A Local Reminder Of Why "REAL" Self-Defense Includes Preparedness Training

I find it interesting how some quibble over the term 'self-defense' as if that changes the logic of being prepared for foreseeable threats to one's life or health. Call it a jelly donut, most of us are far more likely to face a kitchen grease fire than a mugging. That is simple threat analysis.

I also like the reducto ad absurdum argument from the trolls. No, an umbrella against rain isn't self-defense, nor have I ever said that. Having a working fire extinguisher and knowing how to use it is no less self-defense than carrying a firearm and knowing how to use it. Both are intended to defend one's life in emergency. Both are examples of self-defense. One is far more likely than the other to be needed.
Disagreeing with you isn’t trolling, and the suggestion says more about you than anyone else. Using dismissive language like quibbling is more trolling behavior than disagreeing with you and trying to explain why.

You have a particular definition of self defense. One of literally dozens. You’re welcome to it. But don’t expect everyone to just agree with you. You’ve applied some thought to the idea. So have others.

Having a working fire extinguisher isn’t self defense, in my opinion, because it doesn’t relate to a crime. Maybe it’s a jelly donut. Certainly it’s a good idea. But it’s not self defense. If having a fire extinguisher reduced the likelihood of being victimized in a crime, I’d agree that it’s self defense. I don’t see the link.

And calling your neighbors too stupid to live kind of starts the entire thread off with a certain tone.
I find it interesting how some quibble over the term 'self-defense' as if that changes the logic of being prepared for foreseeable threats to one's life or health. Call it a jelly donut, most of us are far more likely to face a kitchen grease fire than a mugging. That is simple threat analysis.

I also like the reducto ad absurdum argument from the trolls. No, an umbrella against rain isn't self-defense, nor have I ever said that. Having a working fire extinguisher and knowing how to use it is no less self-defense than carrying a firearm and knowing how to use it. Both are intended to defend one's life in emergency. Both are examples of self-defense. One is far more likely than the other to be needed.
fire extinguisher are really for protection of property, as a general rule, if you need a Fe to escape then its to late, your not putting an establish house fire out with a FE
fire extinguisher are really for protection of property, as a general rule, if you need a Fe to escape then its to late, your not putting an establish house fire out with a FE

I believe it is either to put out something like a trash can or not to advanced cooking fire, or to use to aid in getting out of the building you are in. I have heard fire extinguishers useful for all three, but not more. Most for the home only work for 30 seconds anyway.

You are correct in that part of your sentence where a hand held fire extinguisher is not going to help put out an established house fire.
I believe it is either to put out something like a trash can or not to advanced cooking fire, or to use to aid in getting out of the building you are in. I have heard fire extinguishers useful for all three, but not more. Most for the home only work for 30 seconds anyway.

You are correct in that part of your sentence where a hand held fire extinguisher is not going to help put out an established house fire.
more like 3 seconds from those commonly bought for the home, you get about 30 seconds from a great big commercial co2 extinguisher
more like 3 seconds from those commonly bought for the home, you get about 30 seconds from a great big commercial co2 extinguisher

Perhaps where you are from, I wouldn't know. But in the USA, 30 seconds is considered norm. I don't see how you could put out anything bigger than a match stick in 3 seconds.
A 10lb home fire extinguisher will discharge for approx 20 seconds.
Many people purchase the small 2 or 3 lbs units which are quite inappropriate. Those last approx 3-5 seconds.
A 10lb home fire extinguisher will discharge for approx 20 seconds.
Many people purchase the small 2 or 3 lbs units which are quite inappropriate. Those last approx 3-5 seconds.
indeed, even with a " big one" you ability to fight your way out of a burning building is some what limited
indeed, even with a " big one" you ability to fight your way out of a burning building is some what limited
Agreed. It might be enough to clear a path, but if the place is that engulfed, the heat and smoke are more of a problem than the active flames. I can imagine some very limited situations where that might be enough to escape, but nearly everything I can imagine is more about preventing spread and containing - which is back to your point of protecting assets, rather than people.
How is it not self-defense? Also, I'm sorry that happened to you.
Last Christmas actually. Almost a year now.

It's ok I had good insurance. :)

As for SD, if you start defining that broadly stepping over potholes and making sure to turn the light on before walking through a room is self defense. Self defense all day long. Lift with your legs, not your back..self defense!
Last Christmas actually. Almost a year now.

It's ok I had good insurance. :)

As for SD, if you start defining that broadly stepping over potholes and making sure to turn the light on before walking through a room is self defense. Self defense all day long. Lift with your legs, not your back..self defense!

Lifting with your legs is so self defence.

Most of fighting can be countered with good structure.
In addition to our own preparedness, I also try to know which neighbors might need help. Next door neighbor is in his 90's but kind of a jerk years ago. A few houses down on the other side of the street nice older lady, large family but they live miles away. A few houses away on the opposite side of us is a family with a large developmentally disabled young man, etc.
Helping others during crises helps keep the head clear and the focus umm focused.

Brian King
We live on the side of a volcano, on an island in the middle of nowhere. Have a bug out bag at home, and my wife and I have small ones in our vehicles. Fortunately, she has a four wheel drive truck, which would probably be crucial given the roads here [small] and the topography [rocky]. Back in the nineties we hatched out plans, where to meet if we were apart, who to go get, where food was growing wild. Our bug out bags were much larger then, we had dogs. Easier right now. [until the next dog.] My wife recently bought an emergency radio, one of those hand crank jobs. Used to have one, have no idea what happened to it.

Used to think about these things more when I was younger. Don't much care any more, which is why my bug out bag has some things in it specifically for my own personal amusement. Might as well have some giggles - when running for your life and screaming in fear!