A question for the guys...

So which do we prefer, our Women or our Games

  • Games! They rule!

  • Women Over Games anyday!

  • I love them both equally

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Master of Blades

We often hear girls complain about how we tend to "Love that computer game more then" her....But is this the actual case?

And so, I present a question to the men of martial talk......How many of you actually prefer sitting down to a nice game of Soul Calibur and beating a few people rather then sitting down at the table or having 5 hour long phone calls with the girls of your choice?

Lets weigh the Pro's and Con's.....

Women Pro's: Sex, Cuddling, Sex, Long Phone Calls, Playful Gestures, Sex, Romantic evenings, Commitment, You can Marry them, Can give you Children, give you the best time of your life and so on

Computer Pro's: It can be switched on and off, Be put on mute, You can usually use and abuse it, You dont have to wait for it to be happy, Doesnt argue with you, You can put it on Easy and win pretty much everything, Improves Hand Eye co-ordination, only costs £49:99 usually etc

Women Cons: Really Expensive (Sometimes), Require a lot of time, A lot of love, sometimes wont give you what you want, Give you some of the worst times in your life and thats all I can think of at the moment.

Computer Cons: It sometimes will fail and destroy your console, Can be too addictive, Has loading screens, Will beat you when your brave enough to put it on the hardest settings, can make you super frustrated etc

Now dont take this too seriously, although I am asking it as a real question. I'm mainly asking because my girlfriend said that when I invited her around and "supposedly" ignored her for Soul Calibur 2 as to which she said the above. So Im asking all you guys, which do you prefer in the long run, your computer games or your women :D
You really don't expect me to answer this question in a forum on the WORLD WIDE WEB ........

I've spent months (perhaps years) trying to get my kids to realize I can read anything they post online ... and you want me to post this in a place my wife visits regulary .... I think not !

I clicked on love both equally, but when it comes right down to it... I'll take women over a game anyday, both pros and cons. Games are okay but geez man, they're not life and they're certainly not intelliegent enough to throw you a curve to make it more interesting and mostly because they (games) are like the highway between Dallas and Ft. Worth... no curves!
Originally posted by MACaver
I clicked on love both equally, but when it comes right down to it... I'll take women over a game anyday, both pros and cons. Games are okay but geez man, they're not life and they're certainly not intelliegent enough to throw you a curve to make it more interesting and mostly because they (games) are like the highway between Dallas and Ft. Worth... no curves!

Might not be able to throw you a curve but they can really throw you sometimes......

Specially if your playing Ivy in Soul Calibur 2 and she decides to eat you with a superthrow! :mad:
Originally posted by Seig
My wife over a game anyday. The rest of the women in this world, I'll stick to my games.

*entering room with a Fake men's beard glued on.. saying in a deep husky voice.. wonder what he'd really say in here without m.. errr Tess around* Slinks back out ..... :D
When I was a teen most girls at that age are stupid and annoying anyway so I would say games. As you get older you find out that they can still be stupid and annoying but the key is to find one that doesn't look at you as a project that needs to be "fixed". If she constantly needs attention and doesn't let you be yourself go look somewhere else it's not worth the hassle. My gf doesn't give me any grief when I'm on my x-box or ps2.
Originally posted by fist of fury
When I was a teen most girls at that age are stupid and annoying anyway so I would say games. As you get older you find out that they can still be stupid and annoying but the key is to find one that doesn't look at you as a project that needs to be "fixed". If she constantly needs attention and doesn't let you be yourself go look somewhere else it's not worth the hassle. My gf doesn't give me any grief when I'm on my x-box or ps2.
you have both? That is just so wrong.

*kicks PS-1*
Women of course, it's hard to spoon with my PS2.
Originally posted by fist of fury
When I was a teen most girls at that age are stupid and annoying anyway so I would say games. As you get older you find out that they can still be stupid and annoying but the key is to find one that doesn't look at you as a project that needs to be "fixed". If she constantly needs attention and doesn't let you be yourself go look somewhere else it's not worth the hassle. My gf doesn't give me any grief when I'm on my x-box or ps2.

That sounds like you have the best of all of the worlds.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
That sounds like you have the best of all of the worlds.

Yes I do she's a martial artist, likes gorey horror movies, hates chick flicks, plays RPG's and best of all she's hot looking:D
fist of fury:

Congrats on such a great find! :D :asian:
Well...I picked both. And it was a tough choice seeing how I just broke up and reallly wanted to just pick games. ;) Actually I have been indulging in a few games since I broke up. Like Madden '04, Zelda, the WindWaker, Pride FC, and a bunch more. I'll tell ya it's nice having the PS2 and X-Box......but I had to get the GameCube for Zelda and Mario Kart. Love those games. :)

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