A Question for you all...



Firstly, a big hello to everyone on this forum. I'm new both to this site, AND to martial arts in general, so can I please apologise in advance for any ignornace, lack of knowledge or understanding - I truly am a rookie in the purest sense of the word!

My dilemma is this...

For a while I have fancied learning a martial art, for numerous reasons. My problem is I wear glasses all the time, and can't see too great without them... it might sound like a small problem, but I can't wear contacts and I totally refuse to get any laser surgery or whatever. So my question is, will I be able to goto classes, even though I wear glasses? or would I have to take them off, or whatever? I completely have not decided what i would like to learn, incidentally...

Thanx in advance :cool:
Hou's aa wi ye?

It would honestly depend a great deal on what martial art you end up pursuing. Most of the time in training, I start out with my glasses on, then loose them when head contact comes into play.

On another note..I'm blind as a bat..and like you, refuse to get lazer surgery or wear contacts. However, the time that I spend without my glasses, although uncomfortable, helps me a great deal. It allows my eyes to relax...this requires not straining to see without them. You have a sight problem...allow it to hinder you.

In a confrontation, chances are you're going to be attacked with your glasses on. What happens if they get knocked off?
Originally posted by Delantero
Firstly, a big hello to everyone on this forum. I'm new both to this site, AND to martial arts in general, so can I please apologise in advance for any ignornace, lack of knowledge or understanding - I truly am a rookie in the purest sense of the word!

My dilemma is this...

For a while I have fancied learning a martial art, for numerous reasons. My problem is I wear glasses all the time, and can't see too great without them... it might sound like a small problem, but I can't wear contacts and I totally refuse to get any laser surgery or whatever. So my question is, will I be able to goto classes, even though I wear glasses? or would I have to take them off, or whatever? I completely have not decided what i would like to learn, incidentally...

Thanx in advance :cool:

I wear glasses all the time during training, except for sparring or when we're doing a technique that the glasses would get ripped off while doing. I've not found it to be a problem.

One caveat, I got the expensive wire frames that you can bend into a pretzel without damaging. And I got some rubber doohickies (it's a technical term, of course) that slide over the ear pieces and hook behind my ears. I've been wearing these glasses for 90% of all my training since 1996 without any sort of major incident.

You can also get the sport goggle type doohikies(another technical term) with your perscription. The plastic almost saftey goggle looking ones that have elastic for the head band. Those might be cool to use even during sparring. Might be a tad expensive however.

I won't do laser surgery and can't wear contacts. Can't see past about 5 feet without my glasses. Can't workout with glasses cause I sweat like a pig and fog them up.

So, I train without glasses. Pick a style where you can work in close enough to see. Try Kenpo or a Grappling style.
Welcome to MT Delantero.

Pesilat, Jay bell and 7star have some good pointers, but even if you don't by the extra gear to protect and keep you glasses on I would still jump into a class. Give it a shot. Most schools offer short trial period that would allow you to evaluate and make a better decision. What schools are around for you to try?

I wear contacts now (which is a good thing otherwise I wouldn't be able to see my sensei much less figure out what technique he's showing!!!) but I lived most of my life with glasses so I know what it's like. My (Aikido) sensei for years had glasses (until the laser surgery last year) and trained with the ends of his glasses in an elastic strap that fits behind his head (he probably found those at a sports store maybe) and it was unusual for those glasses to fall off even when he'd do rolls and breakfalls. Another blackbelt in our class wears the goggles and they seem to work pretty well for him too.

Whichever Martial Art you're thinking about, I hope you'll have a great time and happy training! :)

Also---Welcome to Martial Talk! :wavey:

Robyn :asian:
There are also "Chums" which are those elastic bands that go on the earpieces of your glasses and you can tighten them up on the back. They cost about 4-7 bucks apiece depending upon where you get them. But go where you can afford, surgery, contacts, prescription ground sport glasses, or chums.

One thing to think about also... in a REAL fight, odds are you gonna lose your glasses or they're gonna get busted or both. Learning how to fight "blind" may end up being a good advantage for you. :asian:
"One thing to think about also... in a REAL fight, odds are you gonna lose your glasses or they're gonna get busted or both. Learning how to fight "blind" may end up being a good advantage for you."

I agree with you but if this guy is just starting out...he's got to be able to see what's happening and learn some things first. :asian: Still, as you already said, "Go where you can afford". :)

Robyn :asian:
I wear glasses and I have simply learned when to take them off before practicing something. Sometimes I misjudge and they get knocked off. Luckily my optometrist is very forgiving about tightening them back up for me. I've never had a pair broken doing martial arts (though Mr. Hartman did once break a pair on me in anotehr cirumstance).
I used to wear glasses and usually took them off only for sparring. Had a couple incidents where they either broke or got pushed into my face, but nothing major.

I wear contact lenses now, and only had one incident where one tried to pop out on me, but that was due to a finger in the eye. :)

I wear my glasses to train and only need to take them off when I ground grapple. Otherwise, they stay on and their fine.

I do have contacts, but unfortunately the kind I have (for real real bad eyes), shift and blur at a moment's notice so I found them to be more of a hinderance overall. Though it was great to actually be able to see what was happening when I ground grappled.
Guys and girls, THANK YOU for the terrific response... I reckon from what you've all said, the best thing would be to just keep them on unless im actually fighting 1 on 1. The fact that in a real fight they'd get knocked off is a very good point...

The thing is, from sounds of things, Kenpo appears to be the art that would suit me best - however the nearest Kenpo school is hundreds of miles away, in Leeds, England, and I'm in Glasgow. It's a shame, because it sounds as if it really works 'on the streets' sorta thing. So basically I have no idea what to look for now :rolleyes:
If the eyes are really bad...you might want to avoid striking arts where you have to see an opponent to block him and counter...you might want to try a grappling art like Judo, Ju Jitsu, or Aikido where you are in more constant contact with your opponent.