Six core elements

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Blue Belt
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
Here are the ā€œ6 Core Elementsā€ of Hendrikā€™s Yong Chun as taken from his youtube channel and are discussed in Sergioā€™s new book. Supposedly these are based upon Emei Shier Zhuang Qigong and only found in Yik Kam Wing Chun.

1. Physical Body (Joints, Muscle) Biomechanics

2. Mind (Thinking, Intention, Visualizations, Awareness)

3. Breathing (Lower Abdominal Breathing)

4. Qi (Grow, Flow, Bio-Mechanical Bio-Electrical)

5. Jin (Force Flow, Force Path, Action-Reaction Force)

6. Momentum (Movement Handling, Tendency of Movement)

Here is part of a discussion Hendrik and I were having a while back, in particular posts #75 & #82, Internal art observation Page 4 MartialTalk.Com - Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community

This is not the first time this was mentioned to him. A couple of years ago I brought up the theory that Yong Chun was a distillation of Tibetan White Crane. In particular the concepts of Mian Li Zhen (Needle In Cotton), Dou Luo Shou (Gauze Wrapping Hands) and Chuo Mai Zhi (Vein Stabbing Fingers). These methods are directly influenced from the ancient 6 Tantric Yogaā€™s and exercises of Naropa and Niguma. I was dismissed saying I knew nothing, despite attempts of Robert Chu and others to get me to elaborate further. Well I decided I would throw out some cheese for the mice. Here are the 6 Exercises explained with brief tantric discourse as well. Decide for yourselves if there is any similarity to this newly revealed ā€œ6 Core Elementsā€. It is evident to me that it is a simple re-writing of ancient Tibetan practices and a theory that I put forth years ago.

Ancient 6 Exercises of Naropa & Niguma

Chong Fu Ping - Full Like a Vase

Sutra, Du Huo (Internal Fire) method also known as Bao Ping Qi (Precious Bottle Breath)

A type of diaphragmatic breathing that produces heat as a side effect. It is the foundation of all Yu Jia (Yoga) and subsequently Qi Gong. Chong Fu Ping encompasses both the Daofa (Daoist) and Fofa (Buddhist) methods of diaphragmatic breathing for concentrating Qi to bone marrow and drawing it to the skin respectively.

Tantric Attributes:

Qi (Energy) functions in the Du & Ren channels and therefore our Yi (Mind) conceives Qi. These two vessels represent subjective-objective activity and karmic activities. Qi represents the horse and Yi represents the rider. If Qi functions in the central channel it transforms into Zhi (Wisdom). The mind conceives the non-duality of things and realizes all Dharmas as unborn. When inner and outer Du Huo (Internal Fire) are synchronized (Mahamudra) with Qi, Jingluo and Yi this is known as the attainment of Jingang Shen (Vajra Body).

Xuan Fu Lun - Revolve Like a Wheel

Sutra, Huan Shen (Illusion Body)


A type of unique spine and waist movement used in the generation and root deployment of Qi (Energy). Xuan Fu Lun is a unique bio-mechanic developmental body method of action and reaction force based upon receiving and issuing and has direct correlation to Jin (Power).

Tantric Attributes:

The universe and its contents are nothing but illusions. They have no substance in their nature, they appear like illusory bodies, like dreams, like a mirror reflection. One is to cut off the mundane attachments and realize the ultimate truth. This practice transforms all the mundane thoughts into divine thoughts. The universe becomes a mandala of divine deities where the forms are gods and goddesses, sounds are mantras and thoughts are transcendental wisdom. Even this immaculate appearance is illusion as it has no substance. The Illusory Body still has a tinge of artificiality. The ultimate goal, however, is to achieve a spontaneous, natural experience born out of completely pure Qi and non-dualistic thought to achieve the Illusory Body.

Wan Fu Gou - Bend Like a Hook

Sutra, Hui Guang (Radiant Light)


A unique method of recognizing, controlling and subduing movement upon its interception and reception.

