Purple Belt in less than 1 year!!!


Master of Arts
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Las Vegas
Does Martial Talk give out belts to early? Why don't i have to test? Is Martial Talk a Mcdojo?

This is a joke my attempt at humor?

So far it has been a fun little ride here at Martial Talk.

I have made some new friends pretty cool!

Thanks To All!!!

Does Martial Talk give out belts to early? Why don't i have to test? Is Martial Talk a Mcdojo?

This is a joke my attempt at humor?

So far it has been a fun little ride here at Martial Talk.

I have made some new friends pretty cool!

Thanks To All!!!


Wait... you haven't tested yet? Wow. Bob must be really preparing something SPECIAL for you. If I were you, I'd be scared, and get practicing! ;)
Does Martial Talk give out belts to early? Why don't i have to test? Is Martial Talk a Mcdojo?

This is a joke my attempt at humor?

So far it has been a fun little ride here at Martial Talk.

I have made some new friends pretty cool!

Thanks To All!!!


Tal it has been a pleasure getting to know you, remember Bob does not charge for belt test but if you would like to make a donation to keep the place up and going become a supporting member or just donate a few dollars. Last thing at five hundred post you becaom a BB man that is a deal if I ever heard one.
Wait... you haven't tested yet? Wow. Bob must be really preparing something SPECIAL for you. If I were you, I'd be scared, and get practicing! ;)

I hope it does not require cardio. I am only good at watching TKD!
What?!?! You did not get you black belt at 6? What is wrong with you? I got my black belt in less than a year and I think I was 5. I am now 8 and I am a Master.
Bow to me, boys. ;)
Aye, Carol has achieved Sr. Grandmaster status!
I've been a black belt at running my mouth since I learned to talk. Sadly, that sort of thing doesn't get you out of as many fights as it gets you into.
My journey to black belt has been almost 3 1/2 years. But I am almost there. 5 or 6 more intelligent observations like this and I will have nailed my test.
Oh and the nice things is that I wont have to wait a year or longer after passing my test to get my belt. I will get instant gratification.

Yes, I thought about just "editing" my above message, but then I would still be stuck on 493 messages. Now I am 1 step closer to completing my journey (or does the journey just begin at black) than I was just 2 minutes ago.
Tal it has been a pleasure getting to know you, remember Bob does not charge for belt test but if you would like to make a donation to keep the place up and going become a supporting member or just donate a few dollars. Last thing at five hundred post you becaom a BB man that is a deal if I ever heard one.

Make your checks payable to the Bob Hubbard retirement fund..