2003 WMAA Camp Buffalo


I am proud to announce our Second Annual WMAA Buffalo Camp. This camp will be May 2nd - 4th, 2003 in Buffalo, NY. This year's event features many of the top instructors in our field. The instructors and their topics are as follows:

Modern Arnis Instructors
Datu Tim Hartman
- Palis-Palis and Tapi-Tapi Counters
Guro Dan Carr - Lock and Controls
Guro Jeffery Leader - Disarms
Guro A. Paul Dawdy - Anyo Anim (Form 6)
Guro Chad Dulin - Anyo Anim Applications

Guest Instructors
GM Dr. Maung Gyi
- (Bando) - Tactical Folding Knife Techniques
GM Bong Jornales - (Arnis Sikaran) - Double Stick
Guro Jack LaTorre - (Pekiti Tersia) - Espada y Daga (Sword and Dagger) Combat

Special Guest Appearance
Ed Parker Jr

This year's guest of honor. Most famous for being the son of Ed Parker Sr., founder of Parker's Kenpo Karate. He is also a well established commercial artist. In addition to creating the tribute to his father (The Parker Portrait) he is also the creator of the WMAA Black Belt certificates. He will be attending our camp to debut his latest work, The Presas Portrait. This is to honor our late instructor GM Remy Presas. We are very excited and looking forward to having him as our guest.

The main camp will run Friday, May 2nd until Sunday, May 4th. We will have a bonus class Thursday night, May 1st, for brown and black belts only. This class will be available at no extra cost for registered camp participants. This class will be a "problem solving" class. Our goal is to clear up any issues with terminology or procedures with the WMAA curriculum. Saturday morning we will be holding a Black Belt test for eligible WMAA members. This test is open for all to watch. Saturday evening we will be having a banquet to celebrate our gathering and to get to know the members of the Modern Arnis community better. This year's event will feature demonstrations by several of the instructors attending in addition to the return of last year's Youth demo team.

For more information about our upcoming event, feel free to go to our camp website at: http://www.wmarnis.com/2003nycamp/ This site will cover possible hotel accomodations, directions to the event, what to bring and an on-line registration for this upcoming event. You can also find downloadable video clips of some of the instructors that will be teaching at this year's event. Methods of payment include: major credit cards, checks or money orders. As more information becomes available, we will be updating the website and sending out future e-mails. Feel free to contact us at the WMAA Headquarters - 716-675-0899 or e-mail us at [email protected][/B]
Sounds like a good event. Can some one tell me a little about the following people?

Jeffery Leader
Guro A. Paul Dawdy
Guro Chad Dulin

Thanks in advance.:asian:
Originally posted by Red Blade
Sounds like a good event. Can some one tell me a little about the following people?

Jeffery Leader
Guro A. Paul Dawdy
Guro Chad Dulin

Thanks in advance.:asian:

I can give you the digest version of Chad's martial arts background. His first blackbelt was in TKD under John Billera. During that time frame he dabbled in Kendo and Tai Chi before training in RyuKyu Kempo under Ed Lake.

When I met Chad, he was training extensively with George Dillman. We both travelled and trained extensively with Professor Presas. He has blackbelt rank in Modern Arnis. He presentlyhas a 5th Degree under Dillman in RyuKyu Kempo.

After the Professor's death, Chad began to train regularly in Sayoc Kali. He also is involved in Datu Hartman's WMAA. He was the former Head Instructor of Tulane University Martial Arts, currently teaches at University of Pennsivania's Martial Arts Club as well as privately in Delaware.

He is an excellent instructor. This in my opinion developed from his academic prowess. He is a voracious reader with a highly analytical mind. He has a unique ability for breaking down concepts and presenting them clearly. He has tested some of his material during his law enforcement career.

Of course many people in the Modern Arnis community don't know him. He is low key, non-political, and spends a good deal of time observing and absorbing techniques when he is at an event.

His kata breakdowns are easy to understand, and they work. He will be working Anyo Anim breakdown at Tim's camp. You will not be disappointed training with him.

Despite Chad being one of my best friends, the above statements are true

Originally posted by Red Blade
Can some one tell me a little about the following people?

Jeffery Leader

I am Mr. Hartman's first black belt student and the Chair of the Advisory Board of the WMAA. I hold a Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis and have studied a number of other arts.
Originally posted by Jeff Leader
I am Mr. Hartman's first black belt student and the Chair of the Advisory Board of the WMAA. I hold a Lakan Tatlo in Modern Arnis and have studied a number of other arts.

Always the modest one :)
I though the was scheduled to teach at this camp?
That is too bad, I was really looking forward to his classes.
If he is going to be in the area at all in the near future, I will have to make a point of seeing him, and maybe even taking a private with him.
I have have heard of Dan for many years, and after meeting him last year, thought he was a great guy.
Personally, I think we are all missing out.
The camp just will not be the same.

Thanks for the kind words Brett.

Nothing to add about myself. I have some ideas I think are interesting and worthwhile; Tim agrees at least far enough to give me a chance to share.
Chad has the Renegade's endorsement. Need I say more?

The following is the tenative schedule for the upcoming WMAA Buffalo Camp.

6:00-8:00 pm....Datu Tim Hartman.....Trouble Shooting Techniques....Brown & Black Belt Class

10:00-12:30 pm.......Registration
12:30-12:45 pm.......Orientation
12:45-1:45 pm.........Guros Dawdy & Dulin.....Anyos & Applications
1:50-2:50 pm...........Guro Jeff Leader ...........Disarms
2:55-3:55 pm...........Guro Dan Carr...............Locks & Controls
3:55-5:30 pm.........Dinner
5:30-6:30 pm...........Datu Tim Hartman.........Palis-Palis
6:35-7:35 pm...........GM Bong Jornales.........Arnis-Sikaran Concepts
7:40-9:10 pm...........Dr. Maung Gyi...............Pocket Knife

8:00-10:00 am........Black Belt Test.............WMAA Members only
10:00-11:00 am......Jack Latorre................Pekiti Tersia Blade
11:05-12:10 pm......Guro Dan Carr.............Locks & Controls
12:10-1:45 pm......Lunch
1:45-3:15 pm...........Datu Tim Hartman.......Tapi-Tapi Counters
3:20-4:50 pm...........Dr. Maung Gyi..............Pocket Knife
5:00-5:45 pm...........Round Table Meeting...Open to ALL
7:00 pm till ??...........Banquet

10:00-11:30 am.......GM Bong Jornales.........Arnis-Sikaran Concepts
11:30-1:00 pm.........Dr. Maung Gyi...............Yoga
1:00 pm...............Closing Ceremony
2 Datus, 2 GMs (one of which is a Datu) + a variety of FMA insrtuctors. Sound like it's going to be a blast! Who will be doing some the demonstrations?

So far we have the following that will preform at our banquet.

Dan Anderson
Chad Dulin
Jack Latorre
Fire Dragons (Horizon MA Jr Demo team)

I have room for a couple more. So let me know if anyone would like to.

I've just been informed that Ed Parker JR. with not be able to attend our camp this year. This is due to a schedule conflict. He will be forwarding me the Presas portrait for it's unveiling at our camp.

Datu Tim Hartman
Originally posted by arnisador
Rich Parsons and I have already doubled up. I get top bunk!

Gee Arnisador, you do not want me to step on you as I sneak in late from training? ? ? :eek:

Dan is a good guys and I bet you could even convince him to bang some sticks with you :)
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Gee Arnisador, you do nto want me to step on you as I sneak in late from training? ? ?

No, I don't want you to step on me when you sneak in late from drinking, er, training!

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