Tantric Attributes:

Hui Guang is believed to be the essence of the path. Radiant Light in tantra is spontaneous, self-illuminating enlightened Buddha nature which could only be seen with the ultimate intuitive perspective or the deepest meditation. Though a momentary flash of radiance appears when dying, fainting, yawning and copulating, it is not recognized as such. Through conscious awareness of recognition of Radiant Light, Dharmakaya and Sambhogaka can be experienced.

Fang Fu Jian - Unleash Like an Arrow

Sutra, Po Ba (Soul Travel)


This is the method of Mei Hua (Plum Blossom). It is the ā€œOpening of the petals (Jingluo) to release the perfume (Qi)ā€. This is the direct manifestation and release of Qi (Energy) as based upon its generation and path.

Tantric Attributes:

Po Ba is also known as the teaching to achieve Buddhahood without meditation. The purpose of these teachings is to be ready to die and avoid reincarnation in unfavorable situations. Po Ba is divided into three stages of practice as found in the Bardo. First is to transform into the Radiant Light. Second is to realize the divine nature and accomplish the Illusory Body. Last is to transfer oneā€™s mind-body into the wisdom-mind these trainings are practiced during oneā€™s life time and they are used when all the signs of death are manifest. An accomplished person can help another to a happy departing.

Dou Fu Gou - Shake Like a Dog

Sutra, Jie Dao (Between Islands)


Dou Fu Gou is the use of Jin (Power) in all manners of manifestation and type. The major root type is known as Zong (Trembling) because of its natural approach and ability to lead into other methods.

Tantric Attributes:

Jie Dao is essentially the ritual of Chod. The journey through the Bardo. Marpa classifies it as three types, the immediate state between birth and death (Life), the intermediate state of dreams (Bardo) and the state of becoming (Birth). The practice of Bardo is the last stage. The immediate state after death is called the mind-body. It is an important stage as strong reactions occur during this period and consequently will have immediate effect in deciding the realm into which the person will be reborn. Focus, recognition, intent and concentration are required to destroy illusion that presents in the Bardo, whose purpose is to lure, direct, scare and tempt to make one stray from the true path of liberation.

Zhan Fu Chi - Stretch Like Wings

Sutra, Meng Lan (Dream Perception)


This is the realm of the mind. It deals with recognition, understanding, visualization, intention, awareness and projection. It is the recognition of illusion, direction and focus of thought and will.

Tantric Attributes:

The first stage of dream practice is to recognize dreams during the time of dreaming. The next stage is to use the dream as a vehicle to practice various spiritual exercises including that of the Illusory Body. Dreams are then transformed into the practice of Radiant Light. Constant practice during dreaming will have great effect on waking hours. There will be a time when the practitioner will see no distinction between the dream, waking hours and death.

These exercises are thousands of years old and are considered the true ancient root of internal cultivation from which Qigong was undoubtedly influenced. It is not necessary that all six of these methods be practiced together. But they as a whole make a complete path. Du Huo, Meng Lan, Jie Dao and Po Ba are considered the four root methods and the other two as their parts. It is not necessary that the total be only six, some texts mention eight, ten or more depending on the branch of Tibetan Buddhism.

The methods mentioned here are specific to my lineage of Tibetan Crane, others my be composed differently depending on their Sangha and focus.
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Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
Go ask any real college engineering proffessor on technical, they will tell you straight what it is.
There is no room for ego and all kind of woo woo in engineering.

Here , I like to carry my thread in this manner . If you know you know, if you don't you don't, if you like to discuss stay technical. But if you trying to act like an expert on things you are clueless than expect to get straight reply.

It is not that I am arrogant, but for God shake, be proffesional. stick to the facts.

With the six core elements scientific and systematic way, learning become very clear and effective and efficient.

Six core elements has gone beyond the research stage. It is a proven facts in scientific and systematic process.

I'm nowhere close to a Wing Chun expert, so I'm not going to offer any opinion on whose Wing Chun is better.

I'm also not an expert on Chinese history, so I'm not going to offer any opinions on what CMA training was like 150+ years ago.

I am pretty knowledgeable about how science works. If you tell me something has been scientifically proven, I can evaluate that claim with a bit of work. (I also know a little bit about how historians work.)

