2 question


Orange Belt
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
one what would be a good training for iron fist and iron foot or whatever else it's called and two what are some good workouts at home to help in the martial arts?
I suggest you consult someone knowledgeable in the Chinese martial arts community for instructor in Iron Palm if you're interested in the real thing. Fortunately legitimate instruction is readily available. It would be worthwhile to make the upfront investment before embarking on a project like this.
Hello, For 2 questions.....one answer....ARTERITIS

and one does NOT need an Iron fist or Iron foot to defend oneself....look into: JUDO..it can be more than you think!

one what would be a good training for iron fist and iron foot or whatever else it's called and two what are some good workouts at home to help in the martial arts?

This is not something you should attempt without really good in person guidance. The odds are that you will wreck your hands. If you are going to be hitting something hard, do it with large bones that you don't need to type/write with for the rest of your life.
Hello, A short cut here?

I believe there is NO law that says..carrying a hammer on your belt is illegal?

and wearing metal toe shoes too...

Aloha, hammer in the morning...hammer in the evening...all the day long...hammer and hammer and more hammer....one day...hamburgers
lol and as for some good workout, question two had nothing to do with question one btw, like a stamina builder, or something of the sort
The only real stamina builder for fighting/sparring, as far as I can tell thus far, is actual sparring/fighting. Running builds your stamina but in a different way it seems, atleast for me.
The only real stamina builder for fighting/sparring, as far as I can tell thus far, is actual sparring/fighting. Running builds your stamina but in a different way it seems, atleast for me.

I agree , running will not prepare you for sparring. Sparring is more of a burst training regimen. If you cant spar, to train, then try burst training.