So, What do you think?

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Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I have a tendency to say the word crap quite often, and I can think of a few good reasons that it might be important.

1. It is bad when you step in it.
2. Worse when you track it into the house.
3. And down right wrong if you have to smell it for too long.
4. Sucks to clean it up.
5. It's unwanted/discarded by most people.

I would venture to say that Mr. Spry has alot in common with those things I mentioned above, and in that sense... He's important.

Mr. Lear, your posts never fail to keep me in stitches... :) :D :rofl:

Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Mr. Lear, your posts never fail to keep me in stitches... :) :D :rofl:


I second that!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I wanna belt like that, but what the hell is a Makua?

Is it just me, or does this sly dog look pleased with himself?

Must be all the money he's gotten from the three people that bought his bullcrap!

looks like he's about to ask us all if he could buy us a drink.:erg:

makua means "parent"

Jaz K.
For a one year video course? Heck, for that price, I will personally train you for a year or two.

Tell you what, make it $5000 even, and I will pay for you to train with the instructor of your choice. Don't tell him what you paid me, though...

I find it funny that everyone here laughs at this guy. (Not that he does or doesn't deserve it, I dunno) But I seem to be able to run out fingers counting, and I can't count that high, when I try to count how many Kenpo courses out there are like this. Then you wonder why no one takes your art seriously and you are always having to defend it. It's like laughing at your retarded cousin but never bothering to help him or do anything about it but meanwhile, everyone driving by the family picnic is only seeing your cousin flap his arms and run around and thinks that's what your family is like.

That's what I find funny.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Then you wonder why no one takes your art seriously and you are always having to defend it.

I don't have to defend it. I study it for me, and for me only. I
could give a damn what others think.
Originally posted by GouRonin
I find it funny that everyone here laughs at this guy. (Not that he does or doesn't deserve it, I dunno) But I seem to be able to run out fingers counting, and I can't count that high, when I try to count how many Kenpo courses out there are like this. Then you wonder why no one takes your art seriously and you are always having to defend it. It's like laughing at your retarded cousin but never bothering to help him or do anything about it but meanwhile, everyone driving by the family picnic is only seeing your cousin flap his arms and run around and thinks that's what your family is like.

That's what I find funny.

10 Questions for Gou Ronin:

#1. Steve Spry isn't a retard... but the people that are willing to pay him... ?

#2. Don't you have a certificate from him somewhere in your house Gou?

#3. You're right, there are many with video schemes just like his. Makes you wonder... Is this disease is contageous?

#4. How couldn't you laugh?

#5. I take my training in Kenpo seriously. Evidently so does Master Spry... Jeeze, next year he'll be the pope, and the year after that... GOD?

#6. How should we save Master Steve Spry from himself? Buy him a bigger mirror?

#7. Steve Spry does flap his arms around in pretty much the same manner you described above... He's trying to sell it as Kenpo on his videos. Slap one of those videos back in your VCR Gou, what do you think?

#8. I know you own at least one copy of Black Belt Magazine... There are hundreds of self-promoted martial arts masters selling video courses in it. Why pick on Kenpo exclusively? Are you bitter? Did Steve Spry screw you out of some money? Or are you a loyal follower of Makua Steve "The Super Guy" Spry?

#9. Did you read all of the books on his highly recomended reading list? Did Curious George shock you with it's dramatic, intense, and ironic ending?

#10. When are you gunna come out with a Kenpo Video? What are you gunna call it? The Kenpo Secrets that Makua Steve Spry didn't want you to know? Did he put secret information on your videos that nobody else has seen?

Originally posted by Sigung86
It's a guy who puts on a gi and a belt and using subterfuge and schemy, glitzy websites, goes after your wallet! :lol:


AHH! Now I get it.....

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
Is it just me, or does this sly dog look pleased with himself?

He looks like that guy that played the colonel (sp?), in Pensicola Wings of Gold.

You know the guy that married Barbera Streisand...

If you knew you were gonna make a bucket load of $$$ for nearly nothing wouldn't you look pretty pleased with yourself???

