Which one is better, UFC, Pride, K-1, KOTC, Pancrase, Shooto, or WVTC?

Dragon Fist

Blue Belt
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
Northridge, California
Which one do you guys watch?
Are they allowed to fight one another?

BJ Penn won the championship from Matt Hughes and was stripped by the UFC when he fought Duane Ludwig in K-1. Why is that?

Well that being said. Which on of these organizations has produced the best fighters?

I enjoy watching all of them. Unless they are under a contract stating otherwise fighters can and compete in various different shows.

Regarding BJ Penn, I believe his being stripped of his title was due to a contract violation. I am sure that K1 would have paid more than the UFC.
I like to watch them all. I mostly watch the UFC though, since local video stores dont stock vidoes from the other organisations.
I mostly watch the UFC, although I have seen a few Pride and KOTC that were pretty good as well.

K1 is my fav as im a standup guy. I prefer Pride to UFC, the fights just seem more action packed to me. Pride, KOTC, Pancrasse and Shooto are hard to find in the UK so most of the Pride I have seen has been downloaded. Seems to be a lot of silly WWF style slagging off of each other before fights in the UFC these days. Suppose they are just putting on a show for the public.
BJ Penn was under contract with the UFC and then violated that and fought in another promotion.

I like watching UFC, Pride and K-1 (especially since I can catch that on ESPN 2 sometimes). I think UFC and Pride both have their pros and cons to them and I like fighters in both organizations to watch so I end up watching both. Most of the time though I will only buy the UFC's since that is what most people are familiar with and they help chip in to buy it off PPV