Suriving a street brawl

First, lets copy its list and go over some things.

Don’t be there when it happens.
This really cant be helped. Id prefer advice for what to do if You were there and didnt get a 5 minute warning of an upcoming brawl.

Be aware.
See now, this is good advice.

Brawls spread like wildfire.
Control your inner monkey.
One problem. What if You want to join in? Im not saying I would. My point is, what good is it to advise You to leave if Your inner monkey wants to fight? 'Surviving' and leaving are what You do when You want nothing to do with it. Im not advocating brawling, but any one of the people who joined in could have just left. Evidently, that isnt what They wanted to do. If You want to leave, Youll try and find a way. Telling people to leave anyway doesnt do much for the whole surviving thing. Its as redundant as telling You that brawls spread. Either leave or dont - So long as You acknowledge all the stuff thatll come with that decision.

Think long term before you go to such a place.
Id put this in the same boat as the above. Its mostly a big long bit of the writer listing out all the cultural paranoia surrounding violence. Youll go to prison, Your lifes ruined, Youll get hurt, etc. That doesnt do much for Your ability to survive, if not just because if such a brawl has already started, and someone bumps into You, all the above are reasons He might be the one who goes for You, while You stand there wondering if You should defend Yourself, for fear of being seen on CCTV.

You’re not off-limits, no matter how pretty you are.

Now, Ill experimentally make a new list.

If You are there when it happens, seriously consider the situation.
Be aware.
Look for every possible exit or escape route.
Brawls have a tendency to get bigger before They get smaller.
Unless You feel like gambling with Your good health, consider using one of the previously located exits or escape routes.
If You do become involved in the brawl, which You may have to whether You like it or not no matter how hard You try not to, accept that Their may be consequences, legally if Youre an aggressor, or physically if Youre acting defensively, since the crowd might not like You for taking out that guy in a wife beater with six of His mates not far away - Incidentally, this is also why You dont just locate ONE exit or escape route.
Youre not off limits, no matter how pretty You are.

Now just to clarify, I dont think the writer is really wrong. I just think Hes making presumptions, and being a bit paranoid. Some of the people in that very video joined in, scrapped, barely got a scratch on Them, then left, just like that, because They chose to join in, instead of 'controlling Their inner monkey'. And I would like to see the arrest record, if He was ever arrested for it, let alone tried or jailed. There were also some people who immediately walked off, never to be seen again, because They wanted nothing to do with it. Neither party is in the wrong. If Youre the kind of person who wants nothing to do with it, leaving goes without saying. If Youre the kind of person who wants to join in, no article is going to change that, and Youll probably survive anyway.

Once again, I dont think Hes wrong, I believe that theres better advice that sends the exact same message He could be giving.

Say Youre in a bar (Original, I know), and a brawl breaks out. Lets say the only way out is in the direction the brawl, and it is moving toward You. The keen observer who noted every possible exit or escape route will be better equipped than the person who backs up against the wall because They didnt think to climb over the bar, and scurry off that way for a head start, and whos too busy wondering if Theyll be facing legal action if some drunk decides for Them that Theyre now a part of the brawl.
If Youre the sort to jump into said brawl, Youve already accepted the possible consequences, and the fatality rate isnt that high. Therefore, Youll probably survive.
The person who was aware and noted all possible exits and escape routes has the potential to be conveniently near one or two of Them before a brawl even breaks out, can leave much faster than the person who sat near the back wall. Notice how this is less about sweeping statements just telling You to leave, control Yourself, and to remember that brawls spread?
Finally, the only way to not be there when it happens is to never leave the house.

So, My suggested addition to the list is to completely change most of the list :)
I've been in many street brawls before I got into Martial Arts and I've been on the good side and the bad side. the best bet is to try and get out of the situation.
First rule. If you see the behavior in the video, leave.

Second rule. See first rule.

