Tiger/Crane Set?

Chris from CT

Purple Belt
Mar 4, 2002
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
Is there any site on the web that would have a video of the Tiger/Crane Set? I study Shaolin Kempo and I had learned a form called the Tiger Set. Someone later on told me that it was the Tiger/Crane set and it came from American Kempo. I am getting conflicting answers. I need to check it out. We don't have too many Parker or Tracy Kempo practitioners around here. Any help would be fantastic!!!


Thanks & Take care. :)
If it came to you from American Kenpo, well it came to AK from Hung Gar.

Though to be more accurate the current AK doesn't use it at part of its curriculum. It is still a regular part of the Traditional (Tracy) Kenpo instruction.

I have no idea where to see it on the web, it is a looong form.

Good Luck,

Actually we still have it in American Kenpo, at least in our school. Along with Leopard Set.

Pronounced Fu (foo) Hork (hawk) it is as mentioned above an original Hung Gar form. It was added to the Kenpo curriculum in the early 60's as a filler form until more advanced Parker forms emerged. You can find many studios still teaching the form as an option..... I believe the Tracy system still has it as a requirement. There are all sorts of films that can be had from both the Hung Gar version and the Tracy System version.

Ed Parker dropped the form once he had his advanced forms finished and inserted into the system. Still instructors that had learned the form taught it as a option. It is a fun and difficult set but a great competition form if mastered. When we do, do it in competition I never announce it as a Kenpo form however.

I know that Al Tracy has a 3-hour tape on his website that give his version of the tiger and crane-form. But maybe it would make more sense to look for a video that gives the Hung Gar version of it. I think Panther videos has a pretty good tape on it (by a Dave Lee(?)). You might want to go that way?
Tape care

Thanks for all the responces. I have quite a bit more to go on now. I am going to try and take a look at that Hung Gar video.

Thanks and if anyone runs across a vid clip online please let me know in the meantime.

Take care :)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Pronounced Fu (foo) Hork (hawk) it is as mentioned above an original Hung Gar form. It was added to the Kenpo curriculum in the early 60's as a filler form until more advanced Parker forms emerged. You can find many studios still teaching the form as an option..... I believe the Tracy system still has it as a requirement. There are all sorts of films that can be had from both the Hung Gar version and the Tracy System version.

Ed Parker dropped the form once he had his advanced forms finished and inserted into the system. Still instructors that had learned the form taught it as a option. It is a fun and difficult set but a great competition form if mastered. When we do, do it in competition I never announce it as a Kenpo form however.


Do you know it GD? You could put some video of it on your web site :D

I used to cpmpete using Tiger and Crane and a blast doing it. I used to love walking in to the local TKD tournament and watch everyone in my division throw all the pretty kicks and the judges get bored after the 4th guy did the same form, they I would do T & C. They didn't know what to think, but it usually brought a trophy back to the school, and it quickly became a high point of the tournament, I was often asked to perform it in the finals even if I was going to compete.

It is a great form, and has a lot of interesting things in it.
Do you guys still practice this form today, or is it pretty much on the back burner?
I got my black belt in TKD but all I practice any more is my kenpo stuff. But, I still remember just about all of my forms from TKD, 11 of the 12. Something to be said for that repitition thing :shrug: .

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Hmmmm Let me think about the video stuff.

Awww. Pretty please. :D

If you would that would rock!!!
...and shall I mention much appreciated. :)

Take care.
Have you given any serious thought to doing your own video series GD?
Would be kind of nice to see your side of Kenpo. I haven't checked out any of Tatums videos, but I have Tabatabi and Fowler. They aren't too bad but there are diferences in the some techniques are done.

Oh boy GD, that is exactly what I want to hear! Need a guinea pig to test out your new video series on?
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Yes, I am going to do a series. I am working on it now. But it will be a while .... thanks for the inquiry.


First off, I do use the Tiger-Crane form in my school. There are a great number of things in it to experiment with and learn from, if you are so inclined.

Secondly ... I, personally, have been ragging and laying down the smack on Saintly Uncle Dennis for several years to get the video thing going. It would be a real treat to see all that knowledge in an available format for us. C'mon gang ... lets beat him up with emails and make him get busy! :rofl:

You all have to understand ... I only beat on Dennis because I respect, and love the heck out of him. As far as American Kenpo, and other areas, he is one of the most clear, concise and easily understood instructors there is. :asian:
There are many two videos out there that show Tiger/Crane. In Jun Bao, it is one of our forms that we do. It is indeed long and difficult. Good luck finding it!
I have seen both the Tracy version and the Hung Gar (Wing Lam lineage) version of the form. There are some similiarities but alot of differences so that you wouldn't know it was the same thing.

If I remember correctly from reading about the form, it was introduced through Jimmy Wong to AK. I don't remember what his lineage/background was though.

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