When scientists do research, they document the entire process and publish it so that their peers can evaluate their methods, attempt to replicate their results, or repeat the experiment while changing variables to see if the outcome is different. Despite the breathless headlines you sometimes see in the media, a single study never proves very much - it's the cumulative weight of dozens or hundreds or thousands of studies from different researchers coming at a problem from different angles that really validates a theory.

If a legitimate scientist tells you something has been "proven", they don't just throw around some pseudo-scientific jargon and tell anyone who questions them to shut up. They can at least summarize how the research was carried out and point you to specific sources where you can read the exact details of the process should you choose to do so.

If you can't tell me how your research was carried out and provide independent sources to validate your claims, then your "facts" have not been scientifically proven. Period.

(If you can give me that information, it doesn't mean the facts necessarily have been proven. It just means that we can go look at the evidence and have a meaningful conversation about what it means.)

History is a rather different endeavor from science in a number of ways, but the above applies in this field as well. If you are going to make claims about what training was like 150 years ago, then you need to explain what your sources are that provide the basis for your claim. Otherwise we have no reason to value your opinion over that of a kid who just watched a kung-fu movie set in the 18th century.


Green Belt
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
May I suggest you find out what is it in depth before try to relate things?

Here are the ā€œ6 Core Elementsā€ of Hendrikā€™s Yong Chun as taken from his youtube channel and are discussed in Sergioā€™s new book. Supposedly these are based upon Emei Shier Zhuang Qigong and only found in Yik Kam Wing Chun.

1. Physical Body (Joints, Muscle) Biomechanics

2. Mind (Thinking, Intention, Visualizations, Awareness)

3. Breathing (Lower Abdominal Breathing)

4. Qi (Grow, Flow, Bio-Mechanical Bio-Electrical)

5. Jin (Force Flow, Force Path, Action-Reaction Force)

6. Momentum (Movement Handling, Tendency of Movement)

Here is part of a discussion Hendrik and I were having a while back, in particular posts #75 & #82, Internal art observation Page 4 MartialTalk.Com - Friendly Martial Arts Forum Community

This is not the first time this was mentioned to him. A couple of years ago I brought up the theory that Yong Chun was a distillation of Tibetan White Crane. In particular the concepts of Mian Li Zhen (Needle In Cotton), Dou Luo Shou (Gauze Wrapping Hands) and Chuo Mai Zhi (Vein Stabbing Fingers). These methods are directly influenced from the ancient 6 Tantric Yogaā€™s and exercises of Naropa and Niguma. I was dismissed saying I knew nothing, despite attempts of Robert Chu and others to get me to elaborate further. Well I decided I would throw out some cheese for the mice. Here are the 6 Exercises explained with brief tantric discourse as well. Decide for yourselves if there is any similarity to this newly revealed ā€œ6 Core Elementsā€. It is evident to me that it is a simple re-writing of ancient Tibetan practices and a theory that I put forth years ago.

Ancient 6 Exercises of Naropa & Niguma

Chong Fu Ping - Full Like a Vase

Sutra, Du Huo (Internal Fire) method also known as Bao Ping Qi (Precious Bottle Breath)

A type of diaphragmatic breathing that produces heat as a side effect. It is the foundation of all Yu Jia (Yoga) and subsequently Qi Gong. Chong Fu Ping encompasses both the Daofa (Daoist) and Fofa (Buddhist) methods of diaphragmatic breathing for concentrating Qi to bone marrow and drawing it to the skin respectively.

Tantric Attributes:

Qi (Energy) functions in the Du & Ren channels and therefore our Yi (Mind) conceives Qi. These two vessels represent subjective-objective activity and karmic activities. Qi represents the horse and Yi represents the rider. If Qi functions in the central channel it transforms into Zhi (Wisdom). The mind conceives the non-duality of things and realizes all Dharmas as unborn. When inner and outer Du Huo (Internal Fire) are synchronized (Mahamudra) with Qi, Jingluo and Yi this is known as the attainment of Jingang Shen (Vajra Body).

Xuan Fu Lun - Revolve Like a Wheel

Sutra, Huan Shen (Illusion Body)


A type of unique spine and waist movement used in the generation and root deployment of Qi (Energy). Xuan Fu Lun is a unique bio-mechanic developmental body method of action and reaction force based upon receiving and issuing and has direct correlation to Jin (Power).

