The real Mitt Romney, more people should know about him...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Mitt Romney is actually a nice guy, I hope that more people will come to see that before the election...

The renters were offered the first chance to buy, but the Stampses could not qualify for a mortgage, recalled Mr. Stamps, who at the time had recently lost his job at an oil company.
“Then I got this phone call, personally, from Mr. Romney, asking if we really wanted to buy the house,” Mr. Stamps, 63, said in an interview the other day at the barbershop he now runs. “I said, yes we did. And he said he would loan us the money. He really helped us when we needed it.” …
Mr. Stamps said he and his wife had received calls in recent months from strangers who “seemed to be looking for negative stuff” about Mr. Romney, but that the couple had nothing to say to them. …
When Mr. Stamps took the call from Mr. Romney, he and his wife, a nurse, had all but given up hope of being able to buy the house they had been renting for five years. Mr. Romney told him it looked like the couple had been taking good care of the property and that “we would be good people to buy it,” said Mr. Stamps. Mr. Stamps said he never heard from Mr. Romney again, and only became aware of who he was when he started running for president four years ago.
Mitt Romney is actually a nice guy, I hope that more people will come to see that before the election...

My favorite Mitt Romney story? At Bain Capital, after giving out bonuses, one of his subordinates bought a Porsche, and, naturally, took the boss man for a ride. When the ride was over, Mitt-who'd been driving a Ford wagon for years-said, "Man, I really wish I could get one of these."

Yeah, he's a nice enough guy-and I've actually liked every Mormon I've ever known, and I'm certain every one of his tax returns is legal, as are his offshore bank accounts. I'm willing to bet that Reid is right, and for at least one of those years in the last 23, he actually didn't pay anything in taxes, and that is legal as well.

Yeah, a nice guy, but you know what they say about nice guys-and the fix has been in since 2010.

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Fact is, a lot of voters are offended by wealth like his-they'd be even more offended at the machinations he's gone through to avoid paying taxes. His wealth is what kept him off the ticket in '08. Wealth like his is part of what the Republicans used against Kerry in '04. Unless Obama is caught sacficing an infant to the dark gods on the South Lawn of the White House, Romney isn't going to win.
I heard that Mitt Romney greatest opponent today is Mitt Romney of 6yr ago because his mind changes so often? presumably to suit whichever benefactor is paying for his mouth to open and close..

Ron Paul yes, Mitt Romney no.. Just my opinion :)
They are all filthy stinking rich Obama Romney Biden Who ever Romney picks for VP all have more money then most people will ever see in there lifetime so I don't see why its an issue. Once your bank account has more then 6 zeros after a number does it really matter anymore?
They are all filthy stinking rich Obama Romney Biden Who ever Romney picks for VP all have more money then most people will ever see in there lifetime so I don't see why its an issue. Once your bank account has more then 6 zeros after a number does it really matter anymore?

Yeah, it matters. A million dollars just isn't what it used to be. I'd even go so far as to call most "merely millionaires," merely upper-middle class, until it gets around maybe $20 million-silly as that sounds.

On the other hand, like you said, "does it really matter anymore?" My mom, who grew up really poor, has a hard time understanding how anyone manages to amass a fortune like Romney's, or even mine-"Just how much money do you need?" To her, the idea of even having a half a million dollars in the bank-short of a 401k or retirement fund-is greedy.
They are all filthy stinking rich Obama Romney Biden Who ever Romney picks for VP all have more money then most people will ever see in there lifetime so I don't see why its an issue. Once your bank account has more then 6 zeros after a number does it really matter anymore?

The grand total? Not so much. How you treated people on the way up, how you treat them now that you're there, and how much you try to evade your fair responsibility as a member of society... absolutely.
The OP means Romney has a good heart. That doesn't mean that he'll be a good pres. Its his policies that I dislike, not the man.
After paying 3 million dollars in taxes...

and almost $3 million to charity, including $1.5 million to the LDS Church.[SUP][98][/SUP]Romney has always tithed to the church, including stock from Bain Capital holdings.[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][99][/SUP][SUP][100][/SUP] In 2010, the Romney family's Tyler Charitable Foundation gave out about $650,000, with some of it going to organizations that fight specific diseases such as cystic fibrosis and multiple sclerosis.[SUP][101][/SUP]

As to being a good President, I think just walking into the office and maintaining a pulse would make him a better President than obama...
...and that is why republicans have romney as a nominee instead of someone who will actually win. Not everyone hates Obama and plenty of people still remember the effects of GW Bush's policies. I doubt it will be enough for your canidate to run on "He's not Obama." He needs to be for something and so far, he has been very slow to actually say what he stands for. He seems to be the Republicans version of Kerry.
...and that is why republicans have romney as a nominee instead of someone who will actually win. Not everyone hates Obama and plenty of people still remember the effects of GW Bush's policies. I doubt it will be enough for your canidate to run on "He's not Obama." He needs to be for something and so far, he has been very slow to actually say what he stands for. He seems to be the Republicans version of Kerry.

