about someone, or that he gave off some signs that he had bad intentions... the trick is learning how recognize these early and most importantly to ACT on these feelings to prevent yourself from becoming a victim in the first place.
Its a problem when any lil girl can go on craigslist and sell herself. I live in San Diego and that shyt is big here. I even worked with girls in a law firm that would moonlight on there and no one knew.... Many of the girls are very attractive and have no business doing what they do... I see this kind of shyt all the time and it makes me sick... That guy is guilt as hell and just sorry he got caught... 3rd times a charm right...he just could let her go...
I hat to say this but I hope he gets a broken broomstick up his **** once he gets to prison... I wish it on anyone who rapes and murders and tortures people....
It's weird how this anonymous sex thing on the internet and through Craig's List has become this huge thing. I have this friend who used to meet guys every night, even have them come back to her apartment for the deed. My bud and I used to warn her, plead with her, show her statistics. She never learned, not until one of her guests came over, beat the crap out of her and raped her. Oh, and by the way, she went to Boston College, but this was like back in '02. Out of shame she didnt report it to the cops, in fact she didnt tell my bud and I till days later after she had washed away what evidence there was.
My instincts tell me that you probably shouldn't be meeting strangers off the internet privately, especially if you're female.
I wouldn't go that far. A place like this is a fine way to meet people. One of my best friends in the world I met on a musicians message board (Jackson/Charvel guitars forum), but we had a mutual interest, to help each other out with our playing and to trade some guitar parts. We've been friends for 9 years now and we even shared an apartment for one year after we both finished college.

If the meeting's just about sex though, I would be weary.
I didn't mean to imply you can't meet people on the internet. But if you find someone on the internet and the first time you meet them is in a private one on one scenario, with no other people around, you made a mistake, especially if you're female and the other person is male. When you and your friend met for the first time was it alone in a hotel room, apartment, etc.?
Man I was looking for band members to jam with on Craig's list I hope I don't get killed if they think I suck.

I wish the founder would take the Erotic massages stuff off the site.
On another note I have notice around my area quite alot of Asian massage places have opened up some stay open to at least 10pm. Oh well I hope it all ends happily.:uhyeah:
Well JCA, if I were you I would be sure to rock, and then some. Everyone's a critic now, I tell ya!
A while back I was looking for a motorcycle. I did a google and this 'craiglist' came up. Yes, it's far more than a board for looking for bikes!

They actually do have jobs and cars and bikes in different forums, but, they have some real weird stuff there in the 'personals'. I mean 'woman wants woman' or (ew...) man wants man, one-night-stands (they don't call it that but really that's what it is.)

I would never use that place to put such an add. Way to many weirdos out there. I have no doubt some are stalkers, peeping toms, and whatever. So I'm not shocked a murder did kill someone.

And no, I didn't find a bike I liked there either.

This is a good example of how self defense goes well beyond merely knowing technique. These gals broke the first three commandments of SD:

Thou shalt not go to stupid places.
Thou shalt not go to stupid places with stupid people.
Thou shalt not go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things.

Each of these ladies went to a stupid place to meet a stupid person on the premise of doing something stupid. They each placed themselves into the position of being a victim of a killer. They broke all of the rules of meeting people over the internet. And paid with their lives. While I am saddened by their deaths and feel that their killer should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sentenced accordingly, each of these ladies had a hand in their own demise.

Look at Lana Clarkson. She was forty in 2003. A guy comes into the bar she worked at. It is Phil Spector, a man who is known to wave guns around in the studio, even threatening one man with a crossbow, and who has been accused by a good number of women of abusive behavior. She could have said no when he asked her to come home with him. She did not, and now she is dead.

I will not get into my thoughts on Spector's guilt or innocence. I say only that she broke those same cardinal rules.

Spector himself did the same. He went to a bar and picked up a gal he had never met and took her home.

If her death is a suicide, as Spector's defense maintains, then he is paying with his life (albeit in a different way) for the following mistakes:

1. He behaved in a socially unacceptable way and did so for decades. He was able to do so because of his position in the recording industry.
2. He made socially unacceptable comments that were derrogetory to women followed up with that they need to have a bullet in their heads. He made such comments as a celebrity and thus should have no expectation that it will remain private.
3. He then brought an unknown quantity into his home who decided that his foyer was a good place to kill herself.

Now she is dead and mistakes one and two have been used against him in court, resulting in a murder 2 conviction and a sentence of 15 years to life (sentincing is at the end of May).

Had either of the two exercised an iota of common sense, Clarkson would not have woken up dead in Spector's foyer and Spector would not be in jail awaiting a sentence that, even if only fifteen years, is essentially a life sentence for a man of sixty nine years of age.

If he murdered her, as the jury decided, then likewise, he should be procecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sentenced accordingly.

The ladies who were victims of the Craigslist killer did not deserve to die in such a manner. But they literally handed themselves over to an internet predator by breaking every rule.

Several young men made similar mistakes many years ago and wound up in the digestive tract of Jeffery Dahmer as a result.

Bottom line: think about what you are doing before you put yourself into a position of weakness.

Wasn't there a case several years ago where two men made a murder-cannibalism pact? I don't know if it was Craigslist, but they met in a "special interest" chat room.