A new office.... that is all wrong

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
My office moved and I have a new desk, a new ID and a new parking space too. It is a fairly new building that is INCREDIBLY green.

And absolutely everything, including my gut, tells me this is all wrong and I really do not want to be here... and I got that feeling a month ago on my first walk through and I had not seen the parking yet...

Now the parking is also all wrong… The parking lot is large, far form the building, secluded and has the occasional gang sign painting show up. And from what I can see, come winter, it will be rather dark too…..

Time to transfer
Yeah, close parking lots are better if it can be done.

But I am in a green builidng too. 1930s green. Lots of windows, light courts, share steam heat with other buildings. Consider yourself lucky. ;-)

We have several parking lots. One a couple blocks away with a lot of homeless hanging out. Guards there, but not along the way.

But it's all good, we have a Walmart coming. ;-)
Bad Feng Shui?

Sorry to hear that!
(invest in the red colored octagonal mirrors, flutes and plants, maybe fish tank...and one of them telescoping billy clubs or mag lights!)
It’s not so much the fear of attack, I spent many years in State Security and escorted many to nasty areas after dark....it is just I feel I am just too old for this....been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and the coffee mug...don't want to do it no more.

As for the building, it apparently got awards for being so green…. Of course when people set up PCs and plugged them into the motion sensor power strips they were not so happy about its greenness but no one asked me before they set the damn things up…even though they were supposed to.
It’s not so much the fear of attack, I spent many years in State Security and escorted many to nasty areas after dark....it is just I feel I am just too old for this....been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and the coffee mug...don't want to do it no more.

As for the building, it apparently got awards for being so green…. Of course when people set up PCs and plugged them into the motion sensor power strips they were not so happy about its greenness but no one asked me before they set the damn things up…even though they were supposed to.

Motion sensor power strips for computers. Now that's funny. Good luck!
I worked in offices with those motion sensor lights... It used to be kind of funny. You'd see someone suddenly move or wave their hands around every several minutes to keep the lights on.
Now the parking is also all wrong… The parking lot is large, far form the building, secluded and has the occasional gang sign painting show up. And from what I can see, come winter, it will be rather dark too…..

You could carry Maglites. Lots and lots of Maglites. %-}

The Hands of Doom
You could carry Maglites. Lots and lots of Maglites. %-}

The Hands of Doom

I think everybody except you and my kid will be fine with one.

( and if I got that wrong I apologize profusely) :)
I worked in offices with those motion sensor lights... It used to be kind of funny. You'd see someone suddenly move or wave their hands around every several minutes to keep the lights on.

I put a motion sensor switch in my laundry room.

Fine when I am busy... a pain when I am in slo-mo....
The hall way would be the only other room I'd put one. Definitely not the office...
I put a motion sensor switch in my laundry room.

Fine when I am busy... a pain when I am in slo-mo....
The hall way would be the only other room I'd put one. Definitely not the office...

Woman sitting at her desk reading a long e-mail and poof her computer and monitor shut off... that is just one example of what went on. Another guy (upper management) spent to muchtime proof readina a report he was writting and...well...poof.... he loat it all. And don't get me started as to how they decided to handle PCs they were not sure who the user was.... I am still searching for PCs...

And today

Today was the people who drew the maps and set up people placement and printer locations (again without asking me). They are now arguing about the printer placement and they want the printers moved to fit the maps… printers, copiers, fax and senders are in place, network connections have been made at those locations and the users are happy where they are... so...... I gave them white out and a couple colored pens and told them this was easier and the the printers stay in place. They are still arguing and want another meeting with additional people and I beginning to think I need to show them some of the qinna I have learned over the years.

It just gets fun-er-er and fun-er-er
I put a motion sensor switch in my laundry room.

Fine when I am busy... a pain when I am in slo-mo....
The hall way would be the only other room I'd put one. Definitely not the office...
We have them in our bathrooms at work. The woman often have the lights turn off on them while they are in the stalls.
We have them in our bathrooms at work. The woman often have the lights turn off on them while they are in the stalls.

heck, when yer sittin down, who needs lights...the gents often seem to need a spotlight (and a spotter...)

Woman sitting at her desk reading a long e-mail and poof her computer and monitor shut off... that is just one example of what went on. Don't get me started as to how they decided to handle PCs they were not sure who the user was.... I am still searching for PCs...

And today

Today was people who drew maps arguing about printer placement they wanted printers moved to fit the maps… printers, copiers, fax and senders are in place, network connections have been made at those locations and the users are happy where they are... so...... I gave them white out and a couple colored pens and told them this was easier and the the printers stay in place. They are still arguing and want another meeting and I beginning to think I need to show them some of the qinna I have learned over the years.

It just gets fun-er-er and fun-er-er

As I walked up the long thin ramp over the train tracks, next to the highway, from the parking lot that makes me think of a dungeon... I had this thought

On second thought, let's not go to work. It is a silly place.
As I walked up the long thin ramp over the train tracks, next to the highway, from the parking lot that makes me think of a dungeon... I had this thought

On second thought, let's not go to work. It is a silly place.

Sounds right!

Except from how you describe the problems of people. That sounds too funny to walk away from yet.