A whole new world of pain...

upnorthkyosa said:
I actually doubled over reading this...

I was carrying a box of stuff to the apartment in which we used to live. I was barefoot and I was approaching a fire door. Little did I know, but my girlfriend was coming the other way and the door opened my way. I stopped, shifted the box and the went to open the door. My gf opened the door as I was reaching for it and it swung at just the right height to plane over my foot and tear my big toenail off. That hurt so bad, I almost puked. I couldn't even swear...

OUCH!!!! I just felt that!
When I was 2 or 3, I was feeding the family cat nacho cheese flavored Doritos. I held one out for him to take, and he got the Dorito, and in the process managed to bite straight through my thumbnail. (Not to mention what what going through the soft part of my thumb from below.) Single pincture wound up top from one of the canines, single one on the bottom. Between that and the bobby pin in the light socket, (still remember how that felt) those are two of my earliest memories.
I used to ski moguls before I switched over to snowboarding. I had my bindings "dinned out" (basically the highest release setting on a ski binding). I was cruise'n the bumps when I lost it and had my leg, with the ski still locked on, turn almost completely around. There went the MCL and ACL. I felt like someone drove a raolroad spike through my knee. The ski patrol guy almost pucked when he saw my leg postion.
I think it's a toss-up between two things from my III Dan testing...

The facility we were testing in had very rough carpeting on the floor, and I caught a callus on the bottom of my foot while performing a move with a stamping motion, and my foot turned over, so I stomped on the top of my foot... fell over.... thought briefly about the 4 VIII Dans on the testing board, got up, and kept going with pattern. My instructor's wife is a nurse practitioner (doctor of nursing) and I found out later she thought I broke my ankle.

Later in the same testing, my instructor was demonstrating his step sparring with me as his partner, and he did a twist kick that caught me right in the temple. Luckily for him, he hit the side away from the test board, and I didn't really flinch... still... it did take my mind off my ankle for a few minutes while I decided if I was going to pass out or not!
I have orthodontic braces. Need I say more? ;)
The most pain I've been in came from totalling my parents' car when I was seventeen years old. I ran a stop sign, made a left turn - and got broadsided by a minivan. My head hit the windshield (I had my seatbelt on) and the car spun out of the road. Somehow, I unbuckled my seatbelt and staggered out of the car. I looked at the damage and moaned, "My parents are going to KILL me!"

Luckily I didn't break any bones. Actually, I was lucky to be alive; I nearly had a head-on collision with the minivan. I had many bumps and bruises, and a really bad concussion. I was in so much pain, but I wasn't allowed to fall asleep because of the concussion. Not only was I in serious pain, but I also had to listen to my dad lecture me about my carelessness. Ouch, and double ouch.
Oh my! Where to begin... Should I start with the real small, but real painful, or the embarassing- lets go to the hospital kind? I'll just stick with the few nice and fresh in memory:

Most recently, I was trying to pick up a couple of plastic boxes that was over my head (no weight in them). As I started to lift one up, it proceeded to slip. You know that area on your palm, right where the knuckle of your index finger is? The skin got pinched, and left a nice little bruise. Boy- did I ever say a few not- so- nice words on that one! At an inconvenient time (work), I had this heavy duty brush (with metal bristles on one end of it)- one of the bristles slid under a finger nail. Talk about setting pain receptors off! Then in high school, I somehow slammed my thumb against my locker- the thumb twitched for a few days... The same year (here's the "ebarassing/ let's go to hospital now part)- I wasn't paying attention when I got off my school bus, and the ground was wet. Just as I got off the last step, my ankle twisted and gave out right at the entrance of the school. Needless to say, I broke my ankle.
lets see there would be the time i was climbing my dresser ( i was about 10) and it fell over on me...mainly my upper body and head that landed me in hte hospital.... umm the getting bucked offa horse i seprated my shoulder bursed my ribs and couldnt lay down for about a week and now have tendonitus in that shoulder and that flares up more often then i wish. Most recently i managed to fall down a flight of stairs while helping my bf move into his apartment while carring a rather large box... didnt go in for that one but i did get lots of TLC from George no real damage but my butt hurt for the next week
Back when I was a late teen, we wen't sledding with one of those plastic sleds. we were bored and one was laying around. I went down, and slid over rock embedded in the snow, right over my tail bone! Had to sit on padding and couldn't walk right for a week.
upnorthkyosa said:
I actually doubled over reading this...

