Non-lethal Defenses.


White Belt
Dec 2, 2008
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I would just like to know what information people could give me as far as what you think is the most effective non-lethal defense items available. I myself run a self defense item website and want to know what oppinions people have and what would be the best item or items to have in certain situations. I would like to hear suggestions from anyone willing to give me their 2 cents.
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Every weapon can cause death.

So the idea of non lethal is nonexistant.

However there are weapons that have lower probability when used correctly(even in this form the possibility of death may occur).

So I guess a question of would a shot to the leg be more nonlethal than a taser to the heart?
Non lethal defence item? Perhaps a custard pie or a can of silly string?

Sorry couldn't resist ;) I would guess you are looking at things like kubutons or make shift weapons like keys, flashlights, mobile phones or even a rolled up magazine.

The new term is 'less lethal'. Short of fungo bats, most self defense devices do carry the potential of death or very serious injury.

Pepper Spray, wether it's foam, spray, mist, or stream, can kill those who are alergic to Oleoresin Capsicum (cayenne peppers, at least it's based on it.) Also if enough is inhaled that it displaces the oxygen, that to can kill by asphyxiation.

Stun guns run the risk of electrocution. Some people with heart problems have died as a result of being shot with them. 50,000 volts sounds bad, but it's the amperage that usually kills. Stun guns usually give only amperage in the miliamps. But again, some have died!

The newist way is supposed to be the use if high luminum lights. Some of the newist LCD and halogen models, like SureFire makes, have a very high luminum output and can temporarly blind and disorientate. Wither you run or just kick the attacker in the groin is up to you. While it's not leathal in itself, there is not documented history of these lights actually stopping attackers either!

Other such weapons as kubotas can kill if you know where to hit had have the muscle to strike them hard.

I'm sure there are other 'non-lethal' weapons, but do note, they still call the 'weapons'.

Ok so you're saying that they are a less lethal defense. If it is possible they cause death then why is it mostly only illegal to conceal them in certain states. I know that there are laws against them entirely in some states, but I seemed to get the feeling that they were not considered near as much of a threat as guns.

If an officer were to find you with one of these is that grounds as a weapon in states without laws against them?
EDIT - never mind.
Ok so you're saying that they are a less lethal defense. If it is possible they cause death then why is it mostly only illegal to conceal them in certain states. I know that there are laws against them entirely in some states, but I seemed to get the feeling that they were not considered near as much of a threat as guns.

If an officer were to find you with one of these is that grounds as a weapon in states without laws against them?

Well that brings us right back to

a custard pie or a can of silly string?
Ok so you're saying that they are a less lethal defense. If it is possible they cause death then why is it mostly only illegal to conceal them in certain states. I know that there are laws against them entirely in some states, but I seemed to get the feeling that they were not considered near as much of a threat as guns.

If an officer were to find you with one of these is that grounds as a weapon in states without laws against them?

You need to know your states laws well Priority! Well. And if you travel to any other state know their laws to.

I am not aware of what states you are talking about as for conceling them. Can you tell us which states these are?


Ok so you're saying that they are a less lethal defense. If it is possible they cause death then why is it mostly only illegal to conceal them in certain states. I know that there are laws against them entirely in some states, but I seemed to get the feeling that they were not considered near as much of a threat as guns.

If an officer were to find you with one of these is that grounds as a weapon in states without laws against them?
What items? And how could it be grounds for anything if they're not illegal?
IIRC, there are states that prohibit stun guns, tasers, OC spray and/or mace, and various impact weapons (no I'm not going to go look for specifics right now :D). As to why, the simple answer is that when it comes to self-defense and weapons laws, most lawmakers are complete idiots.

That aside, I personally believe that less-lethal tools have limited application and are of limited use outside of law-enforcement or security work...
Running away really, really fast? :)
Hello, The best training for NON Lethal Defenses?

Is learning how to talk your way out of trouble.....JUDO FU is a good book to start with.

Learning how to win friends and influence people...another good book..

Also controling you EGO and learning to be a nice person with good thoughts help too!

Staying away from problem places and areas is a smart thing too! Awareness and avoiding trouble....learn to be smart here!

The gift of fear is worth reading too!

NON lethal defense starts within one self (using the brain) training verbal correctness!

Learning what to say? worth more than another World war !

Smart words? ...better than smart techniques?

Any time you can walk away unharm and with your life...and still be safe from danger is a win-win situtions...

NON-lethal weapon is also a good pair of running shoes....make sure these are fast running shoes....

...had to trade my slow one in....wrong type!

People are more paid for their use of words...than the gun in there pants..
