
I've been doing an aiki art for quite awhile, and only know of 1 or 2 people that seem to want to be divine leaders, the rest of us just want to be better than we were yesterday.
i believe that; a practitioner of the arts of aiki aims to be a divine leader.

can anyone relate??

Ooh my friend that is quite a weighty hypothesis! Can we really aim to be a divine anything? Divine = God / god, and even if you mean "spiritual" leader then I think this is only true in the microcosmic sense.. I mean as morph4me says, we can influence ourselves and develop our own spiritual nature. Perhaps in so doing we can influence others of our peers. To attempt to *actively* reach beyond that and influence others worldwide as a self-mandated spiritual leader, suggests to me that the ego of that "leader" is too great to ever support his divine aspirations.. And but that is just my opinion. If a person attains disciples through his actions and his teachings (which will probably be revolutionary otherwise he himself is a disciple) then that is well and good, and not beyond possibliity. Otherwise, if he is *actively striving* to become a spiritual leader, he is at best delusional, and at worst, "cult" and which is never a good thing is it.. I do not know.. what do you think??
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Delusional and cultish... I saw that at my first school and it wasn't an aiki art. I've only ever met (personally) one aiki guy that had an ego that was way too big for him and he had no asperations to be a divine leader. He just wanted fame and fortune. I can't relate to wanting to be a divine leader or even a semi-divine leader. Hell, I've just discovered that I couldn't even be a benevolent dictator. ;( I'm curious if you'd expand upon your initial post so that we might have a little more context with which to work.
sure sorry, but actually i knew it would be easy to misinterpret. leader in the sense mostly i mean to actively controll the movements and actions of others-physically or through verbal semiphysical gesturing. what many teachers, police, attractive or intimidating people do all the time... it can be positive, it can be cool, but it is a big responsibilty in my book.
anyhow, i was thinking along the lines of

everyone follows to a certain degree, but if you cannot lead well, then how could be aware and how could you ever fight well or defend yourself in various situations.
divine in the sense that everything is divine in realizing this, also divine in the sense that through guidance to lead people to goodness rather than destruction and evil. also, i can understand you point, because the term divine is misleading and tricky, in that little egos become inflated. (not to inflate some tiny ego, but to raise up the true largeness that is the divinity of the rightfully enlarged and elevated ego.
every creature has an ego and flees danger and protects it's young. this is not something bad. people trick you into thinking your ego is bad but theirs is!- everyone should be treated fairly and be free to enjoy life-no crime here.)
it is the very opposite, that someone that is in tune with the divine is perhaps very ambitious, but not in the least in need of ego stroking or false glory. many people think that masters or ma masters are rigid. - although there are elements of rigidity at the higher levels of being- being masterfull is to be flexible and extrememly tollerant, even spartan, i believe.

i believe a truly higher divine being that is selfaware could live for ages as a dog or as a beggar without needing to prove anything. technically, all people are a part of divinity(whatever you believe that is))

so a certain degree everyone wishes to lead or to be at least acknowledged. the very spark within each person that makes them selfaware, able to fight and to love is the divine energy i mean. if everyone was treated fairly, there would be no resentment in the whole world...however, this is not the case
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