A Few Questions for the People of Martialtalk.com


You stated you had five years of Shudokan Karate...

A teacher, friend, and student of mine (all the same person) in college stated that he trained in Shudokan...I had never heard of it before. Can you tell me where you learned it and who your teacher was...I'll forward it to my friend and see if he knows the guy...he lost touch with his teacher and I'm sure he'd be interested in hooking back up if there is a common thread here.

(No, I'm not interested in shooting you down...I just want to help my friend find his old teacher)

Age: soon 39
Sex: Male
Martial Status: getting married next month
Children: 1 (10 years) & one on the way
MA pratice: Aikido & Modern Arnis & JuJitsu. Been doing it since '79 were I started off with Jujitsu, then in '84 I started Aikido, and in '90 I started Modern Arnis.

Originally posted by PAUL

O.K....I'll bite....

Age: 25
Sex: Usually with Women, unless Rich Parsons, Arnisador, or Renegade are wearing victoria's secret...THEN IT'S ON!:ladysman:
Marital Status: Single, but with a live-in girlfriend. Please don't tell her about above :roflmao:
Kids: None of my own, but I work with children (such as Dan Anderson, and others on the modern arnis forum :p )
MA experience: training in Martial Arts for 18 years. I won't go through the list, but I primarily focus on Modern Arnis, Balintawak, and anything combat-related.


Didnt take long did it :rofl:

And Jason about that *Boot to the Groin*.....Can I put that on my tab and collect it later by any chance? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
Wow! You really DO know pugs! You describe them perfectly but you forgot the part that they'll do anything for food! :D

Robyn :asian:

But that describes all dogs. Well, heck, it describes most men too. That and sex.


Uh....What I mean is that mean, like dogs, will do anything for food and/or sex.


Uh....I'm not saying that men are like dogs...



I'll just shut up now.
Age: 32 physically, 12 mentally
Sex: Male
Marital Status:Nope
Kids: Hell no
MA: currently Wing Chun and some Kali. Been in and out of MA since I was 10. Unfortunately all mostly crap schools except for one Styles: Okinawa Te,TKD, Various Kung Fu styles.

I like long walks on the beach, Beating up little grey haired old ladies,rotted corpses and sniffing bowling shoes.
Originally posted by fist of fury

I like long walks on the beach, Beating up little grey haired old ladies,rotted corpses and sniffing bowling shoes.

Who doesnt.......:rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
And Jason about that *Boot to the Groin*.....Can I put that on my tab and collect it later by any chance? :rolleyes:

Of Course; Not!! Do you think I have a soft heart for you??:mad:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Of Course; Not!! Do you think I have a soft heart for you??:mad:

Yes........... :shrug:
Age 16
Judo green belt , Submission wrestling, Muay Thai kickboxing/Boxing/BJJ/Freestyle wrestling/Esrima
Originally posted by Seig
Careful Jas, I think you are about to have a stalker

Yeah......you wanna watch out for that Shinobi :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Seig
Now that you mention it, he hasn't been around for a couple of days.:confused:

I guess this is where we run for our life? :rolleyes:

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