Tantric Attributes:

The universe and its contents are nothing but illusions. They have no substance in their nature, they appear like illusory bodies, like dreams, like a mirror reflection. One is to cut off the mundane attachments and realize the ultimate truth. This practice transforms all the mundane thoughts into divine thoughts. The universe becomes a mandala of divine deities where the forms are gods and goddesses, sounds are mantras and thoughts are transcendental wisdom. Even this immaculate appearance is illusion as it has no substance. The Illusory Body still has a tinge of artificiality. The ultimate goal, however, is to achieve a spontaneous, natural experience born out of completely pure Qi and non-dualistic thought to achieve the Illusory Body.

Wan Fu Gou - Bend Like a Hook

Sutra, Hui Guang (Radiant Light)


A unique method of recognizing, controlling and subduing movement upon its interception and reception.

Tantric Attributes:

Hui Guang is believed to be the essence of the path. Radiant Light in tantra is spontaneous, self-illuminating enlightened Buddha nature which could only be seen with the ultimate intuitive perspective or the deepest meditation. Though a momentary flash of radiance appears when dying, fainting, yawning and copulating, it is not recognized as such. Through conscious awareness of recognition of Radiant Light, Dharmakaya and Sambhogaka can be experienced.

Fang Fu Jian - Unleash Like an Arrow

Sutra, Po Ba (Soul Travel)


This is the method of Mei Hua (Plum Blossom). It is the ā€œOpening of the petals (Jingluo) to release the perfume (Qi)ā€. This is the direct manifestation and release of Qi (Energy) as based upon its generation and path.

Tantric Attributes:

Po Ba is also known as the teaching to achieve Buddhahood without meditation. The purpose of these teachings is to be ready to die and avoid reincarnation in unfavorable situations. Po Ba is divided into three stages of practice as found in the Bardo. First is to transform into the Radiant Light. Second is to realize the divine nature and accomplish the Illusory Body. Last is to transfer oneā€™s mind-body into the wisdom-mind these trainings are practiced during oneā€™s life time and they are used when all the signs of death are manifest. An accomplished person can help another to a happy departing.

Dou Fu Gou - Shake Like a Dog

Sutra, Jie Dao (Between Islands)


Dou Fu Gou is the use of Jin (Power) in all manners of manifestation and type. The major root type is known as Zong (Trembling) because of its natural approach and ability to lead into other methods.

Tantric Attributes:

Jie Dao is essentially the ritual of Chod. The journey through the Bardo. Marpa classifies it as three types, the immediate state between birth and death (Life), the intermediate state of dreams (Bardo) and the state of becoming (Birth). The practice of Bardo is the last stage. The immediate state after death is called the mind-body. It is an important stage as strong reactions occur during this period and consequently will have immediate effect in deciding the realm into which the person will be reborn. Focus, recognition, intent and concentration are required to destroy illusion that presents in the Bardo, whose purpose is to lure, direct, scare and tempt to make one stray from the true path of liberation.

Zhan Fu Chi - Stretch Like Wings

Sutra, Meng Lan (Dream Perception)


This is the realm of the mind. It deals with recognition, understanding, visualization, intention, awareness and projection. It is the recognition of illusion, direction and focus of thought and will.

Tantric Attributes:

The first stage of dream practice is to recognize dreams during the time of dreaming. The next stage is to use the dream as a vehicle to practice various spiritual exercises including that of the Illusory Body. Dreams are then transformed into the practice of Radiant Light. Constant practice during dreaming will have great effect on waking hours. There will be a time when the practitioner will see no distinction between the dream, waking hours and death.

These exercises are thousands of years old and are considered the true ancient root of internal cultivation from which Qigong was undoubtedly influenced. It is not necessary that all six of these methods be practiced together. But they as a whole make a complete path. Du Huo, Meng Lan, Jie Dao and Po Ba are considered the four root methods and the other two as their parts. It is not necessary that the total be only six, some texts mention eight, ten or more depending on the branch of Tibetan Buddhism.

