Teaching kids increases the size of your wallet but does not improve your teaching


Orange Belt
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Troy NY
I remember attending the kids' class at my old judo club. I was only a white belt so I couldn't actually help teach, but I was so into the martial arts that I wanted to be there all the time. These kids were all between the ages of 4 and 7. Don't ask me whose bright idea it was to have kids that young in class, although it obviously had to be the sensei. At any rate, it was a disaster. The kids did more running around than practicing. I remember one occasion when they had the kids pair off to practice a technique, and one kid SMACKED the other one in the face! If that had been my school, I would have told the parents he couldn't come to class anymore. Some people are just in it for the money...and some parents sign their kids up to a martial arts class just to have them out of their hair for an hour or so. To them, the martial arts school is like a daycare!