A Few Questions for the People of Martialtalk.com

Age: 36

Sex: Yes, Umm Sure, I like it I am Male! ;)

Marital Status: Been There Did That, Got the T-Shirt

SIngle And Loving It!! :D

Kids: One Cat Her name is Tiana! :cool:

Martial Arts: I got beat up when I was real Young by the neighborhood Bully. She was really Mean and older than me. :( I was about 3 or 4 years old she about 6 or 7. Ever since I have been in scraps and fights for a long time. I trained with the friends in the back yard and then I was the throwing dummy for some other friends. My Parents would not let me train formally. I started offically in 1986 in Modern Arnis. I started in 1998 in Balintawak.
Age: 34

Sex : KenpoGIRL get it?

Marital Status: I just haven't found Mr. Right, My Knight in Shining Armour, My Soul Mate........ aaaah that means Single

Kids: Sherlock and Watson (2 big male fat grey tabbies)

Martial Arts: AK/TK hybrid 2 years, American Kenpo 1 year, Modern Arnis 3 years (part time)

Age: 47

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Married 27 years

Children: One daughter 22, son, 18

Martial Arts: ITF TKD, Tracy Kenpo, Yang Style Tai Chi, 21 years total in the arts.

Maintain "Uneasy" alliance with the IKKO."
Age: 34, though I feel a lot older than that on cold mornings... ;)

Sex: Male.

Marital Status: Married since 20 August 1988, making it a whopping 15 years this coming Autumn...

Martial Arts:

Yiliquan since 1985
Modern Arnis since 2001 (not practicing formally now, just on my own)
Ryu Te Karate for a few months at the end of last year (wish I could continue, and when I return to Japan I will, but for the time being I just continue working Naihanchi Shodan...)
Age: 32

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single

Children: On

Martial Arts: 1 year Kenpo, 2+ years Modern Arnis, independant study of several other arts.
12 and you've been in MA longer then me :eek: Wow......seems the oldest here is like 50. And Jason whats up with the :rolleyes: after calling yourself a man? Is there something you want to tell us? :rofl:
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Married for 10 years and have a 6 year old daughter
Started EPAK last April and my daughter's a Little Dragon with me. She thinks side-kicking the back of my knee when I'm not looking is funny. So does my wife!
Originally posted by Master of Blades
And Jason whats up with the :rolleyes: after calling yourself a man? Is there something you want to tell us? :rofl:

Assume the horse young one.
Boot to the groin :D

and 2 goofy looking pug doggies


I've had pugs since 1986...
Interesting history...
Not as gassy as Bulldogs...
Not as slobbery as mastiffs...
Loyal...but stubborn...
They rank 156 on the list of smartest dogs :(

Age: Old as the Aeons
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Kids: None
MA experience: 10th Dan Inferno-Ryu Ninjitsu :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
American Kenpo student, trainer of the stars, Frank Dux personal trainer, Count Dante's right hand man, Ashida Kim's Bodyguard :D
Originally posted by Shinobi
MA experience: 10th Dan Inferno-Ryu Ninjitsu :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
American Kenpo student, trainer of the stars, Frank Dux personal trainer, Count Dante's right hand man, Ashida Kim's Bodyguard :D [/B]


O.K....I'll bite....

Age: 25
Sex: Usually with Women, unless Rich Parsons, Arnisador, or Renegade are wearing victoria's secret...THEN IT'S ON!:ladysman:
Marital Status: Single, but with a live-in girlfriend. Please don't tell her about above :roflmao:
Kids: None of my own, but I work with children (such as Dan Anderson, and others on the modern arnis forum :p )
MA experience: training in Martial Arts for 18 years. I won't go through the list, but I primarily focus on Modern Arnis, Balintawak, and anything combat-related.

Originally posted by PAUL

O.K....I'll bite....

Age: 25
Sex: Usually with Women, unless Rich Parsons, Arnisador, or Renegade are wearing victoria's secret...THEN IT'S ON!:ladysman:
Marital Status: Single, but with a live-in girlfriend. Please don't tell her about above :roflmao:
Kids: None of my own, but I work with children (such as Dan Anderson, and others on the modern arnis forum :p )
MA experience: training in Martial Arts for 18 years. I won't go through the list, but I primarily focus on Modern Arnis, Balintawak, and anything combat-related.



You promised not to talk about it anymore. :( :)
Originally posted by Shinobi
Rich dressed like a girrrrrrrrl nananana

Hmmm, and you looking at my butt, and your teeth hurting from the clink to the cup, I am worried about you. :eek: :D
I'm more worried about you son. You dress like a chick then talk about people looking at your butt.

Ya gots issues.
Originally posted by chufeng
I've had pugs since 1986...
Interesting history...
Not as gassy as Bulldogs...
Not as slobbery as mastiffs...
Loyal...but stubborn...
They rank 156 on the list of smartest dogs :(


Wow! You really DO know pugs! You describe them perfectly but you forgot the part that they'll do anything for food! :D

Robyn :asian:
Age: 38
Marital Status: Divorced and remarried for 6 Yrs
Kids: 3-2 girls 16, 12 & boy 5
MA Experience:
TKD for 2 college semisters
Shudokan Karate-5yrs
Kempo Jujutsu 8yrs
Tracy Kenpo 1yr
Aiki jujutsu 1yr
shootfighting 1yr
American Jujutsu 3yr
Kobudo Jujutsu 3yr

Bob :asian: