"Aft thrusters, Mr. Sulu!"


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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I know the thread title sounds intolerant but I mean it with duel inference: first as a simple quote from one of my favorite shows of all time and second as a request to move forward!

George Takei is goin' to the chapel!

LOS ANGELES - Proclaiming their "California dream is reality," "Star Trek" star George Takei has announced on his Web site Tuesday that he and his longtime companion, Brad Altman, will wed.

Takei, who played Mr. Sulu on the classic "Star Trek" television series, is the latest gay celebrity to announce his pending nuptials to a partner since California Supreme Court lifted the ban on same-sex marriages last week.

You go boy!
Well that's okay, as long as your thread title didn't quote Khan... "Aft Torpedoes... Fire!"
Each there own and I am glad more people are moving forward with there choices.
Good for Sulu. Takes a lot of nerve to step out that far.

Well, he is best known for boldly going where no man has gone before.
Joking aside, relationships like his are the go-to comparisons to hetero marriage. It's about two people devoted to each other and to a higher purpose in joining their lives.
It's hard to argue against the reality of a 21 year relationship, even if the last whimpering vestige of my hyper-religious upbringing still can't admit to being at ease with same sex marriages or partnerships.

I rationalise it these days by the fact that it's a genetic 'dead end' (tho' science will shortly sort that out I'm sure) but in truth it is a spectre of "Thou shalt not ..." that's buried too deep for my rational mind to expunge :(.

Regardless of the crosses I bear, best of luck to Sulu and his partner - you're still the coolest navigator ever to leave space-dock :tup:.
I wish them the best, the fact that they've been together longer than most marriages last says alot about their relationship.
21 years is a hell of a long time for any relationship. Congratulations on them for sticking together so long and to the California Supreme Court for letting them formalize it.

I've had this sneaking suspicion that the (majority Republican) Court has a hidden agenda here. Letting same sex couples marry is a roundabout way of stopping gay sex. But I suppose it will be effective :p
21 years is a hell of a long time for any relationship. Congratulations on them for sticking together so long and to the California Supreme Court for letting them formalize it.

I've had this sneaking suspicion that the (majority Republican) Court has a hidden agenda here. Letting same sex couples marry is a roundabout way of stopping gay sex. But I suppose it will be effective :p
Once my flu ravaged brain actually clicked on what I bolded I nearly laughed my head off. Too funny.
Same sex marriage… ok whatever :shrug: ... doesn’t make much difference to me any more than the standard opposite sex marriage

Sulu’s GAY :eek: …. That came as a bit of a shock however.

Congratulations to them both :asian:
Sulu’s GAY :eek: …. That came as a bit of a shock however.

Srsly? It's pretty much a standard part of his appearances these days. Every time I have heard him on the radio or seen him on TV his orientation has been part of the program. Also, he had a big "coming out" announcement a few years ago, although it was apparently an open secret before then. Similar to Jodi Foster.
I remember Takei giving an interview around the time of his coming out. He and his partner had been together for years. Their names were on various charitable endorsements, etc. It was no secret, according to him, except that one day, a reporter asked him about it, and he answered the question.

Following that I believe Howard Stern gave him a regular spot on his radio broadcast, and, Howard Stern being Howard Stern, I suspect Takei's orientation was a frequent topic on the radio show.

If you are a Takei / Star Trek fan, check this link:


Takei and other cast members have reprized their roles on an Internet-based series of new Star Trek episodes. The idea behind the series, conceived by James Cawley, who plays Kirk, is to complete the original five year mission by creating two years worth of new Star Trek episodes. The original series was canceled after three seasons.

They've been cranking out the episodes slowly, about one a year, but they've gotten progressively better, and the series has attracted actors and crew from Stark Trek and the various spin-offs.

Srsly? It's pretty much a standard part of his appearances these days. Every time I have heard him on the radio or seen him on TV his orientation has been part of the program. Also, he had a big "coming out" announcement a few years ago, although it was apparently an open secret before then. Similar to Jodi Foster.
Srsly? It's pretty much a standard part of his appearances these days. Every time I have heard him on the radio or seen him on TV his orientation has been part of the program. Also, he had a big "coming out" announcement a few years ago, although it was apparently an open secret before then. Similar to Jodi Foster.

Jodi Foster :eek:... Just kidding

I truly did not know George Takei was gay, could be I live under a rock, could be I have young kids and all I watch is kids TV but regardless I'm happy for him.
I truly did not know George Takei was gay, could be I live under a rock, could be I have young kids and all I watch is kids TV but regardless I'm happy for him.

Hey, I'm not one to criticize people for not knowing enough about pop culture! Most of the music I still listen to was recorded in the 70's. :D
And who could forget this little gem?

ROFL. How about that for setting the phasers to stun :D. :rei:.

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