Almost got knocked out last night


Purple Belt
I'm boxing again after taking the whole summer off from it. I started last winter. I got fairly good last winter and I was in the best shape of my life when I stopped because I got too busy. Anyways last night was the second night of sparring since I started again. I'm in my second week of training, running and shadow boxing everyday. So there's some new faces I haven't seen before at my school and since Golden Gloves is a few months away they're mostly boxers. (not kickboxers, both are welcome on sparring nights at my school) To make a long story short I was boxing a guy who had probably 35 or 40 pounds on me and alot more experiance and I got stuck with an uppercut on my way in. Now most the bigger guys I've sparred have taken easy on me and I sure don't got out looking to hurt someone who could put the hurt on me. He apologized and said I walked into it but mmy gut tells me that he knew what he was doing. Either way I'm glad it happend, I got to feel what it would be like to get knocked out. I didn't go down but I was out on my feet for a few seconds, one more hook and I would have been down! We went on to fight another round later and I did better against him but I kept him outside and used my long jab to keep him there. Well I just wanted to share my story and I'd be interested in any knockout stories you may have.
Well- I'm not a boxer........I do Kenpo karate. But.....I did get knocked out once in a tournament. I and two other girls were sparring in a team sparring event against three higher ranking girls- it was a tag team sort of event. A girl (my opponent) came in and kicked me with a front kick- the ball of her foot connecting with my forehead- right in the middle of my eyes. I realized I'd been hit and then immediately my vision started to go- looked like I was in a black tunnel and it was closing in on me. I could hear blood rushing in my ears. Next thing I knew, I was waking up on my back and the judges were standing over me asking me questions. My friends who were watching the whole thing told me- "be glad you had your headgear on". We were sparring on a hard gym floor and apparently when I fell, my head whipped back and the back of my head smacked hard into the floor. I had neck problems for a long time after that- like whiplash. It wasn't any fun!! We did come back later to win the match though- yay!!

Best of luck to you in your future sparring adventures.

:asian: :karate:
Ouch! I've seen those tag team compitetions at tounaments. Looks interesting. My school is a Kenpo/boxing school. My instructor is highly influenced by silat and kali as well and mixes it into our kenpo.
never been knocked out, but I got punch so hard in the gut , it felt like i was gonna throw was disgusting......but the move was well executed and i used the energy i had left to kick him in the gut....hence feeling the same thing I did. LAter that night he and i went and got some subway after
I have never been knocked out but have been hit hard enough in the liver and kidneys by someone that made me wish that I had been. It was the worst feeling in the world.
1st week of training, Full contact sparring with a teacher )BTW a Golden Gloves boxer). He told me once "not to lean straight back in after avoiding his jab". Second Time was a rightr hand behind the jab that had me out on my feet!

I've been caught one time fighting a southpaw. Slipped inside his jab and caught a cross. Not to fun. It dazed me for a few seconds. I could have prevented it though by keeping my guard up. Well you live and learn. :boxing:

I was damn near knocked out last night too. :D
I got slammed on my head. He didn't mean to make me land right on my head.

As soon as I land on my head I saw stars...then I thought I was in middle of class sparring...after being confused for awhile because I didn't know where I was I stood up and walk over to a chair. Every few seconds I would forget that I was in the dojo...I kept on thinking I was in a bar LOL until I saw my training partners walking around which really shocked me at first. One guy did come up to me and started jokeing around ...I was so out of it that I didn't really know what he was saying :D Anyways it was a very interesting feeling to be knocked silly :D

The worst thing is that no one got the slam on camera :D
Never been knocked out before. I have been punched in the kidneys hard enough to make me involuntarily drop to the ground and unable to force myself back up for about 15 seconds. I also have been kicked in the front of the head hard enough to do the same thing.

I don't know what would be worse. Getting hit just right or just hard enough so that you are not knocked out, but your body gives out temporarily or just plain getting knocked out.
I been knocked out but never inna fight just sparring. But what I learned is you have to pick your sparring partner get to know the guy first otherwise like you found out he might just use you for a catcher.
The Kai said:
... He told me once "not to lean straight back in after avoiding his jab".
Last week I split a guys eyebrow with a double jab, he came in after slipping the first one right into the second one. Not much I could do, both punches were to the same spot. It wasn't a KO, but it would have been hard for him to continue effectively.
Shu2jack said:
... Getting hit just right or just hard enough so that you are not knocked out, but your body gives out temporarily or just plain getting knocked out.
This happened to me about a year ago during 2 on 1 sparring, after I dispensed the guy on my right I turned to the left to face the other guy. Side kick to the chin. The guy was throwing the kick to my back and i turned into it. Got a whiplash kind of thing, felt a jolt across the back of the shoulders and down both arms, they were tingley for a few minutes. Anyway, I didn't lose conciousness, but did hit the ground right away. I wouldn't have been able to continue if it was for real.