The methods mentioned here are specific to my lineage of Tibetan Crane, others my be composed differently depending on their Sangha and focus.


Green Belt
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way. Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

That is how far we know by facts

I'm nowhere close to a Wing Chun expert, so I'm not going to offer any opinion on whose Wing Chun is better.

I'm also not an expert on Chinese history, so I'm not going to offer any opinions on what CMA training was like 150+ years ago.

I am pretty knowledgeable about how science works. If you tell me something has been scientifically proven, I can evaluate that claim with a bit of work. (I also know a little bit about how historians work.)

When scientists do research, they document the entire process and publish it so that their peers can evaluate their methods, attempt to replicate their results, or repeat the experiment while changing variables to see if the outcome is different. Despite the breathless headlines you sometimes see in the media, a single study never proves very much - it's the cumulative weight of dozens or hundreds or thousands of studies from different researchers coming at a problem from different angles that really validates a theory.

If a legitimate scientist tells you something has been "proven", they don't just throw around some pseudo-scientific jargon and tell anyone who questions them to shut up. They can at least summarize how the research was carried out and point you to specific sources where you can read the exact details of the process should you choose to do so.

If you can't tell me how your research was carried out and provide independent sources to validate your claims, then your "facts" have not been scientifically proven. Period.

(If you can give me that information, it doesn't mean the facts necessarily have been proven. It just means that we can go look at the evidence and have a meaningful conversation about what it means.)

History is a rather different endeavor from science in a number of ways, but the above applies in this field as well. If you are going to make claims about what training was like 150 years ago, then you need to explain what your sources are that provide the basis for your claim. Otherwise we have no reason to value your opinion over that of a kid who just watched a kung-fu movie set in the 18th century.


Black Belt
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
North American Tectonic Plate
Thought you left, or was this just for the day?

Good luck to all. So long, good bye!

and I honestly have no idea what you are saying in this post because the sentence structure is making no sense to me at all

If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way. Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

That is how far we know by facts

"evoke" makes no sense there

"If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way." or in other words

If we don't have evidence and actually be able to <bring to the conscious mind> the technology to at least a basic way.

Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

what is "wck"? Also since you are talking evidence, where is your evidence or backup documentation to support anything you are saying here

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

What do unrelated things like Physic lab, eeg, ekg, biofeedback, biomechanics and biothermal have to do with any of this. And again, I am not exactly sure you know what many of those mean exactly

That is how far we know by facts

nope, nothing you have said can be taken as fact, only speculation on your part since you have time and time again refused to produce any "real" verifiable supporting documentation or evidence.
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zuti car

Blue Belt
Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Tainan , Taiwan
If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way. Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

That is how far we know by facts
And we will see these research and results published when? Before or after you reveal that museum address ?

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way. Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

That is how far we know by facts
The word "style" has no meaning to me but I do believe some CMA systems has better "power generation method" than the others. For example, in the Baji system, I can just use 3 basic solo drills to train how to generate 3 different power (cross power, sinking power, twisting power). I don't see those training methods exist in some systems such as my favor long fist system. Will you be able to show some drills that a beginner can just spend 3 months training time and get good result from your suggested "power generation method"?

Will you be able to put up a clip to show that one can use your suggested "power generation method" to hit hard on a heavy bag (or just hit onto the thin air)? Some clips like this? Also what's the "common denominator" between your approach and CXW's approach?

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Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2005
Reaction score
Lexington, KY
If we don't have evidence and actually be able to evoke the technology to at least a basic way. Will we tell you about the six core elements and wck histories evidence?

As for scientific, we are now open for physics lab or , eeg, ekg , biofeedback , biothermal, biomechanics examination.

That is how far we know by facts

English is not your native language, right?

You might want to make another go at rephrasing all that, perhaps with the help of a native speaker, because it doesn't actually make any coherent sense in English.

I'm not one to nitpick about other people's grammar. I'm generally pretty good at figuring out what someone meant to say even if it didn't come out quite right in written form. In this case, I'm stuck. I can't agree with it, or disagree with it, or comment on it, because it doesn't actually mean anything. It's word salad.