End of rules.
There is no shame in running, screaming like a little girl.
Ok, there might be a little, but, it is better than getting seriously hurt.
There is no shame in running, screaming like a little girl.
Ok, there might be a little, but, it is better than getting seriously hurt.


Every physical altercation involves risk. There's a guy near here in prison right now awaiting trial on manslaughter charges. Got in a punchup outside a local bar, hit the guy, the guy fell and hit his head on the concrete, he's dead. One punch, guy falls down, he's dead. If someone has no use for their life and wants to spend the rest of it in a nice 'pound me in the butt' prison, hey, go for it. Me, I don't want to be the dead guy or the guy who made that happen, so if I see something as altogether stupid as this collection of clowns, I'm heading the other way. People can call it anything they like, it won't be me on a slab or in a prison making pals with Bubba.
Could we add; Don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash.

On a totally opposite point, every now and again you are in a position where you can't back down or it isn't feasible for whatever reason. In such cases you need a good 'go-to line'. Two of my favorites are;

"There are only two things between you and me....air and opportunity. And I figure the only things stopping you right now are common sense and fear."


"There are several types of men in this world. One type of man is easily intimidated. They are easily backed down and fearful. Another type of man has done things in his life you've only seen in the movies. This type of man will ram his fist down your throat and pull out the first vital organ he comes to. You should never, ever try this type of man...ever. Now, which type of man do you think I am...A-hole?"

Don't confuse what I'm saying as ego-driven or looking for a problem. The times I've used these 'lines' it was necessary and actually avoided the problem altogether because it let the individual know he was making an incorrect life choice.
Could we add; Don't let your mouth write checks your body can't cash.

On a totally opposite point, every now and again you are in a position where you can't back down or it isn't feasible for whatever reason. In such cases you need a good 'go-to line'. Two of my favorites are;

"There are only two things between you and me....air and opportunity. And I figure the only things stopping you right now are common sense and fear."


"There are several types of men in this world. One type of man is easily intimidated. They are easily backed down and fearful. Another type of man has done things in his life you've only seen in the movies. This type of man will ram his fist down your throat and pull out the first vital organ he comes to. You should never, ever try this type of man...ever. Now, which type of man do you think I am...A-hole?"

Don't confuse what I'm saying as ego-driven or looking for a problem. The times I've used these 'lines' it was necessary and actually avoided the problem altogether because it let the individual know he was making an incorrect life choice.

With all due respect, you'd never get the end of the first syllable out of your mouth before you'd be hit. These are drunken college rowdies. They have a collective IQ of a bottle of glue and a testosterone-fueled rage monkey on their backs.
Bill, I understand what you're saying. It is definately situational. I'm referring more to a one-on-one than a mob of course. :)
Bill, I understand what you're saying. It is definately situational. I'm referring more to a one-on-one than a mob of course. :)

Again, all due respect, but I do not think words like that are anything but an enticement to fight. I've been on both sides and I've said and heard similar words. Identical in one case. It's an open invitation to fight to drunken tough guys.

You want to get out of a confrontation, you humble yourself quickly but be prepared to engage. Hands up, backing up if you can, using placating terms like "Hey man, I don't want any trouble here, let's all calm down, it's all good, etc, etc."

That presses the "I won" button in the primate's puny brain in some cases. He disengages, because in the animal kingdom, fighting is dangerous for both parties, so posturing is the norm. Once the posture gets the desired effect, the core animal brain says "Stand down."

It also serves the very useful purpose as establishing you as the 'victim' in the eyes of any witnesses, which will come in hand later if you have to defend yourself.

If the primate in question is so tanked up that he cannot stand down, and he continues to threaten you, self-defense is in order. Quickly, decisively, and without any further verbiage, and disengaging again as quickly as possible.

