Alcohol and the Arts



I just read a thread which discussed how someone had been taken down while drunk (no disrespect intended) and it made me wonder where people on this forum stand in regards to drinking.

I don't mind having one or two but I never let myself get drunk, simply because I spend all of this time training my body and mind to be able to defend myself in (hopefully) any given situation but as soon as I down a few beers my reflexes slow, co-ordination starts to disappear, judgement begins to fail... You get the picture. Hence my opinion - not "I'm right", just my opinion - is that you're throwing your training out the window if you allow yourself to become drunk.

I guess maybe if I want to be able to defend myself in *any* situation I should spend time practicing after I've had a few.... :D


You do make a good point. I do drink, but when I go out, I keep it to a minimum. If I decide to get "ripped", I buy a 12 pack and stay home. I also don't like to be "impaired" in public, either.

I also practice when I get "liquored up" sometimes :D The spinning kicks could be fun when you are drunk LOL. I actually find it easier to practice forms when I'm "buzzed." Because I'm more relaxed. I don't think my technique is all there, but I am definitely relaxed.

Also I keep my drinking to once a week. I used to drink more, but I found it "uncomfortable" with MA as you said above.
Nothing wrong with casual drinking...

But I suggest you avoid it before any type of activity. In fact, I don't suggest it any time really unless you like to drink during a football game or eating fine food.
Originally posted by fringe_dweller

I just read a thread which discussed how someone had been taken down while drunk (no disrespect intended) and it made me wonder where people on this forum stand in regards to drinking.

I don't mind having one or two but I never let myself get drunk, simply because I spend all of this time training my body and mind to be able to defend myself in (hopefully) any given situation but as soon as I down a few beers my reflexes slow, co-ordination starts to disappear, judgement begins to fail... You get the picture. Hence my opinion - not "I'm right", just my opinion - is that you're throwing your training out the window if you allow yourself to become drunk.

I guess maybe if I want to be able to defend myself in *any* situation I should spend time practicing after I've had a few.... :D


Nothing wrong with the occasional drink but don't go out and get pissed and expect to be Jean Claude Van Damme in Kickboxer as it don't work like that. I don't believe that your body would allow you to drink excessively and train, you wouldn't be able to do it.

othing wrong with the occasional drink but don't go out and get pissed and expect to be Jean Claude Van Damme in Kickboxer as it don't work like that
haha mad funny, alot of idiots acting like that, damn!
I like to have a few in the privacy of my own home now and then, and I always have alot of fun acting like drunken style gongfu, and doing my taiji form,,,actually drunken taiji can be alot of fun.
drunk push hands on the other hand, or sparring,,,:(
I spend all of this time training my body and mind to be able to defend myself in (hopefully) any given situation but as soon as I down a few beers my reflexes slow, co-ordination starts to disappear, judgement begins to fail...
I had a very lucky escape once, where I was barely able to walk let alone run or fight.

As I walked away, with a scratch on my throat which was very nearly a gaping wound I wasn't scared or angry at my attacker.

I was kicking myself (metaphorically) asking myself how I could be so stupid to waste all the training I had put in.

I haven't got that drunk since, and I'm very careful not to get drunk where I am going to be helpless.
i haven't been very big on the bar scene since my college days, and even then i wasn't too crazy about it.

it's not the alcohol that bothers me, even though i can't stand most drunk's all that smoke, i can't breath in it.
I view it as accepting the consequences of one's actions -- if you get drunk, be prepared for all the things that come with it, including the possibility you may not be able to protect yourself in a dangerous situation.

I also believe that if you get drunk, you damn well better not take any actions that can harm others (driving, picking a fight, etc.). What you do with your own body is your business -- until you begin to affect me and mine....

Personally, I'm a light drinker, although every now and again I'll tie one on (friend's wedding, etc.). Must be my Irish ancestry expressing itself.

Good question!

I really don't enjoy being around drunks. It is a personal thing but I don't believe the whole " I was just drunk, it's not really me". My experience from being a very serious drinker is that when the booze is flowing people get stupid as shovels but way more useless. I don't want anyone to think I am some sort of anti-alcohol crusader, because I am not, but I hate it when drunks wander up to me when I am training in the park and ask me to "test my might".
Believe me, it happens. I am a practitioner of Filipino Martial Arts so I almost always have a stick in my hand when they ask me this. These guys aren't old winos down on their luck or homeless people either. Those guys are respectful and usually tell me some kind of story about how they wish they knew martial arts. God knows they could use it. No, it is the jackasses from the University sports teams or the Sawmill out looking to show their women "how Daddy takes care of business."

Having said that- I did try to do sinawali (double sticks)once while I was pretty much three sheets to the wind. Big mistake.

I will admit to being a complete control freak about being drunk in public- I don't drink at all anymore. I want to have a drink every day. As humans, we owe it to ourselves to enjoy life. Have a few drinks- why not? Get stinking if it is in a safe place. But as Martial Artists we have a responsibility to help ourselves and everyone live better lives and you can't help anyone if you can't handle your liquor. OK, I am climbing down from the soap box now.

Thank you for listening to my opinions.

Rob Wilson
Originally posted by Rob Wilson

But as Martial Artists we have a responsibility to help ourselves and everyone live better lives and you can't help anyone if you can't handle your liquor. OK, I am climbing down from the soap box now.

Rob Wilson

(ok i hope i quoted correctly)

Mr. Wilson, i just wanted to say i agree completley with this excerpt i took out from your post.
Personally, i think its my duty to my fellow man to try to break up a fight, prevent one from happening, and also to protect those who cannot defend themselves. This is not the gospel according to, rather just my opinion.

Back 1 5 or more years ago I practiced drunk on more than a few occasions. My Instructor would make sure that I only sparred with those that had much more knowledge and good reflexes. As I look back on it I was doing a disservice to all of my training partners and disrespecting my school. I can say that I was able to protect myslef verry well after a time but by then drinking and being drunk had become my natural state. NO I dont do such foolish things any more and I'm greatful that they did't hospitalise me on more than one occasion.
I will have a drink or two now and again but I don't drink and drive and I dont lose control in a public place anymore. If I have more hten 2 its in my home or the home of a really close friend and I dont leave till the effects have gone away.
im not a big drinker. once in a blue moon or on a special occasion is fine for me. i would rather not poison my body when i am trying to develop it.

if i do drink, i don't do it to get drunk.
A couple of beers with a steak is ok now and again.:cheers: It makes no sense to me getting drunk.:)drink2tha :barf: )
I'm a recovering alcoholic of 14 years. One thing I have learned by making a comparison of my life then and now is that I've been in a LOT fewer fights than I was when I was drinking. I've seen some wisdom of people who do drink (lightly) and realize the danger inherent to being drunk and their skills/training are just totally fubar-ed.
My skills with my MA (JKD) are cleaner, crisper, smoother and faster and much more effective than my drinking days.
It's an individual choice that one has to make.
I have no problems being around people that do consume alcohol. If they get drunk then they best behave. Stupid behavior as a result of alcohol I won't tolerate. I'll just leave if I barely know you (and am aware that there is a desg. driver for you).
If you're a friend...well... we'll talk about it in the AM ok? Don't worry I won't forget to SHOUT!