(This isn't to pick on you. I would be even more incoherent trying to express myself in any language other than English. However we can't have a conversation if we can't understand what you are trying to say.)


Blue Belt
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score

I will go on record once again and state that I do not hold conflict with the theories presented by you, per say. I have issue with the manner in which it is all presented. I do not begrudge the likes of Jim Roselando or Sergio Iderola to make a living off the art, but I do not care for deception. I do not care for the manipulation and forgery used to achieve this deception. This has been discussed time and again by you and I and I do not care to beat a dead horse. I do not care if anyone creates their own method or version of an art, but I do not care for agenda that stands to defile my beliefs. You and your crew are like converted Christian missionaries storming over Pagan Europe denouncing the "False" gods while promoting the one "True" god. All the while laying waste to to the beliefs that reared you, simply for the sake of coin.

I too believe that the foundation of Yong Chun can and should be re-examined. That it's roots discovered, but I will not manipulate, alter, commit forgery, deceive or exploit others in efforts to do so. You have the right to present your "Findings" in any manner you see fit, but I would suggest that you give proper credit without agenda and promote within your own branch exclusively. What you present, contrary to your belief, does not hold true to all branches of the art.

There is an old saying that "you will attract more flies with honey than vinegar". It seems you have taken this concept to an extreme, you have flung sh!t at the wall to see what sticks, and we all know what sh!t attracts..........FLIES! You have misunderstood the concept. The idea is to catch flies to keep the fruit from spoiling, not to attract more.

Thank you for your time. I hope you take my suggestions under consideration.

As an FYI I did reference your videos and the booklet. I can say without a shadow of doubt that what I see presented is simply a reworking of Qi Xing (7 Stars), Bagua (8 Diagrams), Wu Xing (5 Patterns), Liu He (6 Harmonies) etc. as supported by Nei Gong and Wai Gong methodology. You can argue this all you want. You will not convince me otherwise simply because everything was re-worded with modern verbiage and reconstructed formats. I actually applaud you for the work put into it, you updated the method to modern standards. It is however nothing new, aside from it's presentation. I can also testify, that as a practitioner of Trulkhor, that the exercises presented in the booklet with their descriptions is undoubtedly a version of the 6 Exercises of Naropa.
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Green Belt
Sep 26, 2014
Reaction score
Again, you like to draw conclusion based on terms.

Please get the content straight before doing that.

You can believe what you like freely as anyone. I let the wcners who is Train in six core elements and 1840 YK SLT share with the world what is it in the next few years to come.


I will go on record once again and state that I do not hold conflict with the theories presented by you, per say. I have issue with the manner in which it is all presented. I do not begrudge the likes of Jim Roselando or Sergio Iderola to make a living off the art, but I do not care for deception. I do not care for the manipulation and forgery used to achieve this deception. This has been discussed time and again by you and I and I do not care to beat a dead horse. I do not care if anyone creates their own method or version of an art, but I do not care for agenda that stands to defile my beliefs. You and your crew are like converted Christian missionaries storming over Pagan Europe denouncing the "False" gods while promoting the one "True" god. All the while laying waste to to the beliefs that reared you, simply for the sake of coin.

I too believe that the foundation of Yong Chun can and should be re-examined. That it's roots discovered, but I will not manipulate, alter, commit forgery, deceive or exploit others in efforts to do so. You have the right to present your "Findings" in any manner you see fit, but I would suggest that you give proper credit without agenda and promote within your own branch exclusively. What you present, contrary to your belief, does not hold true to all branches of the art.

There is an old saying that "you will attract more flies with honey than vinegar". It seems you have taken this concept to an extreme, you have flung sh!t at the wall to see what sticks, and we all know what sh!t attracts..........FLIES! You have misunderstood the concept. The idea is to catch flies to keep the fruit from spoiling, not to attract more.

Thank you for your time. I hope you take my suggestions under consideration.