I was carrying a box of stuff to the apartment in which we used to live. I was barefoot and I was approaching a fire door. Little did I know, but my girlfriend was coming the other way and the door opened my way. I stopped, shifted the box and the went to open the door. My gf opened the door as I was reaching for it and it swung at just the right height to plane over my foot and tear my big toenail off. That hurt so bad, I almost puked. I couldn't even swear...

oh god. you could describe that slowly as a method of interrogation. dude, i'd talk just when the door made first contact. oh god. ohgodohgodohgod.
upnorthkyosa said:
I actually doubled over reading this...

I was carrying a box of stuff to the apartment in which we used to live. I was barefoot and I was approaching a fire door. Little did I know, but my girlfriend was coming the other way and the door opened my way. I stopped, shifted the box and the went to open the door. My gf opened the door as I was reaching for it and it swung at just the right height to plane over my foot and tear my big toenail off. That hurt so bad, I almost puked. I couldn't even swear...

:erg: Good Lord! OOOOOOWWWWW!
Pain......well I have gout, that is crazy pain.
I had a shingles outbreak in a very sensitive and "private" area last year. the pain wasn't exactly excruciating, I think what hurt more was my wife's giggling as I writhed on the bed moaning "my &!%$ hurts". STOP LAUGHING!

I once had a chigger on my scrotum when I was like 6 years old. My grandad put turpentine on it. He was a mean ole bastard.

But even worse than that was the time, hopping from a left flamingo to a right flamingo, and catching my toe in the cuff of my gi pants. Within 5 minutes my entire big toe was purple. Limped for 2 weeks.
Natural childbirth ... nuff said.
Most pain I can ever remember being in wasn't at all sneaky and wouldn't do much good in an SD situation but here goes. Was helping a friend paint a tin roof early in the morning. My 12 year old daughter was painting the porch. I was on a ladder on the roof painting the eaves of the attic window when the dew on the roof caused the ladder to slide out from under me. Off I went, ten feet out and two stories down to land flat of my back. I was still seeing stars when Chelsea (my kid) ran over and said "Dad! are you alright?!" paused for a second and said "Uh, never mind...stupid question." I got one crushed vert and a torn rotator cuff out of that one.

Sneakiest pain was when I was playing with Tucker (my dog) and teasing him with a snack. He's rather short, jumped to snap at the snack and nipped something that rhymes with snack instead. Man, I thought I was gonna die.
upnorthkyosa said:
...razor sharp baby nails are moving toward my face and she's inside my guard.

rofl! That is the best description ever!

I've had countless 2.5' children come running at me and cracking me nethers with their noggins. That always hurts.

Been married twice.

I think the worst pain, though, was when I accidently ran a propane blowtorch down the side of my thumb. I saw the flesh bubble. Burns are the worst.
donna said:
I second that, and third, and fourth ,and fifth it!!!
I'll be the first to admit that if it were up to men to bare children, we would have become extinct a long time ago.

*Adam talking to God: "You want me to what??? HAHAHA! umm...no".

Frankly, I think y'all are crazy, but you most definately have my undying gratitude and respect. I'll take the boomerang in the eye anyday.
When I wrecked the bike and bounced my head off the ground a few times at 50 without my helmet... thats up there.

Yes, I have a hard head, or permanant brain damage, take your pick.

Or the time I startled my dog and he freaked and bit me on the face... Full size Shepherd Pitbull mix... on the face.
I used to play baseball when I was in high school. I took an 80 mile an hour fast ball on the funny bone and I thought that my arm had been forcibly amputated.

I also got hit in the sweet charlie horse spot on the leg with a pitch of similar velocity. Both legs went dead. Shooting pain ran into my toes.

And then there was the time that I slammed a fast ball with everything I had and pounded a line drive into the pitchers groin. The ambulence came for him and I hurt sympathetically.

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