Originally posted by D.Cobb
Too many m's in your version of the word my friend!


I don't know D ... You could be a little preemptive... He might be a mormon and a moron. :lol:

Originally posted by Sigung86
I don't know D ... You could be a little preemptive... He might be a mormon and a moron. :lol:



OMG I hope this doesn't turn into something like the pants thread in the humor forum.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
I wanna belt like that, but what the hell is a Makua?

Wasn't he the evil Native American character in Last of the Mohicans?

Oh wait, that was Magua! ;)

Originally posted by Kirk
I don't have to defend it. I study it for me, and for me only. I
could give a damn what others think.

Oh puh-leeze...the wind blows wrong and you're worried that you might not be getting what everyone else is getting out of your Kenpo.
I think it's 2X sad:
sad if he deludes others with empty promises of proficiency
sad if he is so deluded himself as to think that he's not outright lyling to his 'buyers'!!
Just sad :rolleyes:
Your Brother (pass the tissues)
Originally posted by GouRonin
Oh puh-leeze...the wind blows wrong and you're worried that you might not be getting what everyone else is getting out of your Kenpo.

Why are you so hard on Kirk man?? Hes opinionated and sometimes wrong in these opinions, but these are things others take pride in without a word being said edgewise.

Kenpo had enough for you to stay around untill brown belt, I don't know the whys or whos or why you quite but I have always respected your opinions. I would love to hear about it sometime.

Why judge everybody by what you feel is wrong in their art? We all have something to learn from each other everyone of us! There are several ways to answer the same question. The sooner most of us realize that the better off we will all be as martial artist. We should all help each other out, just starting the martial arts means we all have something in common.

You have a lot to offer man.........why be a sith lord when the jedi came from all sorts of planets ;) hell mace windu had a purple light saber and none of the other jedis laughed at him!

:jedi1: :xwing: :jediduel:
Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#1. Steve Spry isn't a retard... but the people that are willing to pay him... ?

How do they know? People who are just starting Kenpo don't know good Kenpo from bad. It's when they find out and they don't look for better instruction that you can call them retards.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#2. Don't you have a certificate from him somewhere in your house Gou?

Yep. Sure do. When I first started Kenpo I was with an affiliated school. It's not a secret. Doesn't mean I support the guy or what he is doing. I would not choose to learn from him. I have never taken instruction from him. Does having this certificate invalidate any Kenpo I know? Wow. I have a certificate from the IKKO too. And the WKKA, the AKI, and a host of other Kenpo groups. I'm not ashamed to say where and with whom I have associated with or studied with.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#3. You're right, there are many with video schemes just like his. Makes you wonder... Is this disease is contageous?

Yes. It's running rampant throughout Kenpo.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#4. How couldn't you laugh?

I am laughing. For different reasons though. I proved Spry is a scam artist and I told you how. Yet he still makes big bucks and rides Kenpo's rep into the ground. He's not alone. I will say that he at least introduces people to Kenpo. That's not a bad thing. Just that some people are stupid and never search out better instruction once they have a chance and some people are happy with what they get.

I'm also laughing because Kenpoists are pointing fingers and laughing at this guy yet he's one of yours.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#5. I take my training in Kenpo seriously. Evidently so does Master Spry... Jeeze, next year he'll be the pope, and the year after that... GOD?

How can anyone take Kenpo seriously? I can send a tape or even less and get rank in it by next week that outranks most people.

You take your Kenpo seriously. The problem is that Kenpo doesn't take rank seriously.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#6. How should we save Master Steve Spry from himself? Buy him a bigger mirror?

I dunno. I have only spoke to the guy a few times on some serious issues other than Kenpo mostly.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#7. Steve Spry does flap his arms around in pretty much the same manner you described above... He's trying to sell it as Kenpo on his videos. Slap one of those videos back in your VCR Gou, what do you think?