I respect your point of view, but I respectfully think your choice of "I don't want to fight" words amount to a threat that will pretty much get you punched in many circumstances. I'd say them if I *wanted* the guy to hit me.
I understand what you're saying Bill, but I can't agree with everything you've stated. It can and does work, I can attest to that personally as I've had to do it on multiple occassions. And it averted the need to go hands-on. Remember that I stated it is situational and that there are times and situations you can't go the humble route. There are times were escape/evasion aren't an option. The thing is to be able to recognize and distinguish those times and handle them in the most appropriate manner to avoid going physical. There are times when if you look like prey you're likely to be eaten. Again, situational.
Here's a great piece of advice I got from one of my old kung fu instructors who was a police officer.
After you've been in a fight and are leaving and there are witnesses around, do not get in your car and leave....get away from the area and find another way home.
Don't give anyone a chance to identify you so that you can be sued later.
Come back the next day and get your car.
I'll take a page out of Cyriacus's book and address my thoughts on these one at a time. From my perspective I don't think the list has that many issues.

Don’t be there when it happens.

I agree with Cyriacus about the idea that you can't always tell if a place is going to devolve into a monkey cluster****. But when these things start happening, you can usually feel the budding tension in the air and should recognize the potential of violence. This is the time to start looking for exits i think.

Be aware.

Best advice for SD period.


Also good advice. If some ape wants to puff up his chest and get into a fight for some stupid reason that is his choice, but he will deserve the consequences he faces. It's different if you become actually threatened, but unless you are egging someone on they will in most cases leave you alone.

Brawls spread like wildfire.


Control your inner monkey.

I think this is actually decent advice, because when the adrenaline starts pumping, people can look for any excuse to justify fighting. If you can recognize that there is no real reason to fight you can keep control and leave, but if you let people goad you it's your fault and I don't want to hear the claim of SD latter.

Think long term before you go to such a place.

It's always good to be aware of places that have been prone to violence. Be aware of a places reputation and if it is bad think hard about what could happen if you go there.

You’re not off-limits, no matter how pretty you are.

I love this one. Great observation.

I think one I would add is don't try to break up the fight. If you get involved you are likely to be hit even if you were just trying to get them to stop, and trying to "help" could just get the person you are trying to help more beat up if you pull him off balance and he falls to the ground.
Like other people have already stated, being aware and leaving are at the very top of my list too. If somebody tries to attack you, only use what you have to for protecting yourself while you're escaping. One hit may be all that is needed to slow them down or deter them as you continue to run; but keep moving, because whoever just tried to hurt you may have friends in the crowd too.

I didn't pan through all of the responses above to see if anybody else noted this, but in the video you will notice that (as expected) the number one form of attack used? Yep, you may have guessed without looking - the right-handed punch (the crowd was throwing them like rocks). IMO brawls usually start like a fire - spreading from the center, then quickly morphing into a something that resembles a giant mosh pit. Don't be in the mosh pit.
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Best fighting tip ever is follow your intuition. If you catch a feel you don't like then leave, no matter how familiar you are with the people/place.

Yeah I know that this thread has been resurrected, but this is advice worth repeating, and I totally agree.
Like other people have already stated, being aware and leaving are at the very top of my list too. If somebody tries to attack you, only use what you have to for protecting yourself while you're escaping. One hit may be all that is needed to slow them down or deter them as you continue to run; but keep moving, because whoever just tried to hurt you may have friends in the crowd too.

I didn't pan through all of the responses above to see if anybody else noted this, but in the video you will notice that (as expected) the number one form of attack used? Yep, you may have guessed without looking - the right-handed punch (the crowd was throwing them like rocks). IMO brawls usually start like a fire - spreading from the center, then quickly morphing into a something that resembles a giant mosh pit. Don't be in the mosh pit.

All the advice with regards to avoiding the violence as much as possible is spot on. If you are attacked by one of those idiots, then use the minimum force necessary to allow you to continue to retreat and escape. To be blunt, deciding to join the action and get a few licks in when you don't have to, is stroking your own ego and makes you as guilty as the others who decided to joing the free for all. It's assault, battery and likely to get you arrested and sued these days. It's also not what martial arts is about. It's dishonorable.

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