another boring intro


Yellow Belt
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
My name is Sam, I'm a big bearded Jew, I have a love of strawberry and bananna protien smooties. I make them myself. They are awesome.

I practiced TKD for 7 years, with two concurrent years of BJJ and freestyle wrestling. That was a long time ago. I just joined a new dojang where I plan on finishing out my training. But who is ever really finished?
Greetings Sam and Welcome to MT...You are correct about the training..25 and some years later I'm still training and learning....
Hey Sam I like smoothies too.

I make one with Strawberries,Bannanas,Blue berries,Yogurt,Orange juice,Oatmeal,flax seed,and soy nuts.

Welcome to MT!!
Hey Sam I like smoothies too.

I make one with Strawberries,Bannanas,Blue berries,Yogurt,Orange juice,Oatmeal,flax seed,and soy nuts.

Welcome to MT!!

why not throw in a flux capacitor for an 84 delorian while your at it?

sounds tasty though :)