Should We Be Wearing Gis Or Not?

We wear a Gi when training Gi. We wear sensible shirts and shorts when training nogi.

My personal opinion in BJJ is that the Gi makes your defense more technical and nogi makes your offense more technical. Also, that it's easier to go from Gi to nogi than vice versa.
On another note, I did get an interesting message from someone, claiming that training in gi is silly because you build up too much heat in doing so.

If that's the case, then I question the quality of the gi that he were using.

I have noticed, that people who buy their own gi and bring them to the dojo, tend to go to places such as the various chain sporting goods stores, and buy the cheap, 15 dollar gi that has the thickness of a few sheets of paper. These monstrosities are horribly designed, and are made of inferior materials. The fabric can't absorb any perspiration, making it stick to your skin, and then they tear apart if you do any kind of grappling work.

A good quality gi shouldn't stick to your skin with casual perspiration. The folks who bring in their own cheap gi usually end up throwing it away or donating it, and then using the gi that came with their registration package...
Besides, my belt and patches would look mighty stupid on gym shorts and a t shirt.


My dojang lets people train in the summer with gi pants and a tshirt. They wear their belts over the t-shirt. The sight offends my sense of aesthetics to be honest, but it's a common enough practice in the Texas heat.

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