As an FYI I did reference your videos and the booklet. I can say without a shadow of doubt that what I see presented is simply a reworking of Qi Xing (7 Stars), Bagua (8 Diagrams), Wu Xing (5 Patterns), Liu He (6 Harmonies) etc. as supported by Nei Gong and Wai Gong methodology. You can argue this all you want. You will not convince me otherwise simply because everything was re-worded with modern verbiage and reconstructed formats. I actually applaud you for the work put into it, you updated the method to modern standards. It is however nothing new, aside from it's presentation. I can also testify, that as a practitioner of Trulkhor, that the exercises presented in the booklet with their descriptions is undoubtedly a version of the 6 Exercises of Naropa.

I have seen and heard all that I care to. Please continue to promote this "6 Core Elements" idea, it only gives validation to my belief that White Crane is the mother of Yong Chun and that Tibetan Qigong, not Emei, is the engine.


Blue Belt
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score

I fail to understand why you feel the need to denounce ancient Chinese, Tibetan and Indian theories. Only to reference them, re-organize them, re-write them, attach them to "Ancestral" Yong Chun and then refer to them as "Ancient" theories but ones not related to those from which they were obviously referenced.

You cannot continue to call them "Ancient' if they are new theories developed by you, and you cannot claim that they were not "Developed" by you but are indeed ancient, yet have no references beyond those exclusively known to you.

I fail to see your logic. You are egotistic, ethnocentric, arrogant and beligerent. You respond with the same answer every time, "You don't know, you confuse, you don't understand, etc". Yet when anyone asks you to clairify and explain in detail how the methods are different so that we may clearly understand the difference, you refuse.

You refuse to prove the effectiveness of this "Miraculous" method of generation and direct people back to lectures on youtube that still don't give clairification to their questions.

When a video illustrating applications of "Snake Engine", "Force Flow", "6 Elements", "7 Bows" etc. is presented, people ask how it is any different to what they do, aside from the renaming of terminology. Your reply that it is internal and can only be felt. When asked to clarify how that is different from commonly held understanding of traditional Chinese, Tibetan and Indian theories, you repeat "You don't know, you confuse, you don't understand, etc".

IMO what you present is not "Revolutionary" as you and others call it. It is simply a marketing ploy.

New Age mumbo jumbo that only drives a wedge further into the Yong Chun family. It does nothing to unite. I don't care that you want to be different from everyone else, let your freak flag fly. Don't expect me to acknowledge what you do as legitimate Yong Chun let alone the original ancient method from which all other lines descend.


The Dark Often Prevails
Supporting Member
Apr 19, 2013
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England 43 Anno Domini

I fail to understand why you feel the need to denounce ancient Chinese, Tibetan and Indian theories. Only to reference them, re-organize them, re-write them, attach them to "Ancestral" Yong Chun and then refer to them as "Ancient" theories but ones not related to those from which they were obviously referenced.

You cannot continue to call them "Ancient' if they are new theories developed by you, and you cannot claim that they were not "Developed" by you but are indeed ancient, yet have no references beyond those exclusively known to you.

I fail to see your logic. You are egotistic, ethnocentric, arrogant and beligerent. You respond with the same answer every time, "You don't know, you confuse, you don't understand, etc". Yet when anyone asks you to clairify and explain in detail how the methods are different so that we may clearly understand the difference, you refuse.

You refuse to prove the effectiveness of this "Miraculous" method of generation and direct people back to lectures on youtube that still don't give clairification to their questions.

When a video illustrating applications of "Snake Engine", "Force Flow", "6 Elements", "7 Bows" etc. is presented, people ask how it is any different to what they do, aside from the renaming of terminology. Your reply that it is internal and can only be felt. When asked to clarify how that is different from commonly held understanding of traditional Chinese, Tibetan and Indian theories, you repeat "You don't know, you confuse, you don't understand, etc".

IMO what you present is not "Revolutionary" as you and others call it. It is simply a marketing ploy.

New Age mumbo jumbo that only drives a wedge further into the Yong Chun family. It does nothing to unite. I don't care that you want to be different from everyone else, let your freak flag fly. Don't expect me to acknowledge what you do as legitimate Yong Chun let alone the original ancient method from which all other lines descend.

He is trying to satisfy his ego by going for the rise of others. Somewhat sanctimonious, but his belief.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Who are the 'wcners in the train'?


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Exit stage left pursued by bear.
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