Am I selling out?

Xue Sheng said:
There is a local YMCA that I taught Tai Chi at many years ago for my first CMA teacher, I taught Yang 24 and 48. I left because I started with my Traditional Yang style teacher and he disliked my first teacher because he was responsible for, and I quote. “For watering down Tai chi” My Traditional teacher was upset at anyone that did not teach the full art. Ironically 12 years later I left his school because he was doing the exact same thing, teaching tai chi fluff because he got more students that way. And if you have his lineage you can get lots of them. By the way all of his senior students are now gone.

But since I left the YMCA they have called me just about every other year to teach tai chi. They did not call last year and they just moved to a bigger better building this year and I am thinking about calling them to teach yang 24 and 48 again. Also I run into an ex-student from time to time that asks me if I am ever going to teach again. I do know the forms rather well, I know the breathing and the internal and, if the students want, I know the martial applications of the forms. But I am certain most if not all of the students I would have would not care at all about Tai Chi martial arts. The last time I taught there I lost 2 students instantly just because I said it was a martial art.

If you read one of my first posts on MT I was wondering if Yang style Tai chi was not already dead or dying as a martial art (I have new views on this and it’s not good, but that is another post). And the reason I sited was that the majority of people are learning Tai Chi for health only and would I be contributing to this if I taught at the Y.

So, if I go teach 24 and 48 at the local Y, am I selling out and just making things worse?

I have to admit it would help support my martial arts habit, whatever that ends up being, (I am currently a Ronin of sorts - to borrow from the Japanese) and I am not even certain they still want me to teach, but I was just wondering what the people on MT thought.

One more thing, although I am trained in Traditional Yang style I, like all of my teacher’s senior students, was never given permission to teach outside of his school. Therefore I do not consider this an option.

While on a project a few years ago, one woman who is Chinese was watching a Tai Chi video after a long day for a quick distraction and to see if she wanted to do it. She then smiled as I was watching, and she knew I did martial arts. So, she told me this is not a martial art, and only a way to improve the body. I smiled and said "Ok . . . " . She then said why the pause? I then started to follow the instructor last few moves (* In no way at the same slow speed but slow enough in general and to demonstrate for her *) and I explained the applications of the techniques to her. She actually yelled, "NO, this is beautiful and not destructive, it is not meant to fight." I smiled and said, "Ok, ... " And sat back down at my desk which was 180 from her so our backs were together. She could not understand or wrap her mind around the idea of the applications.

Just because you have enough knowledge and expertise to see both sides does not mean you are limited to present only one.

Rich Parsons said:
While on a project a few years ago, one woman who is Chinese was watching a Tai Chi video after a long day for a quick distraction and to see if she wanted to do it. She then smiled as I was watching, and she knew I did martial arts. So, she told me this is not a martial art, and only a way to improve the body. I smiled and said "Ok . . . " . She then said why the pause? I then started to follow the instructor last few moves (* In no way at the same slow speed but slow enough in general and to demonstrate for her *) and I explained the applications of the techniques to her. She actually yelled, "NO, this is beautiful and not destructive, it is not meant to fight." I smiled and said, "Ok, ... " And sat back down at my desk which was 180 from her so our backs were together. She could not understand or wrap her mind around the idea of the applications.

Just because you have enough knowledge and expertise to see both sides does not mean you are limited to present only one.


I have run into this way to many times, but it is just life in Tai Chi I guess.
How can you sell out with a name like Xue Sheng???
Everyone says every one is selling out, don't pay any attention. But you already know this my friend. What you are really asking for is additional permission to teach.
I am Master Kimball David Ben Leslie Paul A.K.A. The Fat Man. I say evolve. I have been teaching Tia-Chi-Chuan, Pa Qua-Zhang, Hsing-Yi, SWord , Knife,Staff, Toa-Gung, Nie-Gung, and Chi-Gung for32 years and I say this is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. Teach what you can or you'll be sorry you didn't.
Now answer me this. What is selling out???
kimballmaster said:
What is selling out???

Thank You

Selling out was based on my previous posts and my belief that the majority of Tai Chi schools out there, particularly Yang Style do not teach the real deal and would I be guilty of the same if I went and taught 24 and 48 at the local YMCA and not teach traditional. However I no longer feel this way.

See this post

Also see above "Decision made:" post

And now there is something else on the horizon that I may just have to take advantage since the chance has been presented to me and I am beginning to believe I am a fool if I don’t. But possibly more on that later.

Thanks again.
Can I tell my opinion as a student? Explain!
If I go to a gym/church/park or wherever they teach Tai Chi, as a beginner who just knows Tai Chi for health that is what I expect.
If the master/trainer once I get there tells me "well this is a martial art and I will also teach you along with the health part how to self defend" as an "ignorant" of the subject the first thought I have is:" oh my God I am gonna get a bunch of punches...not for me bye bye".
The words martial art for the most is what we watch in movies and the training is the training we watch in movies as well or the yells you ear passing by a kung fu/karate dojo.
Solo form, use of internal energy, push is unknown world, people don't know that world. So just explain in detail what the training is, the pain involved and the risks involved. I am sure you will get more favourable opinions to the self defense part than you think.
You can tell your students that they will get 3 benefits from Tai Chi; exercise, meditation, and if they persist, self defense. They are the reasons I do Tai Chi. I started doing Tai Chi at 59 1/2 years. I was not interested in it as a martial art. My Si Fu is a traditionalist and prefers to teach Yang Style Guan Ping Long Form and that is what I learned. I just participated in the International Competition in Hunt Valley MD 2 weeks ago. I received a silver medal in the intermediat competition for my style. I have not learned push hands yet, but have been told that that is what I'll be learning in my private lessons. Sometimes my Si Fu teaches the Beijing Short Form in his adult school classes.
franzfr said:
.... I just participated in the International Competition in Hunt Valley MD 2 weeks ago. I received a silver medal in the intermediat competition for my style. I have not learned push hands yet, but have been told that that is what I'll be learning in my private lessons....

Any photos?

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