a question

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Actually, he's not far off. The term is actually a technique, though, not a weapon. You basically hit your opponent in the "cod eggs" with a boshiken.

I don't expect nobody to believe enything, and ider am hear to find out or argue about ninja schools' ancestry or autenticity, I am shure this is a weapon ,at least for some group of people that where or said they were ninjas
tarakoboshi said:
I don't expect nobody to believe enything, and ider am hear to find out or argue about ninja schools' ancestry or autenticity, I am shure this is a weapon ,at least for some group of people that where or said they were ninjas

Well, you got an answer that the weapon can't be Japanese, and ninja were Japanese. So maybe someone fooled you into thinking they were ninjas, but they were not. Kind of sad that it looks like you were fooled long enough to get a 15th dan from them. But hey, now you know better. But your question about the weapon here is out of place because it is not related to ninjutsu. You might want to try a board devoted to cooking.
tarakoboshi said:
i have in fact serch a lot in the internet for it, and i know tarako are the eggs of the cod and also know what all the diferent definicion of boshi, in budo taijutsu is a hit whith the tip of the thumb (boshiken) also called shitoken, but im serious when i isay it is the name given to a japannese weapon, i don't think you will find it in a enciclopedia, it belongs to a secret school. Ill be thankfull if anyone can also help me if you know anything about NAKATO.

Listen to Don and Jeff they know exactly what they are talking about or they would point you in the right direction!

Brian R. VanCise
tarakoboshi said:
I am shure this is a weapon ,at least for some group of people that where or said they were ninjas

I'll see if I can help you out here if you can give me some clues as to where to start looking.

What does it look like? Do you have a picture? If you have a picture please post it.
What is it made of?
When was it used?
Who told you about it? Can you give me their address or phone number?

If you can supply us with that information, we can supply you with assistance.
That information is what i whant to know, i don't know much about it, im shure it is a wapon of a ninja school, maybe nakato, or it may have to do something whit the rapa, I have never seen it, 2 persons have mention it to me. maybe you can help me find out something
tarakoboshi said:
That information is what i whant to know, i don't know much about it, im shure it is a wapon of a ninja school, maybe nakato, or it may have to do something whit the rapa, I have never seen it, 2 persons have mention it to me. maybe you can help me find out something
Do you mean rappa? That's an older term that was more commonly used than ninja.
tarakoboshi said:
I have never seen it, 2 persons have mention it to me.

Mr Codroehat,

Kizaru asked you already,

Who told you about it? Can you give me their address or phone number?

so if you answer the above we may be able to help you.
You don't need to know their phone number, it whont help, besides that i don't have it. A first person mentioned it to me, then i ask a the other one and he told me it belong to the arsenal of some rappa (I didn't know rappa mean ninja) and then he said something about a Nakato group, after that he told me to ask
tarakoboshi said:
You don't need to know their phone number, it whont help, besides that i don't have it. A first person mentioned it to me, then i ask a the other one and he told me it belong to the arsenal of some rappa (I didn't know rappa mean ninja) and then he said something about a Nakato group, after that he told me to ask

Well then, you might as well stop asking as I doubt anyone will help you. Your comment that others do not need to know their phone number is very rude. If you want help, you are going to have to give more information and change your attitude. You are already the subject of many jokes. If you want people to help you instead of laugh at you, you had better make some changes.

First of all, what is your name? Where and who did you hear this from? Considering the fact that you can't spell things correctly even in your native English, there is the possibility that you fouled up the quasi- Japanese.

But the most likely explination is that you are either lying, or were not bright enough to realize you were being lied to. If you give some contact info to your source we will at least know you are honest and can check to see if you did not make a mistake in the names like you have with other items.

Or you can ignore this advice and the guys that are making jokes at your expense will just keep continuing. I don't want to see that happen. It lowers the level of the board as a whole. But if you don't start acting in a manner worthy of respect, I am afraid you will just keep getting laughed at like Bruce Calkins, Blooming Lotus and Monkey all did before they had to leave.
Im sorry if y had beeing rude in anyway, and im sorry about my ortografic faults, my name is Carlos, and my native legunage is not english, it is spanish, and don't know japanese, if I reapet a mistake i ask you to understand, im not good enough in engish, if you whant any informantion on my just ask, the question I am posting is unclear even to me, I'm shure it exist,the reason is that two diferent persons told about it, including the diminute posibility that they agreed to foolish me it is completate clear to me it exist. I am asking your help, I am concient that finding out about tarako bohsi is not easy, at least not to me, the person mentionig this item to me said a real good ninja should know about it, I am asking in this forum because I know you know lot more about ninjutzu that me, and you mey know about this wapon or where to find out about it
Carlos, la persona que dijó usted que Tarako Boshi es un arma esta tomandote su pelo. Las personas aquí son instructores alcanzados en Ninjutsu. También, tenemos personas aquí como Don Roley y yo que hablemos Japonés (y otras lenguas).

If you want to believe the person that you know over the instructors here, that is your choice. We are telling you the truth and that is the best we can do.

No le podemos forzar a creer nada. :asian:
tarakoboshi said:
I'm shure it exist,the reason is that two diferent persons told about it, including the diminute posibility that they agreed to foolish me it is completate clear to me it exist.

Since I have no idea what you were told in Spainish I am going to go ahead and tell you that it does not exist, at least as far as the Japanese are concerned.

Admiting you can be fooled is not pleasent. But you would be more of a fool to try to convince yourself and everyone here that you can't be fooled. Too many people are laughing at you as it is. Don't give them more reason to.

Accept the reality, learn from the expereince and maybe someday people will treat you with respect instead of making jokes at your expense like they are.

There really is no reason for this thread to go on if all you are going to do is try to convince us that you are not fool enough to be suckered in by someone. Since you can't give us any information about who fooled you, there is not point to this conversation.
Don Roley said:
Since I have no idea what you were told in Spainish I am going to go ahead and tell you that it does not exist, at least as far as the Japanese are concerned.

Admiting you can be fooled is not pleasent. But you would be more of a fool to try to convince yourself and everyone here that you can't be fooled. Too many people are laughing at you as it is. Don't give them more reason to.

Accept the reality, learn from the expereince and maybe someday people will treat you with respect instead of making jokes at your expense like they are.

There really is no reason for this thread to go on if all you are going to do is try to convince us that you are not fool enough to be suckered in by someone. Since you can't give us any information about who fooled you, there is not point to this conversation.

Don, I told Carlos that someone was joshing with him...with a nod to the level of Ninjutsu proficiency that we have here on the board as well as the folks including you and I both speak Japanese.

Also mentioned that none of us can force him to believe anything.

Seago sensei confirms.

Sorry for not posting in both languages. That would have been the polite thing to do.
Carol Kaur said:
Sorry for not posting in both languages. That would have been the polite thing to do.

Yes, Thank you for posting a translation. I still remember Yariman. I think that English is the only language you can post here without a transaltion as well.

But your advice was good and I am glad you gave it to him in his own language so that he could understand.
Don Roley said:
I think that English is the only language you can post here without a transaltion as well..


In any event Carlos, if you can't help us, we can't help you.
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