A Blasphemy of a remake


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I can see anyone attempting to remake this classic and influential film but Smith!?! Say it isn't so!
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=+1]Will Smith's Karate Kid Ready for Remake[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Tuesday November 11 9:10 AM ET[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Gina Serpe - Los Angeles (E! Online) – No (karate) kidding, Daniel-san: Nepotism is alive and well in Hollywood . [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]A year after Will Smith and his publicist shot down reports that the erstwhile Fresh Prince was working on a remake of Karate Kid starring son Jaden—"certainly not" was the official word—the project is now a go. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]According to Variety, Columbia Pictures is waxing on for a remake of the 1984 classic, reworking it as a star vehicle for Jaden Smith , Will and Jada's 10-year-old progeny and his father's costar in The Pursuit of Happyness .
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]So as not to anger too many dojo loyalists, the new film will follow the formula of bullied youth meets eccentric mentor. Lending some Method to the remake madness, Jaden has already been schooled in martial arts. [/SIZE][/FONT]

Still no word of who is the new Miyagi... maybe it'll be Jet Li. :rolleyes:

This is another one of these films that really does not NEED an update, make-over, redux, re-visualized, modernized or whatever-ized.

Wax on, wax off, left the circle, right the circle, breathe in, breathe out... wax on, wax off...
I can see anyone attempting to remake this classic and influential film but Smith!?! Say it isn't so!

Still no word of who is the new Miyagi... maybe it'll be Jet Li. :rolleyes:

This is another one of these films that really does not NEED an update, make-over, redux, re-visualized, modernized or whatever-ized.

Wax on, wax off, left the circle, right the circle, breathe in, breathe out... wax on, wax off...

Hopefully they won't be able to cast Miyagi and that will be the end of the project!!
If they cast Jet Li as Miyagi an already INCREDIBLY bad idea gets exponentially worse . :disgust:

My thoughts on this remake :barf:


I was just thinking what’s next a remake of the 7 samurai with Chow Yun Fat as Kambei Shimada and Chris Tucker as Shichiroji
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Miyagi does the unstoppable Flying Crane kick off the post in the surf to a butterfly twist where he then eschews a skim board opting for his feet only to skim a good 80 yards down the beach where to abruptly does a 5 1/2 gainer into a seated Lotus position on dry land...

I can see it now...

So much for "wax on, wax off"... now it's "flying harness on, flying harness off" ...
I dunno. It was a pretty generic story for its time, but what set it apart was a good script and cast. If Jaden Smith has his dad's talent, this could be pretty good. The sad thing is that "Pat" Morita won't be available for a cameo.
A remake would be an abomination..
Still no word of who is the new Miyagi... maybe it'll be Jet Li. :rolleyes:

i have heard rumors that jackie chan will play mr. miyagi.

I was just thinking what’s next a remake of the 7 samurai with Chow Yun Fat as Kambei Shimada and Chris Tucker as Shichiroji

in all fairness, seven samurai remakes & rip offs have been pretty decent. but yes, i am getting a little tired of the remake craze.

besides, didn't they just remake karate kid & call it never back down?

Is it me, or is Hollywood going a little overboard with all of these remake films?

Karate Kid doesn't need to be redone...I do, however, think it would be interesting to have an updated sequel....Mr. Miyagi has passed away, and Daniel is married and has children of his own...something like that....

But don't mess with a good thing.

Jarrod is right, though, technically they did remake it as Never Back Down.
i have heard rumors that jackie chan will play mr. miyagi.

And again a bad thing gets worse.

Morita = Japanese
Miyagi = Okinawan
Chan = Cantonese

in all fairness, seven samurai remakes & rip offs have been pretty decent. but yes, i am getting a little tired of the remake craze.

But with Chow Yun Fat as Kambei Shimada and Chris Tucker as Shichiroji?
I'm sure you all know by now that I'm a Jackie Chan fan,

but if with Jackie on board, this is a

BAD idea.

Sigh. Is Hollywood really THAT hard up for good scripts? For original ideas??
This whole Karate Kid remake thing makes me want to :barf:

As for remakes in general, yeah, it's getting a little crazy. The only upside is that a select few of the remakes have been pretty damn good.


If they ever remake Evil Dead I'm going to go postal.
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Is it me, or is Hollywood going a little overboard with all of these remake films?

Karate Kid doesn't need to be redone...I do, however, think it would be interesting to have an updated sequel....Mr. Miyagi has passed away, and Daniel is married and has children of his own...something like that....

But don't mess with a good thing.

Jarrod is right, though, technically they did remake it as Never Back Down.

I was thinking around the same lines.... but you have to make sure Hillary Swank is in it too.... and Johnny the antagonist in the first one...lol. They all meet at the funeral for their mentor and humbled Johnny has a proposition for them.. wow.... that took no thought what so ever. Oh well. Probably wouldn't fly.

As for this re-make. If they follow the basic idea add new elements maybe it wont be so bad.... then again it could suck.
My view on movie remakes is the same as my view on song covers: find a lesser-known work - something that had a kernel of genius but, for whatever reason, was ineptly done, and rework it such a way that a) it surpasses the original; and b) bears the signature of the reworking artist. So by that measure, you have:

- No Stairway. Denied.
- No Hitchcock. What were you thinking, Van Sant?
- No remakes of any work that appears on any Top 100 ____ of All Time list
My view on movie remakes is the same as my view on song covers: find a lesser-known work - something that had a kernel of genius but, for whatever reason, was ineptly done, and rework it such a way that a) it surpasses the original; and b) bears the signature of the reworking artist. So by that measure, you have:

- No Stairway. Denied.
- No Hitchcock. What were you thinking, Van Sant?
- No remakes of any work that appears on any Top 100 ____ of All Time list

Well then is it ok to remake "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" with Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Kirsten Dunst :D