During the debates, I looked at the candidates that were available:

and called them The Committee To Reelect Barack Obama. No rolling on the floor laughing his *** off guy, because I'm serious. The only really thoughtful, worthwhile candidate was out really early, and all the others have proven criminality, nutziness, or-in the case of Romney-positional flexibility: the man will say anything to be President, and some of those things he's already said will come back to bite him in the ***....
During the debates, I looked at the candidates that were available:
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and called them The Committee To Reelect Barack Obama. No rolling on the floor laughing his *** off guy, because I'm serious. The only really thoughtful, worthwhile candidate was out really early, and all the others have proven criminality, nutziness, or-in the case of Romney-positional flexibility: the man will say anything to be President, and some of those things he's already said will come back to bite him in the ***....

I'm pretty certain that Obama could come to the Presidential debates and not say a single word, just play clips of Willard saying the opposite of what he's just said. On every possible subject.
During the debates, I looked at the candidates that were available:
View attachment 17104

and called them The Committee To Reelect Barack Obama. No rolling on the floor laughing his *** off guy, because I'm serious. The only really thoughtful, worthwhile candidate was out really early, and all the others have proven criminality, nutziness, or-in the case of Romney-positional flexibility: the man will say anything to be President, and some of those things he's already said will come back to bite him in the ***....

Gosh, that line up looks like the opening scene from The Muppet Show..... :eek:
Yeah, it matters. A million dollars just isn't what it used to be. I'd even go so far as to call most "merely millionaires," merely upper-middle class, until it gets around maybe $20 million-silly as that sounds.

On the other hand, like you said, "does it really matter anymore?" My mom, who grew up really poor, has a hard time understanding how anyone manages to amass a fortune like Romney's, or even mine-"Just how much money do you need?" To her, the idea of even having a half a million dollars in the bank-short of a 401k or retirement fund-is greedy.
Man, I'll have to go back and look this up, because I'm absolutely positive that this has been brought up in discussions about taxes. Essentially, money is important if we're talking about taxes. It's not important if we're talking about a Republican candidate for president who is filthy, stinking rich. :)

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...and that is why republicans have romney as a nominee instead of someone who will actually win. Not everyone hates Obama and plenty of people still remember the effects of GW Bush's policies. I doubt it will be enough for your canidate to run on "He's not Obama." He needs to be for something and so far, he has been very slow to actually say what he stands for. He seems to be the Republicans version of Kerry.

While the articulation of the policies have changed from president to president, the policies themselves have not really changed all that much.
Yeah, it matters. A million dollars just isn't what it used to be. I'd even go so far as to call most "merely millionaires," merely upper-middle class, until it gets around maybe $20 million-silly as that sounds.

On the other hand, like you said, "does it really matter anymore?" My mom, who grew up really poor, has a hard time understanding how anyone manages to amass a fortune like Romney's, or even mine-"Just how much money do you need?" To her, the idea of even having a half a million dollars in the bank-short of a 401k or retirement fund-is greedy.

A million is a ton of money. I'm a police officer when I first got hired I was making 23k a year now I'm up to around 65k I will work for 20 years and still not have made a million dollars total for 20 years of police work. Before that I was in the military my last year in my grand total was 17k a year. So I don't see much difference between President Obama's 3 or 4 million in the bank and Romneys 300 million. Its all the same to me
A million is a ton of money. I'm a police officer when I first got hired I was making 23k a year now I'm up to around 65k I will work for 20 years and still not have made a million dollars total for 20 years of police work. Before that I was in the military my last year in my grand total was 17k a year. So I don't see much difference between President Obama's 3 or 4 million in the bank and Romneys 300 million. Its all the same to me

To you, sure, but trust me-there's light years of difference, in terms of President Obama's merely "rich," and Romney's wealth.

Obama had to use someone else's money to buy his elections, after all.....

Put another way, a million dollars might make a lot of difference in your life, but not if you kept it. Actually, a couple of years ago, if you took that million and invested it in tax free munis, and waited about five years, you'd have had a lifetime income stream of close to what you make now, so it might make a difference if you kept it. Invest it in state munis, and it might be double taxation free-no state income tax, no federal income tax-so, if you could keep it, it might make a pretty good difference,but a million really isn't that much, and if you had it, like most people, you'd probably spend it.
The OP means Romney has a good heart. That doesn't mean that he'll be a good pres. Its his policies that I dislike, not the man.

I could say EXACTLY the same thing about Bill Clinton, who, looks like he'd be fun at a BBQ.
I could say EXACTLY the same thing about Bill Clinton, who, looks like he'd be fun at a BBQ.

Funny, I kinda think the opposite of Clinton. I think he's kind of a douchebag, but I also think a lot, though not all, of his policies were good for America as a whole.
Funny, I kinda think the opposite of Clinton. I think he's kind of a douchebag, but I also think a lot, though not all, of his policies were good for America as a whole.

Oh, I wouldn't trust him around the womenfolk, but, he'd be fun to have a few beers and an extended BS session with