20 Questions

Loki said:
Current occupation? Volunteer at the Hemato-Oncology department in a children's hospital

That's very respectable, Loki. There aren't too many people who will step out of their self-absorbed lives long enough to do something that commendable.

If you're doing this at 20, I suspect you will have many wonderful memories of your life when you are 80. Thank you for giving something back to the world.
  • Current age? 37
  • Primary martial arts system? Daishizen Goju-Ryu
  • Secondary martial arts system? Kuntao Silat de Thouars
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Tearing Bamboo
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 2
  • Highest rank in a system? 1st kyu
  • Number of siblings? 0
  • Highest degree earned? na
  • Favorite movie? The Usual Suspects
  • Favorite TV show? I despise television
  • Favorite actor/actress? ?
  • Favorite book? The Hobbit (for now)
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Riddick
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)?
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, Harleys, History
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Angelina Jolie
  • Preferred super power to have? Mind Reading
  • Current occupation? Wireless Communications sales
  • Ideal occupation? none
  • Best general advice to the world? Don't take other people's advice
Henderson said:
Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Riddick

Thanks for keeping the thread alive, Henderson. I thought it was past the point of resussitation.

Riddick, huh? Why him specifically?
Henderson said:
Attitude, mental toughness, adaptability, don't take crap from anyone.

Yeah, he has all of that for sure. Of course, so does just about every big screen action character. Lara Croft, Terminator, et al all corner the market on superior skills...as long as he or she is the star of the movie.

But I'm not dogging Riddick. He's as tough as they come.

After watching Chronicles of Riddick and Season 4 of Angel I'm on the verge of moving Alexa Davalos into my Chosen 5. She played Kyra in Riddick and Gwen Raiden on Angel. She's really hot.

Riddick's dark vision could come in handy.
Henderson said:
Kyra was sweet!

*Nods happily and tries to remain calm.*

It must be the long wild hair or her lean dancer body or her sexy eyes or her nice abs or...Hmm. Maybe I'm too pent up to be typing right now.

*Moderates self*
Solidman82 said:
I would rather take a kick to my package then a thumb through my retina

I dunno. I could lose both of "the boys" in a single kick so maybe I'll go with the eye-gouge. I have a spare eye.
I've taken kicks down under before and they're both still VERY operational. In fact, the pain doesn't even hit you for about 10 seconds. I wouldn't ever want to get kicked there but it seems far from the ultimate technique to me.
Current age? 39
Primary martial arts system? American Kenpo (EPAK)

Secondary martial arts system? DanZan Ryu JuJitsu

Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)?:btg:
Also elbow strikes
Years of *active* study in martial arts? Well, I started 20 years ago, but took time off to bring kids into humanity. Probably the actual study time is roughly 7 years

Highest rank in a system? Brown belt in Kenpo and white belt in JuJitsu

Number of siblings? 3 - 2 sisters and 1 brother

Highest degree earned? Bachelor's in Psychology

Favorite movie? Original three Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (all)

Favorite TV show? I rarely watch TV, but once in a while I do watch CSI when my hubby happens to have it on (he works at nights)

Favorite actor/actress? Patrick Stewart. (I also do like how Brad Pitt did the role in the 2005 version of Mr. & Mrs. Smith action movie, but he isn't a favorite yet.)

Favorite book? Harry Potter (all)

Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Guys who are ruffians!! (such as the characters of Han Solo, Indiana Jones, John Smith (played by Brad Pitt), Aragorn, Captain Kirk, Commander Riker, etc.)

Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? My father and also some of my Kenpo instructors

Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Caving, MartialTalk, and reading

Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? My husband still is my dream man....

Preferred super power to have? Teleporting and the ability to heal instantly

Current occupation? Government worker

Ideal occupation? Teaching without having to grade paperwork

Best general advice to the world?
Do not just dream of what you want to do, be awake and take action
Ceicei said:
Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Guys who are ruffians!! (such as the characters of Han Solo, Indiana Jones, John Smith (played by Brad Pitt), Aragorn, Captain Kirk, Commander Riker, etc.)

What about Cap'n Jack Sparrow?

Ceicei said:
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? My husband still is my dream man....

Wow, that's sweet. Don't hear that very much.

Ceicei said:
Preferred super power to have? Teleporting and the ability to heal instantly

Any particular reason for these 2 choices?
Navarre said:
What about Cap'n Jack Sparrow?

Yep, that character too.

Navarre said:
Any particular reason for these 2 choices?

Well, teleporting would be useful. Eliminates the hassle of vehicular transportation (think rush hour traffic :rolleyes: ). We could get to where we wanted in just seconds.

