Alamo City Kenpo Clinic

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“Bridging the Gap Between Art and Application”
May 9,10,11
San Antonio, TX

Huk Planas
Steve La Bounty
Sean Kelly
Ed Planas

Special Guests:
Ed Parker Jr.
Others to be announced

7pm-9pm KidÂ’s Seminar
10am-6:30pm (Lunch Included)

RSVP by April 11 (Please RSVP as soon as possible space is limited to 80 students)
Price: 99.00
After April 11
Price: 119.00
Single Day
Price: 65.00
Price: 20.00
Country Hearth Inn (800)-325-7821
Marriott Courtyard 210-614-7100
Howard Johnson Inn/Suites 210-614-9900
(Ask for corporate rate) Each location 1-1.5 miles from the school
Pre-order for “Alamo City Kenpo Clinic” T-shirts will be taken up to April 11th
Pre-ordered T-shirts cost 15.00
T-shirt price at the door 20.00 (limited quanity will be available at day of seminar).
Items needed
Groin protecter ,Escrima sticks,Training knife and a camera
*And of course don’t forget your copy of the “Journey”to be signed by the clinic instructors!
*Actual seminar flyer will be mailed and e-mailed at later date with more information!
For more information contact:
Todd Compton
[email protected]
Craig Dishmon
[email protected]

I'm going to post this in the organizations and events forum
also, but if one needs deleted, I'd hope that this one stays.
man i tell you what...texas and the surrounding areas get the better seminar events...that's for sure. i hate living up here in the boon-docks of PA...
Originally posted by tarabos

man i tell you what...texas and the surrounding areas get the better seminar events...that's for sure. i hate living up here in the boon-docks of PA...

try the miles of wheat in Kansas LOL I feel your pain brother
Originally posted by tarabos

man i tell you what...texas and the surrounding areas get the better seminar events...that's for sure. i hate living up here in the boon-docks of PA...

LOL!!!! I was thinking that the New England area was always
having the cool seminars!'s funny when you think about it...but 70% i'd say for what determines your level of success in the martial arts is


i'd love to train some muay thai...but it's nowhere to be found around me...:(

oh well...cest la want it bad chase it down i guess
Originally posted by tarabos

man i tell you what...texas and the surrounding areas get the better seminar events...that's for sure. i hate living up here in the boon-docks of PA...


Isn't Mike Cappi having Mr. Planas and Sean Kelley and several others up there this weekend or next?

Yes, he is. Here is part of the flier I got. Man, this is a good list. How many Journey people are here? 6? :eek:

Mike Cappi's
American Kenpo Karate Studio's
9th Annual Fall Fling
Kenpo Camp 2002
Oct. 25th - 26th & 27th
Huk Planas - Lee Wedlake
Zach Whitson - John Sepulveda
Ed Parker, Jr. - Mike Cappi

With Special Guests...
Diane Tanaka ~ Larry Kongaika
And... Bob Liles

If there was any way I could be there, I would go. :(
Mr. Cappi does something like this once per year but it is very far away, and this one was on the heels of our camp last weekend. Maybe I'll put all the info up in the Events section.
you got me...i was aware of cappi's camp...but left it out so people would feel more sorry for me. :D

camps and seminars's tough in general with the amount of schools in my immediate area. Delaware has a fairly robust selection of different schools...but the work schedule and the time it takes to get there keep me from branching out a lot.

WKKA camps weren't too bad back in the day around 8 years ago...but now...hmm....:rolleyes:
Ya know, I would go back to Cappi's camps (2 times a year)except that it's just too darn expensive to go. After exchange, the camp itself is worth while but then really what kills me is the hotel costs.

I mean, I drive 12 hours to get to Cappi's so it's half a day drive there and half a day back. Which means I like to leave a a day early which means that extra day blah blah blah... So I'm not upset about the drive itself but the cost of the hotel is more than the camp itself.

Luckily I have access to a few camps where I can crash at friend's places to attend. This is something I have been a big proponent of for years. In fact Kenpo Sweden and Lee Wedlake's school in Florida actually have an exchange program for their camps. They figured out that this not only is good relations but it also brings more people to the camp and involves them more. Jeff Blay's New York Camp has an exhange program with the Huk Planas Canadian Seminar as well.

Good ideas. Don't know why people don't jump on them.
Well you can crash at my place if ya make it down to this one:D
Originally posted by Kirk
Well you can crash at my place if ya make it down to this one:D

Gee thanx!

You can teach me some Kenpo while I am there too!
Originally posted by GouRonin

Luckily I have access to a few camps where I can crash at friend's places to attend. This is something I have been a big proponent of for years. In fact Kenpo Sweden and Lee Wedlake's school in Florida actually have an exchange program for their camps. They figured out that this not only is good relations but it also brings more people to the camp and involves them more. Jeff Blay's New York Camp has an exhange program with the Huk Planas Canadian Seminar as well.

Good ideas. Don't know why people don't jump on them.

I don't know exactly what you mean by an exchange program, but I have already arranged to crash at a friends place for the Alamo Clinic. Our studio does not have a lot of room for anyone to actually sleep there, if that is what you meant.

If you are coming to Texas for this, let me know. I would like to meet you, but I also want to be forwarned about meeting you in person. :eek:

We will also have to tell Bob because this would be another example of MT members getting together in real life. :karate:

It would be cool if you or some of the other Canadian guys could make it down here. I want to go to Kenpocamp in Vegas next year, that may be as close to halfway between TX and Canada as it gets? :confused: I started a thread for that camp, I will post there if/when I confirm my attendance.
Originally posted by cdhall
I don't know exactly what you mean by an exchange program, but I have already arranged to crash at a friends place for the Alamo Clinic. Our studio does not have a lot of room for anyone to actually sleep there, if that is what you meant.

No, we used to do them all the time in hockey. You stay at someone's home. Then they come stay at your place during an event your school is having or that is near your place. Usually there is some screening or meeting first at events or on the net or whatever. Jeff Blay and I do this all the time. Saves on costs and also makes sure there is one more person for whatever seminar you are having. Imagine, 50 people at a seminar can theoretically double with this system. Not all 50 will come but it does increase the number of people who do.

Originally posted by cdhall
If you are coming to Texas for this, let me know. I would like to meet you, but I also want to be forwarned about meeting you in person. :eek:

I don't think that even Texas is ready for me.

Originally posted by cdhall
We will also have to tell Bob because this would be another example of MT members getting together in real life. :karate:

This actaully happens quite a lot in this area with people on martial talk and is in fact how a lot of this got started with all of us getting together.
Originally posted by GouRonin

I don't think that even Texas is ready for me.

kwitcher bichin! The cows would just be somewhat .. anxious,
no need to not come at all. What 7 months isn't enough
warning? How much time do Canadians need to plan?

By the way, my offer to crash at my place only stands if Billy
doesn't come .... or Rob ... or Dutch :D :2xbird:
Originally posted by Kirk
What 7 months isn't enough
warning? How much time do Canadians need to plan?

We're waiting for the snow to fall!

...and no one ever wants Dutch to show up. He just sorta does...
Originally posted by GouRonin

I don't think that even Texas is ready for me.

You're probably right, but I thought I'd be polite and ask anyway.
Originally posted by tarabos
man i tell you what...texas and the surrounding areas get the better seminar events...that's for sure. i hate living up here in the boon-docks of PA...

Hey I second that comment. With only a handful of practicing kenpo schools in the whole darn state, makes it hard to get the true kenpo instructors in.
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