Recent Video by Alan Orr

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Senior Master
Oct 18, 2014
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Actually, it has affected me too! The multi-quote function doesn't work on my computer at work. And we are not supposed to monkey with the settings ...

What? You have a different version of the message board?

Anyone can just type the code as below, without spaces, around the quoted text. Easy.

[ quote ] insert text here [ /quote ]

I think KPM was just doing his own thing to be unique and stand out for some reason.

When you asked him to try italicizing the text he's quoting, he had to italicize his text instead.

I mean, he can do whatever makes him feel special, but it's just a little weird.


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2016
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I don't believe the functions of pummeling and chi-sau are diametrically opposed. I rather see them as distinct, and even, perhaps, complementary. Chi-sau is just a drill after all. I would think that it can profitably be trained one way for the striking range and somewhat differently as you approach the clinch. Then all kinds of wicked fun becomes possible.

Just think about how WSL-VT Sifu Wang Zhi Peng goes from VT chi-sau directly into throws (1:25-1:50 in the following clip):

I blend the two all the time, works fine ;)


Brown Belt
Aug 6, 2010
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I don't believe the functions of pummeling and chi-sau are diametrically opposed. I rather see them as distinct, and even, perhaps, complementary. Chi-sau is just a drill after all. I would think that it can profitably be trained one way for the striking range and somewhat differently as you approach the clinch. Then all kinds of wicked fun becomes possible.

Just think about how WSL-VT Sifu Wang Zhi Peng goes from VT chi-sau directly into throws (1:25-1:50 in the following clip):

This cat (assumed high ranking) and others are from WSL lineage, if chi sau is for training the elbow/structure and punch, he's wasting too much time and energy with all that chasing hand/body/leg. I guess he didn't pay enough to get some of that secret sauce. ;)

Just wondering what happened to the end goal of unattached type of fighting we been hearing about? :confused::confused::confused: Don't see any of that in the video, however I do get the throwing techniques are added on and I dig it.


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2016
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You'll probably be told that the instructor doesn't have the "real vt" skills. Jai Harman is in this clip and is a good guy, rather than patronize people about his WSL skills he puts them to the test pretty regularly (there's a few good clips out there).
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drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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You'll probably be told that the instructor doesn't have the "real vt" skills. Jai Harman is in this clip and is a good guy, rather than patronize people about his WSL skills he puts them to the test pretty regularly (there's a few good clips out there).

Not a fan of jai. He puts his chun skills to the test against beginners.

Which in my view is a cheap way to promote yourself.


Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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What? You have a different version of the message board?

Anyone can just type the code as below, without spaces, around the quoted text. Easy.

[ quote ] insert text here [ /quote ]

I think KPM was just doing his own thing to be unique and stand out for some reason.

When you asked him to try italicizing the text he's quoting, he had to italicize his text instead.

I mean, he can do whatever makes him feel special, but it's just a little weird.

:rolleyes: I'm glad you are so concerned for me LFJ! I followed Geezer's recommendation of italicizing. I didn't actually notice whether he was referring to my text or the person I was responding to's text. Does it really make that much difference to you? And for the record, the multi-quote function has never worked for me for some reason.


Green Belt
Mar 3, 2016
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The beginners observation is a common criticism of his clips. Just because he does well against some of the people doesn't necessarily mean they are out and out beginners. It's conceivable that they may have a fair amount of traditional training under their belts and just don't have the same amount of practical experience as Jai. In none of the clips I've seen does he overdo things if they are indeed beginners. Do we have any concrete evidence giving the background of his opponents to back up the beginners claim? My understanding is that most of the bouts are challenge matches and he stepped up to represent his school and Sifu. Nothing deplorable about that.

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
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This cat (assumed high ranking) and others are from WSL lineage, if chi sau is for training the elbow/structure and punch, he's wasting too much time and energy with all that chasing hand/body/leg. I guess he didn't pay enough to get some of that secret sauce. ;)

Just wondering what happened to the end goal of unattached type of fighting we been hearing about? :confused::confused::confused: Don't see any of that in the video, however I do get the throwing techniques are added on and I dig it.

You think the throwing is part of his VT?

I think a good advert for why not to train grappling via VT. Train grappling as grappling. Train VT as VT


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
:rolleyes: I'm glad you are so concerned for me LFJ! I followed Geezer's recommendation of italicizing. I didn't actually notice whether he was referring to my text or the person I was responding to's text. Does it really make that much difference to you? And for the record, the multi-quote function has never worked for me for some reason.

That's because you are backwards and don't emphasize proper elbow position when clicking the "quote" button.

As for the use of italics, they are typically used instead of quotation marks to indicate the quoted text, as well as occasionally being used for added emphasis similar to using bolded type. Yes, as Saul noted a while back, Guy B. does express himself well with the written word. It's just that sometimes he uses this skill a bit maliciously. Ask Saul. There is no dearth of examples! ;)
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guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
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I rather see them as distinct, and even, perhaps, complementary. Chi-sau is just a drill after all. I would think that it can profitably be trained one way for the striking range and somewhat differently as you approach the clinch. Then all kinds of wicked fun becomes possible.

