Zimmerman to face Wrongful Death Civil Trial

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
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NW Alaska
George is not out of the woods by a long shot. I am sure the family and their attorney's will fill a Civil Wrongful death filing and his attorney fees and stress will not end. I believe there is better than a 75% chance he will receive a judgment that will continue to make his life bad. Right or wrong every person runs the risk in our court system of the same journey of costs and stress when you decide to take the law into your own hands no matter how justified you may think you are. Hands or weapon's if they are not in your house or attempting to enter your house you have risk period. If it comes to defending your life or family given no choice there is no choice but beyond that walk away, report let someone else take the risk.

If George truly felt he had no guilt in the thing he would not have eaten himself into obesity. If the police department had handled this properly to begin with in seriously taking George aside and counseling him and the neighborhood watch in general what they should and should not do this could have been avoided. Statistics nationally have shown that in general cop wantabee's have mental and emotional issues that have kept them from becoming law enforcement officer's. In some cases becoming stalkers and murderers over time.
Oh, why not. I am sure he still has some dirt under his fingernails....

Sharpten is calling for Zimmermann to be charged for violating Martin's civil rights...
I saw a hint that the fed. govt. might try to try him on separate federal charges.

I'm sure a civil trial is coming, O.J.-style.
Oh, why not. I am sure he still has some dirt under his fingernails....

Sharpten is calling for Zimmermann to be charged for violating Martin's civil rights...

Yes, Trayvopn was denied his right to beat to a 'creepy *** cracker' who was much smaller than he was.
If anyone else was in Zimmerman's position, flat on your back, getting your face bashed in and bounced on the concrete, your assailant promising to kill you, you'd shoot too. If this isn't self defense, the term has no meaning. This case is really about guns. The government hates guns and will punish anyone who uses one who isn't wearing one of their costumes.
The "stand your ground" law in Fla. has an immunity clause: there can be no civil suit for 'wrongful death."

I thought SYG was dropped from this case a while ago as it isn't applicable. Based on the evidence and testimony, this appears to be a case of classic self defense. Even if one accepts the prosecution's theories, it still isn't SYG.
What's the point of a lawsuit. Zimmerman has nothing even if you win what do you get?
I thought SYG was dropped from this case a while ago as it isn't applicable. Based on the evidence and testimony, this appears to be a case of classic self defense. Even if one accepts the prosecution's theories, it still isn't SYG.

That same immunity applies to self-defensr in Florida-at least thatsyunderstanding.i
The rest of his life.

If you have nothing and done own anything what are thy going to own? I keep everything in my wife or my parents names just in case I get sued. You can sue me you won't get anything. If I were Zimmerman and they went after me id go on welfare and say come get it.
If George truly felt he had no guilt in the thing he would not have eaten himself into obesity. If the police department had handled this properly to begin with in seriously taking George aside and counseling him and the neighborhood watch in general what they should and should not do this could have been avoided.

Yes, bounties on your head and the prospect of 45 years to life in prison tend to cause a little stress, sometimes shown in over eating.

What we have here is some people doing exactly what they wanted Zimmerman to do...and Martin died following their advice. Notice, everyone said that Zimmerman should have stayed in the car and just called 911...Well, that is exactly what everyone else in the community did...and Martin was shot. If John Good, or Mrs. Sydeka, or the Minaloos had left their homes and pulled Martin off of Zimmerman...he would still be alive today. In fact, John Good was right there and did as a lot of people suggested, he stayed in his house and called 911...and the shot rang out...Sooo....
If you have nothing and done own anything what are thy going to own? I keep everything in my wife or my parents names just in case I get sued. You can sue me you won't get anything.

Wow, you could be really taken in a divorce case though!

If someone wins a multi-million dollar suit against him his credit will be ruined, he'll have to turn over any pay above a certain level, he'll never have any savings, his employment prospects (or anything else involving a credit check) will be poorer even if they don't recognize him, etc.--or if he can get out of it with bankruptcy then that's just 7-10 lost years. It ain't good. In FL his house is probably safe.
What we have here is some people doing exactly what they wanted Zimmerman to do...and Martin died following their advice. Notice, everyone said that Zimmerman should have stayed in the car and just called 911...Well, that is exactly what everyone else in the community did...and Martin was shot. If John Good, or Mrs. Sydeka, or the Minaloos had left their homes and pulled Martin off of Zimmerman...he would still be alive today. In fact, John Good was right there and did as a lot of people suggested, he stayed in his house and called 911...and the shot rang out...

I could easily see someone trying to pull Trayvon Martin off and getting shot himself, on the otehr hand.
yep....the usual suspects at work.

A statute developed to catch guilty parties set free by a jury of their peers being turned into a tool of revenge and political agenda...

Nice prospect.

Why are these folks not jumping o the case of the woman getting 20 years for attempted murder....

oh, I suppose the 'gentleman' she had the order of protection against was not white...
Why are these folks not jumping o the case of the woman getting 20 years for attempted murder....

Didn't follow that one, but I was told she had left, got a gun, then came back when she didn't need to do so--not a stand-your-ground or even self-defense case if you go looking for trouble.
Wow, you could be really taken in a divorce case though!
loosing it all to the mother of my kids will suck but its better then loosing it all in a stupid lawsuit at least my kids will benefit from the divorce. Plus I have a bunch of stuff in my parents names as well so Im ok.
If someone wins a multi-million dollar suit against him his credit will be ruined, he'll have to turn over any pay above a certain level, he'll never have any savings, his employment prospects (or anything else involving a credit check) will be poorer even if they don't recognize him, etc.--or if he can get out of it with bankruptcy then that's just 7-10 lost years. It ain't good. In FL his house is probably safe.
Again pointless. Martins family wont get a dime. Zimmermans already broke after all his legal fees. Its a waist of the courts time but I guess so was the criminal trial so whats the difference.
I wonder if Zimmerman could sue the media for defamation?