Tom Cruise and KSW ... just for all you SP's out there

There was one in Buffalo despite the -14 wind chill I heard. This is part of a first person report I was CCed a few days ago. I wasn't there myself though I had considered swinging by and taking some photos. (Despite growing up in Buffalo, I am not an artic animal, lol). I'll be checking to see if Artvoice publishes any coverage. I don't recall seeing anything in the Buffalo News or on tv, but I rarely change channels from HGTV as of late, LOL!

- The wind chill was reported between -10F and -20F during the protest, and sometime between 1-2pm, a head count by Chuck Beatty (long time ex-Scientologist from Pittsburg) showed 39 people, possibly including 1-2 members of the press, but not himself. There was an appearance of a member of the "Operation Clambake" forums ( who videotaped us for a couple hours and interviewed Chuck (
). Other people came as far as Rochester and Fredonia, and some were students from UB, ECC, and possibly other area colleges. (Apart from Chuck, I may have been the oldest one there, but you could hardly tell the gender let alone the age of many of the protestors the way they were dressed.)

- There were two sets of police: two off-duty officers hired by the church, and usually two on-duty with a squad car, though later on they were all mostly inside staying warm. We were told not to enter the street itself, and one person wearing a Guy Fawkes (V for Vendetta) mask was asked to remove it, citing state law prohibiting such. Most people covered their faces with scarves, hats, and sunglasses. Anonymous had contacted the police requesting support earlier in the week, and was also told we could not use bullhorns. Either way, the standard plan for all protests was to be across the street from them at all times.


- The event was also covered by a local reported from WikiNews ("_holds_anti-Scientology_protests_worldwide). I believe someone from ArtVoice was there as well (didn't see the article yet). The UB Spectrum wrote about it ( and received editorials back and forth about it. There was no television news coverage that we know of.
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Scientology: Jason Beghe Interview Pt.1
The actor discusses his experiences with the cult

Anonymous plans MAY 10th - Operation: Fair Game: STOP

They stole my tag line! Those bastards! :rofl:
Anonymous declares a Summer of Siege

Hello, leadership of Scientology.

We are, Anonymous. Presently, you have successfully manipulated Youtube, to remove the accounts of two major detractors of your criminal organization.

Whether or not these accounts remain suspended, it is your criminal activities, which are unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.

Also recently, you sent your terrorist wing the OSA, to stalk and expose some of our members, and use the law, to harass them. They may have fallen or not, but already many more Anonymous, galvanized by your terrorist acts, have joined our popular uprising, and have taken up their cause.

We have decided, to punish you, for your actions against us, and others, as well as to further our aim, to peacefully deconstruct your organization. We have determined, to take an immediate course of action, which we believe, you will not find pleasant at all.

Your criminal acts, to destroy detractors and defectors on the internet, and on the streets of the worlds free nations, grow increasingly desperate.

Desperation precedes panic.

Celebrities are beginning to publicly leave Scientology. European Nations move ever more boldly against Scientology, to suppress your criminal activities.

You obviously recognize, there are cracks appearing and widening, in the façade of power you maintain, to control your staff and victims.

We anticipated this day would come.

And we have planned how to take advantage, of your own foolish actions.
Previously peaceful Anonymous demonstrators have been appearing at your doors monthly. You call us terrorists, and try to intimidate us, with your own terror campaign, even covertly producing a video, threatening to bomb yourselves, and falsely claiming it came from us.

That was stupid.

No one has forgotten what Scientology did to Paulette Cooper.

To punish you, we are declaring a Summer Siege of Scientology.

For the months of May, June, July and August, all Anonymous members, are being encouraged to give the demonstrations, an extra hour or two. Everyone who can will come out for the major demonstrations. And everyone who can will show up, whenever possible, in groups of at least five. These, Guerilla Demonstrations, will be especially effective as they will occur without pattern or warning, other than to the local authorities, to inform them of our peaceful intent.

We intend that every time you look out your windows and doors, you will likely see some of us. We will constantly remind you, your staff your members, the general public and especially the local and national governments, of the many crimes of Scientology.
The violation of the Human Rights of your staff, and the abuse of their children, as well as the continued application of your cruel Disconnection Policy, are reasons enough to lay siege to Scientology.

However, there are a few key crimes of Scientology we wish to focus world attention on, at this time.

We will lay siege, because Scientology as a matter of your corporate policy called Fair Game, you actively seek to destroy, any detractors and defectors who expose, or oppose, your illegal conduct, and criminal methods.

We will lay siege, because Scientology, also as a matter of your corporate policy called Fair Game, you continue to actively intimidate the media into silence, and you continue internet cyber terrorist attacks, in an attempt to silence your opponents, of the communication generation.

We will lay siege to you, to peacefully express, our righteous outrage at your morally bankrupt, and un ethical practices, because criminally convicted Scientology, currently continues, to condone and conduct, criminal activities in many nations.

We will lay siege to you, because it is our right and because we can

We will always be there, to remind you of your crimes.

We will always be there, to help those who wish to escape your heartless grasp.

We are the free speaking peoples of the world.

We are watching.
We are waiting.
We are, Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
The scariest part of his nonsense is the number of people who are obviously buying into it. He is basically asking us to depend on him because he can HELP us. It's the same message that we are hearing from certain candidates for office, "I can help you, you need my help, let me take care of you, you are stepped on and downtrodden, you've been in a car accident, I am the ONLY one who can help you". There are a lot of lazy people in the world for whom this sounds like a pretty good set up.

