911 Operator Says Kidnap Victim Was Wasting His Time

Bob Hubbard

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911 Operator Says Kidnap Victim Was Wasting His Time

Posted: 4:55 pm EDT March 23, 2009Updated: 11:45 am EDT March 24, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A 911 operator is under investigation for lecturing a kidnapping victim who was later found slain.While operator Alan Ballard was on the phone with victim Loyta Stoley, he told her, "You are making us do a lot of work that we don't need to be doing," a tape of the 911 call reveals (listen to call).Eyewitness News has learned that the operator tried to find out where the victim was by asking her kidnapper.
Good to know. It's nice to finally hear someone in the emergency-response chain of society come out and finally admit that they are a waste of time, and that I am correct by choosing to go about my business protected by the law firm of Smith & Wesson.
911 Operator Says Kidnap Victim Was Wasting His Time

Posted: 4:55 pm EDT March 23, 2009Updated: 11:45 am EDT March 24, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A 911 operator is under investigation for lecturing a kidnapping victim who was later found slain.While operator Alan Ballard was on the phone with victim Loyta Stoley, he told her, "You are making us do a lot of work that we don't need to be doing," a tape of the 911 call reveals (listen to call).Eyewitness News has learned that the operator tried to find out where the victim was by asking her kidnapper.

That doesn't make any sense, I've been told repeatedly that when I'm in danger I just need to call 911. That's why I don't need guns. Now you're telling me that the police aren't the answer to my problems? That doesn't seem fair.

When seconds count, police are only minutes away.

Well, I mean, when they bother to show up at all.

Alright now...spare me the "cops do..." BS. Dispatchers are NOT police officers. Here they are a separate dept. with their own barganing unit (union).
Cops can't help it when the dispatcher screws up, which seems to be the case here.
Alright now...spare me the "cops do..." BS. Dispatchers are NOT police officers. Here they are a separate dept. with their own barganing unit (union).

You and Bob are of course correct. That doesn't change the fact that it's all part of the same system which is repeatedly preached to us as the answer to violence, even though it's been repeatedly shown to be insufficient, and the government has even shown in court that they have no responsibility to provide for our defense.

"Only we have the right to protect you" isn't too far removed from "we reserve the right to refuse service."

What you have to wonder, though, is how this guy lasted for all those years if this was his MO. Many 911 calls are deadly serious. If this is how he typically responded, you'd think he'd have screwed up this kind of big time quite a while back... the results of a medical evaluation/drug test/everything test would be of great interest at this point, I think.
You and Bob are of course correct. That doesn't change the fact that it's all part of the same system which is repeatedly preached to us as the answer to violence, even though it's been repeatedly shown to be insufficient, and the government has even shown in court that they have no responsibility to provide for our defense.

"Only we have the right to protect you" isn't too far removed from "we reserve the right to refuse service."


I dont know what departments have been "preaching" those things but they sure aint my dept. We just gave a departmental award to two guys who pulled guns and apprehended 2 robbers.
Also, 911 dispatchers are not employed by police departments. They are employed by a municipal-level, state-level, or privatized Public Safety Access Point. Its their job to get your call to the dispatch centers for the appropriate first responders.

Elsewhere in Florida, a 911 dispatcher helped a bus driver save a middle-aged woman's life...

That doesn't make any sense, I've been told repeatedly that when I'm in danger I just need to call 911. That's why I don't need guns. Now you're telling me that the police aren't the answer to my problems? That doesn't seem fair.

When seconds count, police are only minutes away.

Well, I mean, when they bother to show up at all.


Bah, guns aren't the answer to everything you know. And I say this as a confirmed 2nd Amendment and self-defense supporter.

In one famous case here, a woman was allowed to bleed out and die on the emergency room floor while being ignored by doctors and nurses. When bystanders called 911, the dispatcher refused to help and chastised the callers. I suppose the bystanders should have pulled a gun and started shooting doctors until someone helped.

Sometimes, other people are required. Sometimes, rugged individualism only goes so far. Those we have tasked to help in this situations should live up to their responsibilities. You can't shoot a heart attack or a stroke, either.
I dont know what departments have been "preaching" those things but they sure aint my dept. We just gave a departmental award to two guys who pulled guns and apprehended 2 robbers.

Nah, man, it's not the cops preaching this in most cases, its the Polititicans. Here, for example, the state police are behind getting Conceled Carry in Illinois, seems they WANT the people to be armed, but the King of Illinois... I mean, Mayor of Chicago, has repeatedly used his influence on our leaders and lawmakers to block that from happening... the "They" preaching "Its the Cops jobs, not yours to protect you" are the people pulling the strings BEHIND the scenes with the Cops, Dispatchers, Etc...
That makes sense Cryo.

I would "preach" that unless it needs to be dealt with immediately...call the police. We have the training equipment and qualified immunity to deal with things. But IMO ANY COP would tell you that if it absolutely needs to be dealt with immediately, chances are we wont be able to get there soon enough. Its simply a matter of cops being able to be so many places at one time. I would never suggest not defending yourself "because thats a cops job"...never.
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I would never suggest not defending yourself "because thats a cops job"...never.

Most cops wont. But "They" will. "They" being Prosecutors, Polititcians, certain subsets of the "Bleeding Heart Liberals" crowds who hate guns and think that a criminals right to his life is more important than your right to yours, and some hardcore conservative nutbags who think a solid police state monitored heavily by cameras and secret prisons is the only way to keep america safe from those dirty foriegners.
But IMO ANY COP would tell you that if it absolutely needs to be dealt with immediately, chances are we wont be able to get there soon enough.

Mostly, cops are for 'after'.

that's just the way it is.
Its kind of hard to catch them "before" without violating those pesky "civil rights" things. :)