It could be trained any number of ways, and it is. But what would be the goal of integrating chi sau and pummeling from a VT perspective?

Just think about how WSL-VT Sifu Wang Zhi Peng goes from VT chi-sau directly into throws (1:25-1:50 in the following clip):

What do you think this is developing?


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
It could be trained any number of ways, and it is. But what would be the goal of integrating chi sau and pummeling from a VT perspective? ...What do you think this is developing?

What would be the goal of integrating chi-sau at the striking range with pummeling or close-range chi-sau leading into grapples, locks and throws? Hmmmm.... perhaps the ability to sense and exploit your opponent's weaknesses, control his balance, and use punches, locks, and throws as the opportunity arises.

What is this developing? How about ti, da, shuai, na ...or in plain English, a more complete range of options for kicking butt. :D

BTW for a longer weapons range, of course there is within WC the chi kwun exercises, but for shorter weapons, I also enjoy practicing passing drills and a bit of modified hubad-lubad from my Escrima training. I say modified because I have left out certain movements that I don't feel are compatible with my WC. The stuff I do integrates very nicely at the conceptual level least in my WC lineage. :)
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Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I blend the two all the time, works fine ;)
Those are shuai jiao throwing techniques. They are not techniques specific to the Ving Tsun. The VT may set up the throw, but the throw is definitely Shuai Jiao. Shuai Jiao skills sets are good to have because the grappling fits well with the concept of striking which is to "not be on the ground." Unlike BJJ it's find to be on the ground but with striking art's it's better to remain standing and strike your opponent while they are on the ground. I'm hoping to had Shuai Jiao to my skill sets as well, even thought Jow Ga has grappling techniques, I like how Shuai Jiao works in that the goal isn't to take the fight to the ground.
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drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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The beginners observation is a common criticism of his clips. Just because he does well against some of the people doesn't necessarily mean they are out and out beginners. It's conceivable that they may have a fair amount of traditional training under their belts and just don't have the same amount of practical experience as Jai. In none of the clips I've seen does he overdo things if they are indeed beginners. Do we have any concrete evidence giving the background of his opponents to back up the beginners claim? My understanding is that most of the bouts are challenge matches and he stepped up to represent his school and Sifu. Nothing deplorable about that.

They are not real shows. They are vehicles for first time fighters. This guy Kane is his second fight after Less than a year training. The guy also took out a white belt bjj comp. Not an instructor just a goober off the street.

Kai has not participated in an actual event yet. So when Jai achieves what this guy has done in a year with no real fanfare at all. Then we can suggest Jai is the good oil.
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Green Belt
Mar 3, 2016
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They are not real shows. They are vehicles for first time fighters. This guy Kane is his second fight after Less than a year training. The guy also took out a white belt bjj comp. Not an instructor just a goober off the street.

Kai has not participated in an actual event yet. So when Jai achieves what this guy has done in a year with no real fanfare at all. Then we can suggest Jai is the good oil.

I don't understand your animosity to Jai. I don't know him, but the clips I've seen sparring/fighting at his kwoon look ok. Just because someone hasn't taken part in an mma event doesn't mean they can't fight. I love mma and it's certainly the closest approximation to real fighting (with rules) that you can get but please don't start with the "if you ain't been in the cage you can't fight" stuff. It's been done to death.


Brown Belt
Aug 6, 2010
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You think the throwing is part of his VT?

I like to give people the benefit of doubt, however it seems others are right about you ... you do have an reading and comprehension issue.

Please go back and read my post again, and pay attention to the part that I said "I do get the throwing techniques are added on".

Since he had added throwing to his VT arsenal, it becomes part of his VT ... any more question?

The better question is, why do you care if throwing is part of his VT? Be happy and continue to do what you've been doing.


Master Black Belt
Mar 14, 2010
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Admittedly I have not been following this train wreck of a thread all that close, but I have to ask..... how the heck did Wang Zhi Peng get into this
On following recent threads:
Never ask for whom the bell tolls- it tolls for thee!<g>


Senior Master
Jul 6, 2014
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I like to give people the benefit of doubt, however it seems others are right about you ... you do have an reading and comprehension issue.

Please go back and read my post again, and pay attention to the part that I said "I do get the throwing techniques are added on".

Since he had added throwing to his VT arsenal, it becomes part of his VT ... any more question?

The better question is, why do you care if throwing is part of his VT? Be happy and continue to do what you've been doing.

I think we have established on more than one occasion that Guy sometimes has problems with his reading comprehension skills! ;)

guy b.

Master Black Belt
Sep 6, 2015
Reaction score
I think we have established on more than one occasion that Guy sometimes has problems with his reading comprehension skills! ;)

I just don't read parts that appear to be repitition, insults, trolling, narcissism, talking to yourself, etc. I can't spare the time to make a meticulous archive of the sayings of KPM, sorry. I do my best, but you do generate a lot of words with a very low signal to noise ratio.

Maybe if you tighten up a bit it will be possible to converse more effectively?
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