Self responsibility and self reliance are dying arts.
Well this is interesting... the so called Bible of the Church Of Scientology has been "leaked" here
:S.c.i.e.n.t.o.l.o.g.y. "Bible" leaked
Submitted by blackhawk9 on Tue, 2008-04-29 04:28. leaks | religion | scams
S.c.i.e.n.t.o.l.o.g.y. "Bible" leaked

The 'S.c.i.e.n.t.o.l.o.g.y. Bible' (periods added to make this post more difficult for church attorneys to find) has been leaked to Wikileaks.Org. This is the real deal, their 615 page instruction manual. Now we can all become 'Clears' without having to deal with the cult of S.c.i.e.n.t.o.l.o.g.y.

Of course, the cult of s.c.i.e.n.t.o.l.o.g.y. is about to take legal action against Wikileaks.Org, so download the PDF now while you still can.'s_'Operating_Thetan'_documents_leaked_online

You can supposedly download the PDF of the bible here:
Might be interesting reading... no?
On February 10th, a group that calls themselves Anonymous took to the streets in protest against Scientology.

In 15 minutes, this video attempts to tell the story of the events leading up to and including the actions that took place on February 10th across the globe.

The videos and photographs were taken by the participants of these protests and the owners, who can't possibly all be named or known, deserve the credit for the footage I was able to pull together.

Part 1

Part 2

Beyond February 10th, beyond the hype and beyond the anticipation, Anonymous predicts a public outpouring of attention on the actions of the Church of Scientology. No longer will they be simply dismissed as a small sect of people with strange beliefs, but as a dangerous menace that needs to be rubbed out.

As Anonymous descends full force on Scientology organizations worldwide in protest, the media will have no choice but to acknowledge the very real war in which we are waging against them. They will be forced to discuss our motives, investigate the facts which with we use to fight them, and show where their allegiance lies.

Be not mistaken, Scientologists will be quick to label us as monsters, even as they are monsters, unleashing their propaganda and spin doctors upon the media like lions unto their prey. As an organization of individuals lead by no one, we have no such luxury. We must remain vigilant and steadfast in our course; we must not be swayed or disheartened, but believe that a public armed with knowledge will be able to push through the web of lies and see the truth.

Social unrest will follow social awareness, social revolt will follow social outcry, and at the end of all of this there will be change.

February 10th was just the beginning.


The Un-Funny TRUTH about Scientology Mod Note Warning - Video contains some footage that may be disturbing.


May 10th 2008. Mark the date.
I added a warning as that last video was a bit disturbing. Please note such things in the future.

Also, please be aware of our religious tolerance policy and be respectful towards all of our members, some of whom may be Scientologists.

Thank you.
Understood. My goal is to provide information so that others may make up their own minds. The beliefs of individual Scientologists is not what we are against, but the criminal behaviour of the organization itself.
I will mark sensitive footage in the future.

Scientology's Lawyers ATTACK Anonymous

Scientology's founder, L Ron Hubbard, detailed his rules for attacking critics in a letter that has become known as "The Fair Game Policy" letter.

This states, "Anyone who's been declared an enemy of scientology may be deprived of property or injured by any means ... may be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed."

A favoured Co$ method of destroying perceived enemies is to criminalize them and bankrupt them in protracted litigation.

The end of April 2008 saw Scientology's first litigious act against a member of Anonymous -- Gregg Housh in Boston, US. Housh is to be tried on charges of Criminal Harassment because he was the one who registered Anonymous' Boston protest Permits in February and March.

In addition, on March 1 2008, Housh and a group of protesters, were handing out fliers in downtown Boston to publicize the upcoming March 15 Protest. Several of the group entered the Co$ premises on 448 Beacon Street to distribute leaflets detailing the upcoming protest. This intent was to inform the church so that they could prepare for it and inform their Parishioners. Housh actually remained OUTSIDE of the church (on the footpath) throughout.

However the Co$ has twisted and maligned this courteous gesture and has decided that these actions constitute Criminal Harassment. This attempt by the Church of Scientology to Litigate against Housh, if successful, will mean that he will lose his freedom to exercise his First Amendment right to "Free Speech".

This will set a dangerous precedent for any and all Individuals wishing to peacefully and legally speak out against ANY organization.

The Church of Scientology is also trying to claim that the concealing of identities during the Protests (with V for Vendetta or Guy Fawkes masks) is grounds for harassment, citing that the concealed faces are threatening and intimidating.
What a Crock.

However, as previously stated to the media, Anonymous members choose to shield their identities due to the Co$'s history of harassing critics. Previous critics of the Church of Scientology who have faced legal repercussions include Joan Wood, Bob Minton and Time Magazine. This does not include the harassment of critics such as Mark Bunker, Paulette Cooper and Tory Christman.

As things stand, The US Supreme Court believes that groups have the right to assemble anonymously when in fear of retribution or retaliation.
In Housh's case, this is exactly what the Co$ is attempting to overturn - the right to peacefully assemble and protest anonymously.

The Pre-Trial Hearing of Scientology v Gregg Housh is set for May 29 2008.


Join Anonymous in our peaceful protest against the 'church' of Scientology.

More information about our protests:

Find your local protest hub via
To Scientology ~ WHY?

Six Questions for Scientologists

Anonymous Message to Scientology IV
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