The ability to heal instantly goes both ways, not just me but for others. I often think of what-if situations involving the martial arts. Almost always if the martial arts have to be used in a conflict against a committed attacker, there is some type of injury, whether minor or major (as would happen in real life). I'd like to heal myself as well as heal those whom I'm defending. Depending upon situations, perhaps the attacker too.

- Ceicei
  • Current age? 17 in 9 days mwhahah
  • Primary martial arts system? WTF TaeKwonDo
  • Secondary martial arts system? USTU
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? ridgehand knifestrike
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 2 years
  • Highest rank in a system? 10th degree
  • Number of siblings? 1
  • Highest degree earned? 1st degree blackbelt
  • Favorite movie? StarWars!
  • Favorite TV show? Fullmetal Alchemist
  • Favorite actor/actress? James McAvoy
  • Favorite book? Dune by Frank Herbert
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? n/a
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Master Slama
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? web design, music (saxophone, piano, guitar, french horn), reading
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? hmmm depends, someone who's understanding!
  • Preferred super power to have? plucking things i like from the tv/book/magazine. you have to admit that'd be pretty sweet
  • Current occupation? pizza tosser... martial arts instructor, sales clerk
  • Ideal occupation? computer programmer
  • Best general advice to the world? live life to it's fullest
Kamaria, you and Sam both work at pizza places. Must be the destiny of all teenage female martial artists.

You have been practicing martial arts for 2 years but have your black belt?
  • Current age? 37
  • Primary martial arts system? Ju Jitsu
  • Secondary martial arts system? Wrestling
  • Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Rear Naked Choke
  • Years of *active* study in martial arts? 25
  • Highest rank in a system? Renshi
  • Number of siblings? 2
  • Highest degree earned? High School Graduate
  • Favorite movie? Lord of the Rings
  • Favorite TV show? Criminal Minds (yeah, I know, it's new -but it kicks ***!)
  • Favorite actor/actress? I don't know; there's a lot I like but no one person in particular
  • Favorite book? Dune
  • Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Batman
  • Personal hero/inspiration (fictional or real)? Walter Payton
  • Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, Chess, D&D
  • Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Famke Janssen
  • Preferred super power to have? Magic
  • Current occupation? CNC Machinist
  • Ideal occupation? Full-Time Professional Martial Arts Instructor
  • Best general advice to the world? Be Yourself.
green meanie said:
Current age? 37

Me too. How's that working out for you?

green meanie said:
Primary martial arts system? Ju Jitsu

Me too, more or less.

green meanie said:
Favorite MA technique (all things being equal)? Rear Naked Choke

Effective, isn't it?

green meanie said:
Favorite fictional character (any genre/medium)? Batman

What a disturbed character. Why Bruce?

green meanie said:
Three hobbies (MA doesn’t count ‘cause it’s not a hobby)? Reading, Chess, D&D

Several D&D players here. We should start a game. ... We could all play monks. lol

green meanie said:
Dream woman/man (not current partner; non-fictional person; one night stand, not long-term relationship)? Famke Janssen

Have a thing for redheads? You should talk to Egg.

green meanie said:
Best general advice to the world? Be Yourself.

Perhaps the best advice ever. My personalized license plate was "JUST B U" for years. I stopped using it at my wife's request. ... Should have listened to your advice even before you gave it to me.
Navarre said:
Me too. How's that working out for you?
It's not what I thought it would be... meaning I don't feel as 'old' as I thought I would. :)

Navarre said:
Me too, more or less.
More or less for me too, really. My 'ju jitsu' is a bit of the MMA variety.

Navarre said:
Effective, isn't it?
For me, yes. I have an extensive wrestling background and I tend to do a bit better out of a gi than I do in one. Rear Naked Choke is my bread and butter.

Navarre said:
What a disturbed character. Why Bruce?
Spent a lot of time by myself as a kid. I felt like I could relate to his brooding personality. But more than anything, I admired the fact that his 'powers' were the result of his own hard work and determination. He helped me believe that if I set my mind to it, anything was possible. He was my first martial arts hero.

Navarre said:
Several D&D players here. We should start a game. ... We could all play monks. lol
Haven't played in years but yeah, it's a thought.

I'm a lot like Bruce in some ways too. I have also had to deal with the loss of my parents (though not at gunpoint).

I too have spent much time alone. I can be dark and brooding but I try to rise above that.

Bruce is one of the top 5 martial artists in the DC universe so he's tough, no doubt. But, like you, I admired that he had no superhuman powers, only a brilliant mind and indominatble will. Great character.

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