What Do You Look Like?

Originally posted by karatekid1975
It's not much right now, but I will be adding/changing pics soon. Check out my hook kick :D There's also pics of my man, and our dog.

Cool pics but what's with the expression on your man's face? It looks like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, no offence meant:) BTW, great looking kick and you have a cool looking dog. Is it part akita?
LOL I tell him that all the time! I try to take his pic, and I tell him not to look "dorky." LOL Now I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way :D

I know my dog is mixed breed. Sheppard, definitely. But I've been trying to figure out what else he is mixed with. He has that "curly" tail. He's a big dog (tall), and slender. He has "webbed feet." If anyone can help, lemme know :D

Thanks by the way :)
This is from about three years ago at Battle of LA Tournament in Los Angeles. One of my instructors, Mr. John Newburg, was kind enough to assist me in my self defense.


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I've decided it is unfare of me to only have 2 year old pictures available to view.

So here goes, this is one of my most current pictures, hope it's not too disturbing. I'm in my full Gi, training hard.



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I would post my own pic up, but as those of you familiar with the Cthulhu mythos know, to see my image it to risk insanity ;p

Well, its an old picture but I found one of the Admin team from when we started.....


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