The Trayvon Martin Tour


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
it stops today in the great state of Alabama.

Now, granted I have not kept up with developments, but I really would like to know why the family is touring states that don't seem to have any obvious connection with the case.

Yes, I know, Birmingham is the cradle of the civil liberties movement, but I till don't get it.
it stops today in the great state of Alabama.

Now, granted I have not kept up with developments, but I really would like to know why the family is touring states that don't seem to have any obvious connection with the case.

Yes, I know, Birmingham is the cradle of the civil liberties movement, but I till don't get it.

attention. 15 more minutes of fame.
they want to turn him into a maurder, to say how racism still exsist. nevermind the fact that 3 more kids were killed this past weekend in Philly.... by thier own kind.

or how about this one

mistaken identity? i smell racism at the bottom of this. :shrug:

"They" ... "their own kind" ...

Is that the way you refer to "them" while in "their" presence? Or do you feel safer typing it anonymously?

I notice you are a TKD practitioner. Do you publicly refer to the Korean founders and practitioners of your art--regardless of whether you yourself are Korean or not--in the "their own kind" context?
Umm Racism does still exsist. Now racism may not have had anything to do with the Trayvon shooting, but racsim is still alive in the US.
Umm Racism does still exsist. Now racism may not have had anything to do with the Trayvon shooting, but racsim is still alive in the US.

Truly the worst racism of all is still with us - the racism of being called racist for saying and doing racist things.
they want to turn him into a maurder, to say how racism still exsist. nevermind the fact that 3 more kids were killed this past weekend in Philly.... by thier own kind.

or how about this one

mistaken identity? i smell racism at the bottom of this. :shrug:

And while you're lamenting "the fact that 3 more kids were killed this past weekend in Philly ... by their own kind", you'll be equally outraged at yet another killing--in Chicago--where "their kind" killed "their kind".
And while you're lamenting "the fact that 3 more kids were killed this past weekend in Philly ... by their own kind", you'll be equally outraged at yet another killing--in Chicago--where "their kind" killed "their kind".

Sorry, Dear.
but 'Their own kind' in that case is spot on.
3 more young lives tragically cut short.
But because there is no angle to's not worthy of a world tour.
Grave injustice, if you ask me.

Yeah, I know, I am a racist mean girl, just the way my day is rolling.

But I do pray, TELL ME: Why are these people (the entourage) touring Alabama?
I do believe there is no link to the state. The kid was not from here, the shooter was not, and the event happened someplace else as well.

Oh, the Cochran law firm is set to take up donations.....

No, racism is alive and well.
It works both ways and seriously, calling somebody a child molester is not going to tarnish ones reputation than slapping the racist label on a person.
And it works like a charm, too. Any valid argument, reason or cause is immediately dismissed as the race claim is made.
"you write me up because I'm black'
no, because you are lazy and don't do the work you collect your paycheck for. But that point is lost. The racist card was played.

But that was not the question I was raising.

But I guess it falls in line with trademarking your child's name. I suppose before the year is over we will see the made for TV movie.

How many people are behind the scenes pulling strings?
I am sure a few people will make a good buck from this ordeal.....

I, personally, don't need to call you anything. You are what you do. You are what you believe.

So go ahead and continue to seek sympathy and empathy from the like-minded.
"They" ... "their own kind" ...

Is that the way you refer to "them" while in "their" presence? Or do you feel safer typing it anonymously?

I notice you are a TKD practitioner. Do you publicly refer to the Korean founders and practitioners of your art--regardless of whether you yourself are Korean or not--in the "their own kind" context?

How else could he have phrased that? The "they" in his statement was a very specific group of people, and last time I took an english class the pronoun "they" is used to describe a group of people. Now, if he had made a very broad statement about an undefined "they", then that is different. Same as "their own kind", it was a very SPECIFIC example given to a very SPECIFIC incident. He didn't make a statement that "they" should stick to "their own kind". I guess he should have worded it that "3 children were killed by other children of their own racial background".

I, personally, don't need to call you anything. You are what you do. You are what you believe.

So go ahead and continue to seek sympathy and empathy from the like-minded.

Who are you referring to?
Wow, this is the first I'm hearing about this. Frankly I don't know what it is they're trying to accomplish. Its just like the occupy (insert whatever state you want) clowns. I mean really, how sad...a bunch of people, who're trying to save the world, camping out. And this is proving what again? They finally got the boot from New Haven Ct. Camped out for months on the green. Did their actions create more jobs? Did it do anything productive to make a change? I doubt it..highly.

Same with this. Racism has been around and will continue to be around for many, many years to come. Anyone who hasn't heard about the TM case, by this time, must have been in a cave for the past few months. I'd love to know what they're hoping to gain from this.
Wow, this is the first I'm hearing about this. Frankly I don't know what it is they're trying to accomplish. Its just like the occupy (insert whatever state you want) clowns. I mean really, how sad...a bunch of people, who're trying to save the world, camping out. And this is proving what again? They finally got the boot from New Haven Ct. Camped out for months on the green. Did their actions create more jobs? Did it do anything productive to make a change? I doubt it..highly.

Same with this. Racism has been around and will continue to be around for many, many years to come. Anyone who hasn't heard about the TM case, by this time, must have been in a cave for the past few months. I'd love to know what they're hoping to gain from this.

To accurately answer the question, first let's understand what the OP is even talking about.

Some kind of "Tour" is the characterization. Well, is there some news article or anything close to objectively describing who is doing what, where?
To accurately answer the question, first let's understand what the OP is even talking about.

Some kind of "Tour" is the characterization. Well, is there some news article or anything close to objectively describing who is doing what, where?

The OP is talking about the family of Trayvon Martin touring the country. The OP is wondering what the motivation is to take that sideshow to states that are not in any shape or form connected with the family or the case.
The OP is talking about the family of Trayvon Martin touring the country. The OP is wondering what the motivation is to take that sideshow to states that are not in any shape or form connected with the family or the case.

"They" ... "their own kind" ...

Is that the way you refer to "them" while in "their" presence? Or do you feel safer typing it anonymously?

I notice you are a TKD practitioner. Do you publicly refer to the Korean founders and practitioners of your art--regardless of whether you yourself are Korean or not--in the "their own kind" context?

THEY = 3 kids
THEIR OWN KIND = well just that, the same race as them.

spin it how you want. I never said what race they were.

Typical, you assume any terms used to describe a group are "racist"....

tkd= um yeah, same, they, their own kind pretty much sums it up.
THEY = 3 kids
THEIR OWN KIND = well just that, the same race as them.

spin it how you want. I never said what race they were.

Typical, you assume any terms used to describe a group are "racist"....

tkd= um yeah, same, they, their own kind pretty much sums it up.

Nah, I didn't presume you "racist". I presumed you kinda small and ignorant, with a penchant for being a keyboard warrior.
Such a line of exchange is hardly likely to lead to anything profitable. I suggest that it is a road we don't go down.

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