Almost afraid to put this up.....

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Head Due North, then ask for me by name when people start sayin' "How's it going, eh??"

I'm walking!! mmm.........molson.
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Gee guess she'll only get as far North as WV :D cuz there's a bunch here that say how's it going eh .. ;)

Hmmmm Wannabee Canadians Eh? :confused:

Well how about, ......... When People understand what you mean, when you say ...... "I'm going to Timmy's, you want anything?" That'll get you to Your side of the boarder at least.

Originally posted by edhead2000
I'm walking!! mmm.........molson.

LOL THAT's it, you know you're in Canada, when the beer starts tasting good. ;)

heh heh heh :rofl:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
LOL THAT's it, you know you're in Canada, when the beer starts tasting good. ;)

heh heh heh :rofl:

I know the good things about Canada! :)
Originally posted by TonyM.
I like the one where you combine the name of your first pet with the name of the street you lived on at the time.
Bear Allview.

Doesnt work for me...we lived on Court House Point road in Chesapeake City till we moved to Elkton... :shrug:

so i'd be Ruthie Court House Point

...I like my first pet on the second street i lived on! Molly Breezeway! :D
Hey, screw that website. I still like the old "Porn Name" formula:

Middle name = Porn First name
Street you grew up on = Porn Last name

My name is Benjamin Tacoma. Bow chicka bow....:rofl:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Have a drink on me!
:drinkbeer :cheers: :drink2tha
Originally posted by PAUL

Middle name = Porn First name
Street you grew up on = Porn Last name

Elizabeth Clearview or
Elizabeth Juniper
Happy B-Day Paul

Chad, I guess Nikki was a bad girl then ;)

Dot, Can I head East and ask for you :D

I like Canadian Beer. XXX, and then some Upper Canadian, and others :)
Happy Birthday Paul.
see if you can stay out of the penalty box this year.

I'm trying to be nice to Nikki; she is going in for a proceedure Wednesday.

(Not a big deal; just sounds dirtier that way...
Originally posted by
Happy Birthday Paul.
see if you can stay out of the penalty box this year.

I'm trying to be nice to Nikki; she is going in for a proceedure Wednesday.

(Not a big deal; just sounds dirtier that way...

Well I hope it proceeds well. Give her my best, and tell her to not change the process or the doctor may not procede wiht teh procedure ;)
And Nikki is home recovering.... thankfully without a thonged rhino
Originally posted by
And Nikki is home recovering.... thankfully without a thonged rhino

Glad to hear she is home and all is well.
Maybe she wants one, did you ask?

I'm afraid to. Lord, a thong on the pit bull would be bad enough. Of course I'm still in trouble over the reindeer incident.....
Originally posted by
I'm afraid to. Lord, a thong on the pit bull would be bad enough. Of course I'm still in trouble over the reindeer incident.....

Is that why Rudolf, Dasher, and Dancer were irritable?
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Is hanging on my wall,
And if you'd heard the gunshot,
you'd have seen him fall.

All the other reindeer,
Used to laugh and call him names,
but now they're on the wall also,
mounted on wooden frames.

The one foggy Christmas eve,
Santa came to say,
"Rudolph with your head up there,
I have to buy a Chevrolet."

Now all the reindeer hated him,
And they shouted out in misery,
"Rudolph your damned nosed
has caused us all to hang here eternally."

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