I think he makes Kenpo look like a slap/slop art. It's not. But heck, with a few bucks you can be high ranking Kenpoist and argue whatever you want by throwing around Kenpo terms and make people think you know what you're doing. Then you start selling stuff and raking in the bucks.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#8. I know you own at least one copy of Black Belt Magazine... There are hundreds of self-promoted martial arts masters selling video courses in it. Why pick on Kenpo exclusively? Are you bitter? Did Steve Spry screw you out of some money? Or are you a loyal follower of Makua Steve "The Super Guy" Spry?

I own a whole bunch of copies of the rag. I like it. It's a good indicator of what the martial arts world is about. Kinda like when the guys in the movie "Men In Black" read the tabloids to see what is really going on.

Yes I am bitter. Not at Spry though. He was up front about what he offered and always fufilled his business obligations. Unlike many other more legit Kenpoists who will screw you. I'm not a follow of Spry or any other Kenpo organization.

Why Kenpo? Well, mostly because I have experience with Kenpo. I also pick on TKD too but they never %$#@ed me over either. I just do that based on personal experience with TKD people. Although I have met a bunch of good TKD people here. EPAK is fast becoming the new TKD. The TKD lament the state their art is in because of they way it spread. Kenpo will be the same. There will be pockets of good Kenpo but it will get fewer and farther inbetween. Yet everyone will claim theirs isn't the bad stuff.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#9. Did you read all of the books on his highly recomended reading list? Did Curious George shock you with it's dramatic, intense, and ironic ending?

Damn you! That monkey had it coming! Damn these happy hollywood endings!

Originally posted by WilliamTLear
10 Questions for Gou Ronin:
#10. When are you gunna come out with a Kenpo Video? What are you gunna call it? The Kenpo Secrets that Makua Steve Spry didn't want you to know? Did he put secret information on your videos that nobody else has seen?

I doubt it. I have some Spry videos. I have Planas videos. I have lots of videos. Doesn't mean I'll be putting out videos and trying to rip people off claiming I have the real secrets. That's not for me to do. That's for other Kenpoists to do.

I have had it up to my eyes with Kenpo politics. They're a joke and it makes a good art look bad and get bad.
Originally posted by brianhunter
Why are you so hard on Kirk man?? Hes opinionated and sometimes wrong in these opinions, but these are things others take pride in without a word being said edgewise.

Kirk and I have talked about this. I am not saying anything that he and I have not said in chats to each other.

Originally posted by brianhunter
Kenpo had enough for you to stay around untill brown belt, I don't know the whys or whos or why you quite but I have always respected your opinions. I would love to hear about it sometime.

Hey, 10 minutes ago you were quitting Kenpo.

As a brown when I outclass black belts and am given that rank for doing nothing but showing what I did on the floor that to me means black had no meaning so I don't wear it. I have had people offer to still rank me to black in their system. Blah blah blah... if I want to wear black I can, I've got certs, and still be better than 50% of the stuff out there. I'm not saying I am the greatest. I am saying that a lot of Kenpo schools out there suck.

I like Kenpo. I hate the way it's being run. My perogative. I left for reasons that were obvious. I still work Kenpo techniques. I work them into other ideas and use them as a basis to study ideas. Am I looking for rank? Nope?

Originally posted by brianhunter
Why judge everybody by what you feel is wrong in their art? We all have something to learn from each other everyone of us! There are several ways to answer the same question. The sooner most of us realize that the better off we will all be as martial artist. We should all help each other out, just starting the martial arts means we all have something in common.

Whoah... I'm not the one making fun of a fellow Kenpoists here. In fact, as disgusting as it sounds I am sticking up for Spry solely because he's a product of the Kenpo world. (Not one of the worst but not great either) I guess only Kenpoists eat their own eh? In fact I'm not the one attacking other artists in this thread. I'm just pointing out that it's the same people making fun of this guy who don't realize he's representing their art.

Love to chat more if you want on this.
Originally posted by brianhunter
You have a lot to offer man.........why be a sith lord when the jedi came from all sorts of planets ;) hell mace windu had a purple light saber and none of the other jedis laughed at him!

Sorry. I forgot to answer this.

What's wrong with being a Sith Lord?

Without a bad guy... there can be no good guys...
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